Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 210 There is no place to turn around again

"I just think it's not easy for Mr. Qin. Now he has finally stabilized. This has created another younger brother."

"You are worried."

"Aren't you worried, sister?" Su Yuan looked at Su He, "Let's not talk about what kind of person the man outside is. Let's just talk about Qin Cheng. He has made a lot of progress in more than a year. I heard it two days ago. Wei Yun said that he also signed a big deal and his ability is much better than before."

"No matter how powerful he is, there is Qin He above him, and now there is another one below him. If he can't figure out how to fight for this position, he will be asking for death."

Qin Cheng worked hard to get the upper hand before, because as long as he defeated Qin He, he would be the master of the family.

But now let’s not talk about whether he has the ability to overthrow Qin He. Even if he overthrows Qin He, he still has to fight with another person. Even if he has great ability, he will not be able to overthrow Qin He again. To bring down another one.

And since there is such a rumor that Qin Jianliang intends to let someone outside take over the Qin family, then Qin Jianliang must have lost hope for Qin Cheng and has placed all his expectations on the other person. Then Qin Cheng is equivalent to falling out of favor. .

Su Yuan really couldn't understand Qin Jianliang's behavior, so he had no opinion to express, just mentioned it in front of Su He.

"Are you going back with Mr. Qin for the Chinese New Year?"

Su Ho did not answer his question, but asked him, "What are your arrangements with Wei Yun for the New Year?"

"I don't know yet. We don't have anywhere to go. If you have made arrangements with Mr. Qin, then we plan to go out for a walk."

Originally, Su Yuan planned to shamelessly come to Xiyuan to celebrate the New Year with Su Ho and the others during the Chinese New Year.

After all, they were always together in the past.

But now that something like this has happened to the Qin family, even if Qin He has no feelings for those people, he still has to go back.

Now that the relationship between the two has just stabilized, and Qin He returns to the Qin family, Su He will naturally follow him back.

"It sounds like you have nowhere to go. Are you so pathetic?"

"Don't we have nowhere to go?"

In the past, he had nowhere to go and was living on the streets before he was picked up by Soho.

As for Wei Yun, he nominally has a home, but in fact that place is just a prison for Wei Yun.

Su Ho heard what he said and looked up at him, "Have you been taking a sad path lately?"


Su Yuan replied subconsciously. After replying, he realized the meaning of Su Ho's words and explained with some embarrassment, "No, I just..."

"Okay, I'll ask Qin He what he means later. If he goes back to Qin's house, you and Wei Yun can come to Xiyuan. It just so happens that Lu Geng and Xu Nuo won't go back to celebrate the New Year this year, so it would be more lively to get together."

Su Yuan didn't ask Su He why he didn't go back to Qin's house with Qin He, and nodded in agreement.

In the study.Wei Yun recounted the progress of some recent projects to Qin He, "There are no other problems. As for the project in Chengyang, their manager is so annoying. Our person in charge has to run around for all kinds of things." One trip, and those small problems are usually solved by the project manager, who is completely nitpicking."

As he spoke, Wei Yun became a little angry, "I think they have intentions."

"What's in it for them?"

Wei Yun originally wanted not to tell Qin He, but now Qin He said smoothly, "I feel that your position in the Qin family is going to be shaken, so I want to take this opportunity to see the tree in my arms." Only big trees are stable.”

After he finished speaking, Wei Yun finally realized what he had said.

Qin He's expression did not change, "Is my position in the Qin family going to be shaken?"

Wei Yun raised his eyes and glanced at his face quickly, and asked tentatively, "Have you not heard the rumors in the company these past two days?"

"What rumor?"

Wei Yun: "...It's those things about the Qin family."

Qin He raised his eyebrows, "Can a three- or four-year-old child challenge my status? A child prodigy?"

Wei Yun looked at Qin He in shock when he heard this, "Three...three or four years old? Didn't you say you are in your 20s?"

"I thought you were very busy during this period, and I thought I would let you take annual leave after these two days. But now it seems that it is not necessary at all. After all, you still have time to gossip."

Wei Yun: "...Brother, I am a human being, not a working machine."

Qin He ignored her and stood up to walk out.

"No, I'm serious, aren't you going to do something? Now many people within the Qin family are beginning to waver again."

Qin He stopped and looked at Wei Yun, "In all these years, when have those people ever been stable? Every year when there are personnel changes, they pop up to stir up trouble. This kind of thing has happened not once or twice. You are in this whirlpool. , still don’t understand?”

Although Wei Yun has only worked with Qin He in the past two years, there is actually no difference between Wei Jia and the Qin family.

It's just that Mr. Wei has been suppressing the Wei family, so it seems to be more harmonious than the Qin family.

But in fact, the internal fighting in the Wei family was even worse than that in the Qin family.

The Wei family is prone to death at every turn.

So in comparison, the Qin family is still better. Although all kinds of trivial and annoying things continue, at least it has not reached the point where they are willing to sacrifice their lives to gain wealth.

It's not that those in the Qin family are good people, it's just that they don't have the guts to do it.

Because once they fail, they will never be able to turn around again.

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