Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 275 Mr. Qin is a role model for our generation

Su Ho looked at him with an expression like "I'm wrong, please hit me." For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

"I'm going to get busy first." Su Ho stood up to leave.

Qin He stretched out his hand to stop him, "Don't be angry, it's my fault today."

Su Ho glared at him, "It's too late."


Suho: "..."

After all, this anger failed to arise.

In the end, I worked as a free coolie for a whole morning and helped him process a lot of documents.

I happened to be with Su Yuan and Wei Yun while eating.

After dinner, Su Ho stayed in Qin He's office for a while.

Speaking of personnel changes, Su Ho immediately thought of Qin Yang, "What major is she studying, and where do you plan to put her?"

Qin He thought for a moment, "Let her follow Chi Cheng, she can learn a lot."

"Does this count as opening a back door for her?"

"Qin Yang is smart. If he develops well in the future, he will be more promising than Qin Cheng and others."

Speaking of this, Su Ho hadn't heard about the He family's affairs for a long time, so he casually asked, "Have they settled the affairs there?"

"Still frozen, one of them won't give up, and the other wants to take the position. The old man has one head and two heads."

"That's what he deserves."

Qin Jianliang has never done anything praiseworthy in his life.

He spends his whole life being a philanderer, scattering countless seeds, and in the end they are all enemies.

Fortunately, Mr. Qin had the foresight and did not hand over the Qin family to Qin Jianliang, otherwise the Qin family would have been finished long ago.

It is thanks to Qin He that the Qin family can develop like this.

Qin Jianliang is the kind of person who can't help but keeps adding trouble to you.

This time things were going crazy, Qin He didn't even give in, he just let them restrain each other to see who was more capable.

After all, Su Ho didn't have the slightest fondness for Qin Jianliang.

Just thinking about what he did to Qin He was enough to make people dislike him.

Su Ho went to see Yang Yi in the afternoon.

The two met at the same place.

"I heard that the one in your family has been in trouble recently?" Yang Yi asked jokingly after sitting down.

Su Ho smiled after hearing this, "Mr. Yang is so well-informed?"

Yang Yi screamed, "The circle in Zhoucheng is so big. Mr. Qin is a man of the hour now. Things about him spread faster than those celebrities who are exposed to the audience all day long. If something happens, no one will be affected." Do you understand?"

In fact, Su Yuan had already heard about this matter in Su Ho.

But Qin He didn't mention it, which meant that he had a way to solve it.

Who knew that Li Xin would be so difficult to deal with, refusing to accept soft or hard words, and refusing to accept oil or salt.

"It's so charming that I can't help it."

Yang Yi nodded in agreement, "Yes, Mr. Qin's charm has always been unmatched." After chatting for a while, the two got down to business.

Su Ho's brain circuit at work is always surprising and surprising.

After the chat, Yang Yi sighed, "How about I give you my position, and I will help you, willingly."

Su Ho smiled and said, "Mr. Yang is joking, I can help you."

Yang Yi waved his hand, "Instead of being humble to you, a genius like you should shine on a bigger stage. Mr. Qin's failure to keep you in Qin's family is really his loss."

"If Mr. Yang keeps praising me like this, I won't be able to find him anymore."

Yang Yi truly admired Su Ho's work ability.

Such a woman can have her own characteristics and stand alone no matter where she is at any time.

In the past, there were rumors in Zhoucheng that Su He was a dog kept by Qin He, and she would bite whomever Qin He asked her to bite.

This is too derogatory.

Putting aside Qin He, the person who can make Su Ho follow him wholeheartedly is the lucky one.

After all, it is not easy to meet someone who considers everything for him, let alone someone as versatile as Su Ho.

That is simply a blessing for three lifetimes.

Originally, Su Ho had planned to have dinner with Qin He that evening.

As a result, I was so engrossed in chatting with Yang Yi that it was already dinner time.

So he had to stay and have dinner with Yang Yi.

"Why don't you call Mr. Qin over?" Yang Yi felt a little embarrassed that he had delayed people for such an afternoon.

Su Ho looked at the time and called Qin He.

As a result, Qin He had something to deal with and couldn't come.

So in the end, only Su Ho and Yang Yi ate together.

They were not in the box during the meal, but went to the lobby downstairs.

The whole afternoon in the private room was a bit boring.

So I chose a seat by the window downstairs to get some fresh air.

And just when they were almost finished eating, Su Ho was about to pay the bill. As soon as he stood up, he met the eyes of the person walking from the side.

Su Ho didn't expect to meet Qin Jianliang and the others here.

Qin Jianliang seemed a little surprised when he saw Su Ho.

Out of politeness, Su Ho said hello first, "Mr. Qin."

Over the years, Su Ho has always called Qin Jianliang this way.

Qin Jianliang nodded lightly, his eyes falling on Yang Yi who was sitting in his seat, "Does Qin He know you are here?"

Su Ho immediately understood the meaning of his words, "He knows."

Qin Jianliang snorted coldly, "Like mother, like daughter. I really learned the essence of your mother's tricks."

Hearing this, Su He's eyebrows moved slightly, "No matter what, he is not as powerful as Mr. Qin. Mr. Qin is a role model for our generation."

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