Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 246 In fact, he is quite pitiful

"It's very pitiful to see him like that tonight. I don't even know how to comfort him."

"Su Ho also said today that she wanted to see Mu Silan. You said, why don't you let her see Mu Silan first? Maybe after meeting her, the situation will be better?"

"According to her temperament, even if she goes to see Mu Silan, it may not be able to do anything. If she can beat him up, maybe she will get better after she gets angry. But the problem is Mu Silan's current situation If you can’t be beaten or moved or scolded, what’s the use?”

Xu Nuo sighed, "Then what do you think we should do now?"

Lu Peng was also at a loss, "Let's try the method I just mentioned first."

Xu Nuo nodded, "That's all we can do for now. I don't have anything to do tomorrow, so I'll be with you then."

"Okay, you go and sleep for a while, and I'll take a look again."


Su Ho didn't sleep that night and got up at dawn.

Seeing that Xu Nuo and the others were still awake, they started to prepare breakfast.

"Why didn't you call us?" Xu Nuo hugged Lu Yu down, "I said I would prepare."

Su Ho laid out his things and said, "Everyone is prepared the same way. Why don't you thank your husband for your hard work last night?"

"Just order him around. Why bother?" Xu Nuo let Lu Yu play by himself and stepped forward to help Su Ho together. "I'll do it. You sit down for a while."

"Need not."

Lu Peng didn't sleep all night last night and was yawning all the time.

Su Ho felt a little sorry when he saw it, "How about you take a rest today?"

"No, I have a patient appointment today."

Seeing what he said, Su Ho said nothing more.

After dinner, the aunt took Lu Yu and the three of them went out together.

In the morning, the obstetrics and gynecology department was already crowded with people.

After Lu Hao reported his arrival, he took Su Ho over.

Before going in, Lu Hao whispered, "Are you mentally prepared?"

Su Ho raised his hand and put on the mask, "Let's go."

In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, Xu Nuo gave Su Ho his doctor's uniform.

Xu Nuo was originally going to come with her, but her patient had an emergency, so Lu Peng came with her.

"Yang Lan on the 23rd, please go to the clinic on the [-]th."

The number was called on the radio, and Lu Hao took her to Clinic No. [-].

Because Lu Hao asked Xu Nuo to say hello in advance, they stayed in the cubicle.

"Why don't you want this child?"

The woman said calmly, "If you don't want it, no one will care about her after she is born, so it's better not to come. It's good for her."

The doctor asked some questions, "You need to make an appointment, and your family members will also need to sign for the surgery."

"I can sign it myself."

"You go for a check-up first. Only after the check-up report comes out can I determine whether you can undergo surgery. This is also risky, so we all need to be prepared."

The woman thanked her and stood up to leave.The next few that came in all had the same problem.

The doctor sighed when he saw it, and complained to the assistant when no one was around, "Young people today really take measures when they don't want it. It hurts the body in this way, and it's very unfair to the innocent child."

The assistant answered, "That's just to say, many people can't get pregnant even if they want it. It's better for them to just say no."

"Dr. Zhong, sorry, a pregnant woman is bleeding suddenly. I want you to come over."

The doctor hurriedly got up and left the consulting room.

Lu Peng took Su Ho out through another door, "How do you feel?"

Su Ho shook his head, "I can't tell."

Lu Peng didn't say anything and took her to the intensive care unit.

"Sorry, we tried our best, sorry."

As soon as I arrived at the door, I heard the doctor apologizing to the family.

As soon as the family members heard this, they burst into tears and the scene was chaotic.

The lights in the rescue room on the other side are still on, indicating that someone is still rescuing people.

Coupled with the hysterical crying family members, the place suddenly seemed lifeless and so depressing that it made people breathless.

Su Ho's expression looked calm, but Lu Hao still felt her mood changes.

He didn't ask anything and took her to the gloomiest place in the hospital.


The moment he stepped in, a chill ran through his body.

Lu Hao didn't bring anyone inside, just at the entrance.

"There are a lot of unclaimed items here, and if no one cares about them, relevant people will arrange follow-up arrangements."

"No family?"

"Some people don't want to take care of it, so they just leave it here and ignore it, and they can't be contacted." Lu Peng said hello to the people inside, then turned to look at Su Ho, "Do you want to go inside?"

"is it okay?"

Lu Hao nodded, "There is no one inside today, so you can go in."

Su Ho followed Lu Gao in.

That eerie and cold feeling instantly hit his whole body.

Lu Peng has been paying attention to Su Ho's reaction.

Just when he was about to say something, Su Ho suddenly reached out and pulled him, "Lu Peng, can I try this?"


He didn't react for a while.

Su Ho pointed to the cold bed, "Here, can I lie down for a while?"

Lu Peng was stunned for a while, "You... want to give it a try?"

Su Ho reached out and touched it, and said softly, "Before the operation, I always thought that I would not be able to get off the operating table. I never thought I would survive. Now it feels like I have gone through hell again, so I want to try the feeling of lying here. What exactly is it like?”

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