Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 224 You know who I am thinking about

It's not that Qin He blindly trusts Chi Cheng, but Chi Cheng has been responsible for Su Ho's safety these years. There are some things that he doesn't say, but Chi Cheng will take them into consideration.

When Chi Cheng was looking for this aunt, she only kept her after several repeated investigations.

Jiang Chen didn't say anything more when he saw him saying this.

The surveillance picture could not be retrieved, so Qin He ignored it and turned around and walked out, "You sit down for a while and I'll get something."

"Buy you."

Jiang Chen used to come here often, but since Su Ho moved in, he came less often.

Later, Qin He came once when he brought Mu Silan back to Xiyuan a year ago.

He just came to see the show that time.

Because he always felt that Qin He didn't have any feelings for Su He, but if he did, he could be quite ruthless towards people sometimes.

Su Ho was passionately devoted to him.

He just wanted to see how the two people had been entangled together for so many years, and now Mu Silan was involved in this relationship, how it would end.

Or maybe he wanted to see what Su Ho would do.

It was just that Su Ho was on a business trip when he came that time, which made him sure that Qin He had feelings for Su Ho.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have left the group of them and left directly after answering the phone.

He didn't even come back to eat dinner with Mu Silan.

Therefore, Jiang Chen tactfully reminded Qin He several times later so that he could discover his thoughts as early as possible.

It's still too late though.

Because Su Ho is an extremely decisive woman. Although she loves Qin He deeply, once she finds that Qin He has no thoughts about her, she will stop her losses in time and force herself out of this deep relationship. Pulled it out.

After she pulled away, Qin He fell deeply into it.

When the people came down from upstairs, Jiang Chen raised his finger and pointed at the painting hanging in the entrance hall, "Who painted this?"

Mu Silan studied design and painting, so Jiang Chen immediately felt that this painting was done by Mu Silan.

Qin He glanced in the direction of his finger and said, "Su He chose it."

When he first bought it, Qin He didn't even take a fancy to it.

Su Ho, on the other hand, would stand in front of this painting for a long time and look at it with gusto when he had nothing to do at home.

Once again, he couldn't hold it back and stood in front of the painting with her. After looking at it for a while, he didn't see any difference.

But Su Ho said that this painting is like a person's life, full of ups and downs.

Qin He couldn't appreciate it, couldn't feel what she said, and simply wasn't attached to it.

It's just a painting, let her go if she likes it.

Until later, after the painting was taken down by Su Ho, he felt that something was missing here and it was uncomfortable to look at it, so he asked Chi Cheng to take the trouble to find the painting again and hang it here.

After listening to Qin He's words, Jiang Chen nodded, "Su He does have better taste than you." Qin He looked at him without refuting.

"By the way, I answered a call from someone the day before yesterday or the day before yesterday."

When Jiang Chen said this, he glanced at Qin He's face from the corner of his eye, "Do you know who it is?"

Qin He put things in the trunk, "You don't have to say it if you don't want to, I don't really want to hear it."

Jiang Chen exclaimed, "Miss Mu Da."

Qin He's face didn't change at all. He turned around, opened the passenger door, sat in, and closed the door with a bang.

Jiang Chen stood beside the car with an innocent face, and secretly cursed himself for being arrogant.

He walked around to the side and got into the car. As he started the car, he thought, "I owe you everything you want, so let's owe it to the end."

After all, his relationship with Mu Silan is closer than Qin He's.

Because Mu Silan and he were related to each other through countless generations of relatives.

Since the call was made to him, no matter what Qin He's decision was, he had done his best to bring the message to him.

Although it may not be appropriate to mention this today, since they have been mentioned, I will simply say them all.

Qin He didn't respond after hearing this.

Jiang Chen didn't ask any more questions.

Because Qin He's attitude was already obvious.

He will not be soft on the Mu family, and he has no affection for Mu Silan.

When they arrived at the hospital, Jiang Chen didn't go up. "I'll come back another day. You can go up."

Qin He responded.After grabbing the things, he turned around and went into the hospital.

As soon as Qin He left, Jiang Chen's phone rang.

Jiang Chen had a headache when he saw the incoming call. He wanted to hang up, but after thinking about it, he answered it, "Silan."

Mu Silan's voice came from the other side of the phone, "Brother Chen, haven't you rested yet?"

Jiang Chen said in a nonchalant tone, "Why are you in a hurry? The night life has just begun, and it's still early. Isn't it already early morning over there? Why haven't you fallen asleep yet?"

"Can't sleep." Mu Silan's voice was a little hoarse, "Brother Chen, I suddenly want to come back to Zhoucheng and the time I spent with you."

Jiang Chen thought to himself, forget it.

When you come back, there will be another world war.

And what she was thinking about was not him, but Qin He.

"Okay, come back if you want to, and bring your foreign fiancé back with you so that we can meet and get to know each other." What Jiang Chen was thinking in his heart was completely different from what he was saying.

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Mu Silan was silent for a while on the other end of the phone, and then whispered, "Brother Chen, you know who I am thinking about."

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