"Xiyuan, Qin He said the place is bigger there."

Xu Nuo responded, "Okay, then we will go directly to Xiyuan later."

Su Ho hung up the phone and looked at Qin He who was packing things, "Go back to Xiyuan later?"

"Okay, I'll ask Chi Cheng and Auntie to clean up first and prepare something."

Su Ho walked up to him, reached out and took out a black box from the box, "There's no need to put this in."

"Not for Su Yuan?"

Su Ho sat down on the sofa and said, "No."

Qin He didn't ask any further questions, "If there's anything else that needs to be brought out over there, take a look."

"No, just this."

When Qin He saw what she said, he took another look at the box in her hand.

Su Ho opened it and took out the thing inside, which was a watch.

"Stretch out your hand."

Qin He was stunned, "For me?"

"How about I wear a men's watch?"

Su He happened to see this watch when he was buying something for Su Yuan, and thought it would look good on Qin He.

So I bought it directly.

Qin He handed over his hand and watched her put it on for him, then leaned forward and kissed her on the lips, "Thank you."

Su Ho raised his hand and pushed the person away, "Stay away from me, I don't want to infect you."

"I'm not afraid." He said and pressed forward again.

Su Ho pushed him twice but didn't push him away, so he simply let him go.

Since they had to go back to Xiyuan later, the two of them didn't bother for too long.

Afterwards, Su Ho took a hot bath and squinted for a while while Qin He was cleaning up.

The two of them didn't go back until noon.

The aunt at home has already packed everything.

The decorations were still the same as before, as if nothing had changed.

Su Yuan and Wei Yun also came back this morning, and now they are all gathered in Xiyuan.

"Sister Su, this is for you." Wei Yun handed Su Ho a handbag, "I didn't know what you would like, so I took a guess and bought it."

Su Ho took the bag and thanked him first, "I also brought something for you, pick it up when you leave later."

"it is good."

There are more people gathered together today.

Promise Lu Peng's family of three, as well as Jiang Chen, Qin Yang, Wei Yun and Su Yuan.

Seeing so many people, Su Ho simply asked Su Yuan to call Jiang Xing over.Su Ho also called Wei Jia and Shen Qing.

Years ago, we were all busy with our own affairs and didn't get together, so we took advantage of today to get together.

A group of people made a fuss until about ten o'clock in the evening before they dispersed.

Jiang Chen and Wei Jia got together for the first time. They drank a little too much, like brothers who met each other late.

Neither of them wanted to have a cup of tea with each other, so they insisted on walking together.

Su Ho looked a little speechless, "Jiang Chen is alone, why bother others?"

Qin He had been drinking tonight. Hearing this, he raised his hand and rubbed his back, "Jiang Chen is like this after drinking too much. He will shout to go home later."

As he spoke, Qin He turned and looked aside, "Chi Cheng."

Chi Cheng responded and came over with a bowl, "What's wrong?"

Seeing that he was still eating, Qin He asked aloud, "Are you hungry? Or are you not full? Let Auntie get you some?"

Chi Cheng waved his hand, "No, I just drank some wine and my stomach feels empty, so I'll take a few bites."

"Come with Jiang Chen when you go back later. You can go back after sending him back."

Chi Cheng glanced at Jiang Chen, who was holding Wei Jia's shoulder and wouldn't let go, "He can't get away now."

"Just wait a while."

Jiang Chen does this every time after drinking. He will get tired of everyone he catches for a long time. When he doesn't want to get tired of it anymore, he will yell and go home.

Most of the people drank tonight, so Qin He asked Chi Cheng to call several surrogate drivers.

After everything was arranged and sent away, Qin He took Su Ho upstairs.

Su Ho saw that his face was a little red and said, "Go take a shower first, then go to bed afterward."

"There's no rush." ​​Qin He hugged Su He without letting go, his whole body almost pressed against her body.

Su Ho let him do what he wanted and said, "Can you ask Auntie to get you something to sober up?"

"I don't want to drink." Qin He changed his position and held him in his arms, "I thought about it, after you finish the treatment, we will settle the matter and get the certificate by the way. From now on, we will officially become We are husband and wife.”

After hearing what he said, Su Ho turned his head and glanced at his face, "Are you sure you didn't drink too much?"

"Although my drinking capacity is not as good as yours, I won't be drunk and talking nonsense tonight with just a little bit of wine. I can repeat it to you word for word tomorrow morning."

Seeing him like this, Su Ho just thought he had drunk too much and said smoothly, "Okay, let's wait until you wake up tomorrow and repeat what you said tonight."

He raised his hand and pushed the person away, "Go take a shower now?"

"If I repeat what I just said tomorrow morning, can you go with me to get the certificate first? I'm afraid you will regret it."

Su Ho said helplessly, "Okay, whatever you say will be fine."

"It's a deal." As he said that, he stretched out his finger towards Su Ho.

This was the first time Su Ho saw such a childish side of him, so he cooperated and flirted with him, "Can you take a shower now? Mr. Qin?"

"Okay Mrs. Qin."

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