Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 27 He doesn’t want her anymore!

Chapter 27 He doesn’t want her anymore!
The two looked at each other, and Su Ho had a very pale expression on his face.

The mouth was filled with the smell of blood, so strong that it made Su Ho want to vomit.

She took a deep breath silently, suppressed the smell of blood, and walked out.

Every step she took was like stepping on the tip of a knife, causing her internal organs to twist together in pain.

In Qin He's eyes, Su He left Xiyuan very stubbornly.

But only Su Ho knew how difficult it was for her to leave, or in other words, she ran away...

After leaving, Suho went to stay in the hotel.

She didn't even stay in a hotel owned by the Qin family, but found a comfortable hotel to stay at.

In the next few days, Su Ho did not contact Qin He or meet him in the company.

She didn't feel any discomfort.

The only discomfort is that it is difficult to sleep.

Because every night she would be awakened by nightmares, which had not stopped since she moved out.

In severe cases, I stay up all night.

After a long day's work, Su Ho felt that instead of her head being uncomfortable, a stone weighing a thousand kilograms was placed on her neck, weighing her down so that she couldn't breathe.

The painkillers promised last time are almost gone, and they don’t seem to have much effect after taking them.

Su Ho came out of the conference room after a meeting that day. She couldn't help but stumbled. If Ling Feng, who was following her, hadn't stretched out his hand to help her, she might have fallen directly to the ground.

"Assistant Su Te, are you okay?" Ling Feng looked at her expression and asked worriedly, "Why don't you go back and take a rest today?"

Su Ho calmed down and said, "It's okay. I may have had low blood sugar because I didn't have time to eat in the morning."

"Then I'll have someone buy you some food."

Su Ho wanted to refuse, but the sudden panic made her swallow her refusal, "Thank you."

After returning to the office, Su Ho took a glass of water and was about to take a few sips when his eyes suddenly went dark and he couldn't see anything.

I don't know why, but I suddenly felt a little panicked in my heart.

Su Ho had never felt this way before, but at this moment it almost swallowed her up.

It took a long time for the darkness in front of me to ease. After I regained my clarity, the panic still hadn't disappeared.

She drank more than half a glass of water, returned to her seat and leaned back for a while before gradually calming down.

I thought that eating something would make me feel better, but it didn't.

The cell phone on the table rang, and Su Ho answered the call.

It was a project acquired before. The management who originally took over the project resigned due to a family incident, so the matter fell on Soho. Now that all the details have been negotiated, they need to go to the next city to sign a contract.

After hanging up the phone, Su Ho raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows.

She was going on a business trip and had to go back to Xiyuan, because many things were still in Xiyuan.

After hesitating for a long time, Su Ho chose to go back in the afternoon.Because Mu Silan was in the hospital at this time, she wouldn't be able to meet him even if she went back.

But when she arrived at Xiyuan, she saw two people under the pavilion in the front yard before she entered.

The two of them were very close. Mu Silan didn't know what he said, but Qin He smiled gently.

After following Qin He for so many years, I have never seen such a gentle smile on his face.

She just stood there, looking at the two people not far away who were almost leaning against each other, without moving for a long time.

I had seen Qin He being cold, decisive, and full of anger, wanting to strangle her to death. Now I saw him smiling at another person like this, and I suddenly realized.

It turns out that in front of the person you like, you show your most gentle self.

But in front of people whom I hate and don't like, I won't show this tenderness.

She even fantasized for a while that no matter how cool Qin He was, they would always be different after spending so many years together day and night.

Even a little bit.

But looking at this scene now, those thoughts were just self-deception.

Su Ho collected his thoughts, looked away and walked through the door.

When Uncle Chen saw Su He, he felt a little sad, "Miss Su..."

"Uncle Chen." Su Ho greeted and handed over a bag of things in his hand, "I asked Xu Nuo to buy this from my friend who dragged her to the hospital. You should eat something normally and don't be so tired."

What Uncle Chen wanted to say was stuck in his throat, and his heart felt even more sour.

"You go ahead, I'll get something." After saying this, Su Ho went upstairs.

In fact, she didn't have many things in Xiyuan for so many years, so she simply packed a few things and went downstairs.

When Su Ho went down, he saw Qin He standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window in the living room. He was looking at the people outside the window with gentle and caring eyes, looking so intently.

It wasn't until she walked to the living room that the man looked away and looked over calmly.

When their eyes met, Su Ho paused in her steps. She didn't intend to say hello, but just picked up her things and was about to leave.

Qin He shouted, "Su He."

Hearing the sound, she stopped and looked up at him.

"Let's talk when you come back from your work."

Su Ho looked at the man three to five steps away from him, and a strange feeling arose spontaneously.

She saw the farewell in Qin He's eyes, and she knew that Qin He had made a decision.

He doesn't want her anymore.

After a long while, Su Ho hummed, "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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