Chapter 22 Eating together

Su Ho looked at him after hearing this, "How do you want to solve it?"

"I don't want to cause trouble for you. If you interfere in this matter, Master Qin will definitely involve you, so I..."

"Su Yuan, we don't know who is in trouble now." Wei Yun is also from the Wei family after all. The young master of the Xie family insulted Wei Yun, but even the Wei family also got insulted.

What does it mean to scold someone from the Wei family? Even if he is Mr. Wei's grandson, it is difficult to say.

When Su Ho saw that he was silent, he continued, "You go back and rest first, and let other things take their own course."

Su Yuan wanted to say something else, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them again.

"Did you give that thing to Wei Yun?"

Su Yuan shook his head, "I plan to give it after a while. Her birthday is in a month or two."

Su Ho hummed, "That's up to you, go back."

"Sister, why don't I stay with you? I'll help you if you need anything." Su Yuan always felt that Su Ho's physical condition was not good these days, and his face didn't look very good either.
"I don't have anything for you to do. If anything happens, I will naturally come to you."

Su Yuan wanted to say something stubbornly, but Ling Feng came in with documents, so he had no choice but to give up, "Okay, I'll go back first. Sister, you must call me if anything happens."

Su Ho waved his hand at him.

After Su Ho finished handling the matter, before he even had time to drink, the cell phone on the table rang.

Su Ho's eyebrows moved slightly when he saw the call.

Although there was no note on the phone call, Su Ho could probably guess who was calling.

She let the phone ring for a few times before reaching out to answer it.

When the call was connected, a rich and somewhat powerful voice came, "Assistant Su."

Su Ho responded with a polite tone, "Who are you?"

"Xie Zhong."

Hearing the name, Su Ho's tone became gentler, "Mr. Xie, do you have something to talk to Mr. Qin about? He..."

Before she could finish her words, the person on the other end of the phone interrupted her with a smile, "Assistant Su, I'm looking for you specifically, not Mr. Qin."

Su Ho pretended not to know anything and did not answer his words, waiting for him to continue.

"I just got home this morning. When I got off the plane, I heard that my kid drank some cat urine and talked freely. His mother and I are used to it. We don't know how high the sky is. So I came here to tell Assistant Su that what a bunch of idiots he was. We, the elders, shouldn’t worry about brats who haven’t grown up yet, and novices pecking each other, what do you think?”

At first glance, these words sounded like an apology, but in fact they were not sincere at all. They even had a commanding tone, ordering Suho not to get any seats because of this matter.How could Su Ho not know that the other party called her directly, just to beat her up and make her sensible.

"What did Mr. Xie say? This is because I failed to teach my brother well and made him offend Young Master Xie. I should have brought him to the door to apologize."

Xie Zhong laughed twice over there, "That's not necessary. As long as we talk about it, we can forget about it."

The other party said this first, that is, this matter will not continue, and Suho will naturally not do anything else.

After exchanging pleasantries and hanging up the phone, the matter was settled.

The people of the Xie family are still smart. Young Master Xie scolded Wei Yun, and she had no control over how the Wei family dealt with it. But Young Master Xie scolded her. The Xie family was not afraid of the Wei family, but they were afraid of Qin He.

Therefore, even if Su Yuan beat Young Master Xie, the Xie family would not dare to trouble Su Yuan head-on. After all, she was considered a member of the Qin family.

The Xie family is not stupid and there is no way they would come here to offend Qin He.

Sure enough, if you have power, you can have nothing to fear.

However, the matter was settled so hastily this time, but Su Ho knew that whether it was a member of the Xie family or Young Master Xie, if Su Yuan had any matters fall into his hands again, it would not be solved by a few words. .

Thinking of this, Su Ho sent a message to Su Yuan, reminding him in words not to be impulsive in the future.

After putting down his phone, Su Ho glanced at the time, got up and went to Qin He's office.

Recently, the Qin family was interested in acquiring a company. Normally, Su Ho would leave these matters to others, but this time there were more people involved, so Su Ho took charge of it himself.

It's probably almost all decided, but some general directions still need to be discussed with Qin He.

When the two met, they got straight to the point and talked about the acquisition.

After the conversation was over, Su Ho didn't intend to stay any longer, so he stood up and planned to leave.

Qin He raised his head and looked at her, "Let's have lunch together later?"

Hearing this, Su Ho paused and turned to look at him, somewhat puzzled.

His time now should be reserved for Mu Silan. When he suddenly said this, she felt a little flattered for a moment.

Before she could speak, Qin He had already stood up, "Let's go."

Without even giving her a chance to refuse, Su Ho had no choice but to send a message to Ling Feng, asking him not to order food for her, and left the office with Qin He.

(End of this chapter)

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