Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 243 Do you know the feeling of being disgusted?

Lu Hao took people to the aquarium.

It's late at night and everyone is off work.

Lu Hao reluctantly called people up and opened a special project area.

That is to say, this person has a good relationship with Lu Hao. The two grew up together and have a deep relationship like brothers.

When he saw that the person Lu Peng brought was not a promise, his eyes were straightened, and he didn't care about any courtesy. He directly reached out and grabbed Lu Peng's hand and took the person aside. The boss scolded, "Fuck you, you Don’t you want to live? I fucking thought you brought your sister-in-law here, but you brought another woman? And you want to show her the stars in the middle of the night? I see you are about to star!"

Lu Peng looked at him speechlessly, "You don't know her? Don't you think she looks familiar?"

"How the hell do I know you?"

Lu Peng raised his hand and turned the person around, "Take a closer look."

The man cursed and stared at Su Ho.

After looking at it for a while, he suddenly exclaimed, "It looks familiar?"

Lu Peng took back his hand and said, "Make her happy. If you want to invest or develop projects in the future, it's just a word from her."

"I remember!"

Lu Peng looked at him, "Remember?"

"When I think about it, it scares me to death. I thought you were cheating on me!"

Lu Peng raised his hand and slapped him, "If you don't speak, no one will think you are mute. What's more, I am that kind of person?"

"I was so sleepy that I didn't recognize the person." He said and glanced in Suho's direction, "What's going on? Are you here to watch the stars in the middle of the night?"

Lu Peng frowned slightly, "She is my friend first and my patient second."

"I understand, then you go in and I'll open it for you. Just call me when you're done and I won't disturb you."

Lu Peng thanked him and said, "I'll have dinner at home another day. I promise I'll talk about you last time."

"Okay, don't forget to ask my sister-in-law to introduce me to a partner."

"Get out of here and let your girlfriend know not to hack you?"

"We don't have any girlfriends. We broke up long ago."

Lu Peng was stunned, "Did they break up again?"

"What do you mean? I'm not...forget it, you go in first, this matter is a long story, I will tell you slowly another day."

Lu Peng also knew that it was not appropriate to talk about this at this time, "Then you can go home some other time."


After the others left, Lu Hao walked towards Su Ho, "Let's go in." Su Ho followed him and walked inside, "You are treating me like a child. You'd better bring me to experience it first, so I can take care of you another day." Lu Yu is coming?"

"You're so smart."

There is a starry sky cabin in the aquarium.

The night sky above is almost exactly like the real thing.

Lu Hao was lying on the ground with his hands on his head, "Which star do you think is the brightest?"

Su Ho followed his example and lay down, looking at the starry sky above his head.

"The one on the far right."

"I also feel that the surrounding stars are a bit dim, as if to set it off."

"But they are all unique."

"The brightest one is also unique."

Hearing this, Su Ho turned his head and glanced at his face, "Have you learned how to beat around the bush with me?"

Lu Hao laughed and said in a more serious tone, "Actually, you don't have to pretend that you are calm and that nothing is wrong. Qin He has eyes and he can't not see it. He just doesn't dare to show it in front of you. He knows that you Do you really think you can deceive him?"

Su Ho changed into a comfortable position, "I didn't want to lie to him, I just didn't want to lose control in front of him."

"Two people have lived together for so many years, but they haven't seen each other before. Things like losing control can happen to everyone. You don't need to think that losing control is some kind of treason. It's not natural. It's not as exaggerated as you think. "

"I'll be afraid."

Hearing Su Ho's words, Lu Peng suddenly fell silent. It took him a while before he spoke, "Afraid?"

"Afraid of being rejected and abandoned. Only the most perfect people will not be abandoned."

Lu Hao couldn't answer this because he couldn't imagine the situation Su Ho mentioned for a while.

He had been following Su Ho's situation for so many years, and he always felt that he was very detailed. He made detailed records of every treatment and analyzed it later.

But at this moment, he felt like a quack doctor. He had not been able to fully control Su Ho's situation after so many years, and he was still at a loss when he learned about her new situation.

"I have been working hard these years. I feel that only I can solve everything and don't have to test others. Only then will I be needed and will not be abandoned easily. But then I discovered that even if some people No matter how good you are, she still doesn't like you, and she still doesn't want to have anything to do with you."

"Why do you have to be needed by others? If you work hard and make progress, you can do it for yourself. You don't have to worry about others."

"I used to think that way, and I thought that after experiencing a lot of things, I wouldn't think that way anymore, but now this idea is still deeply ingrained and has always existed."

"You take other people's opinions too seriously."

"Lu Peng, do you know the feeling of being disgusted by others?"

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