Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 208 I can’t help myself when I see you

Chapter 208 I can’t help myself when I see you

Qin He staggered and almost fell.

He turned to look at her with a warning look in his eyes.

"If you miss this village, you won't have this store."

Su Ho dared to tease him so unscrupulously, mainly because he was confident.

Because in the morning he personally promised not to touch her for two days. The reason was that he used too much force last night. This was punishment.

Qin He dove into the bathroom without looking back and came out after a while.

It can be seen that he really wins with perseverance.

Su Ho was amused for a long time, teasing him under the table while picking up food for him, "Is it delicious?"

Qin He's teeth were about to break, "Su He, this is enough."

"What? A grown man's words are irreversible. Do you want to regret it?"


"If you even regret such a thing, how can I trust you in the future?"

Qin He: "..."

He really didn't expect that Su Ho would not spare any mercy when he tortured people.

"Su Ho, I went too far last night, and I admit my mistake." He said sincerely, "But when I see you, I can't help it, I just want it."

Suho: "!!!"

Su Ho's two words made Su Ho blush all of a sudden, even the tips of his ears were red.

His heartbeat could not help but accelerate a lot, and some scenes from last night flashed through his mind uncontrollably.

"Whether you want to eat or not, go out if you don't want to eat!"

Qin He was a little innocent, "You started it first."

Su Ho raised her foot to kick him, but she raised her foot a little high. Qin He deliberately rubbed her, so the kick hit between his legs.

Both of them were stunned. Su Ho was the first to react and wanted to take his foot back, but the man reached out to hold him and pulled him towards him with a little force.

Su Ho was startled, thinking that he was going to "repent", so he shouted urgently, "Qin He, how dare you!"

Qin He just felt that her feet were a little cold and wanted to cover them. He didn't expect that she would think so much.
Seeing her embarrassed look, Qin He deliberately moved his hand up her calf, "Su Ho, when will Auntie leave?"

Su Ho: "...let me go!" She raised her hand and patted his hand, then took her feet back, "Eat, or go out if you don't want to eat!"

Qin He didn't dare to make anyone anxious, so he quickly responded, "Okay, okay, eat, eat, eat."

After finishing their meal, the two of them lingered until nearly three o'clock before going out.

Go straight to the No.1 shopping mall.

Before Su Ho could decide what to buy, Qin He took her directly into the jewelry store.

As soon as I entered the door, the shopping guide greeted me warmly and asked all kinds of questions.
Su Ho had a headache after hearing this, and turned around to walk out. The man was clearly listening to the store clerk's shopping guide's explanation, but he accurately reached out and grabbed her hand and took her back, "Don't you want to buy something for Lu Yu? These are great for kids.”

Su Ho was obviously stunned when he heard this.

She just said this casually before going out, but she didn't expect that he would remember it in his heart.After taking a look at the items on the counter, Su Ho felt that they were quite suitable for children.

"is there anything you like?"

Su Ho turned around and took a closer look, and finally chose a pair of gold bracelets.

It's simple and not cumbersome, and it's quite suitable for children to wear.

But according to Xu Nuo’s character, I’d probably talk about her again.

But Su Ho couldn't think of buying anything else, so he simply bought it.

After shopping around again, Su Ho also bought a jade bracelet for Xu Nuo.

After all, for the past two years, both Xu Nuo and Lu Geng have been very concerned about her. Although there are some things that don't need to be talked about every day, they must be kept in mind.

After buying these, Su Ho was about to go outside and take a look when Qin He took him up to the second floor.

The second floor is dedicated to selling some videos of weddings or couples.

Such as diamond rings, necklaces, etc.

Most of them are one-to-one.

"what are you looking for?"

Qin He didn't say anything, and took her directly to a counter, "Let your store manager come here."

"Is it Mr. Qin? The store manager told me that he is on the way. Please wait for three to five minutes and he will be here soon."

Qin He responded and took Su He to the lounge inside with the shopping guide.

Not long after I sat down, the store manager arrived, "Mr. Qin, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I just went to deliver something to a customer. There was a traffic jam on the road, so I was delayed for a while."

"It's okay, we just arrived."

The store manager apologized again, then looked at Su Ho who was sitting aside, "Hello, Mrs. Qin."

Su Ho didn't react for a moment when he was suddenly called that.

By the time she came to her senses, the store manager had already nodded and bowed, turned around and left.

Su Ho turned to look at the person sitting next to him, "What did he call me just now?"

"What?" The man pretended to be stupid, "I asked him to get something."

"Qin He."

"What are your orders, Mrs. Qin?"

Su Ho opened his mouth and suddenly didn't know what to say.

Although the two of them were so determined, they didn't really care about their status.

She never cared about superficial things.

Just when she was about to speak, the store manager came in with a red velvet box, "Mr. Qin, this is the limited edition you ordered last time. It has been kept for you. Please take a look."

(End of this chapter)

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