Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 29 If you dare to come near me again, I will strangle you to death!

Chapter 29 If you dare to come near me again, I will strangle you to death!

Nanshan Cemetery was relatively far away, so Su Ho squinted for a while in the car.

After arriving at the place, Su Ho left his luggage at the cemetery guard, went to the roadside to buy flowers, and then slowly walked inside.

The two uncles in the guard room looked at Su Ho's back and sighed at the same time.

"This girl's interval is a bit short this time. Did something happen to her again?"

"Oh, who knows, I don't know how long I will have to stay this time."


Su Ho only stopped when he reached the end.

There were two photos on the two tombstones in front of her. The people in the photos were smiling at her.

Su Ho bent down and placed the two bouquets of flowers in his arms.

The tombstone on the left is engraved with the tomb of Su Yong.

The tombstone on the right is engraved with the tomb of Zuli.

Su Ho knelt down in front of the tombstone, kowtowed first, then slowly raised his head and said softly, "I'm disturbing you again, don't think I'm annoying..."

She tilted her head slightly and looked at the tombstone on the left, looked at the photo above and said, "Sister-in-law, yesterday I went to see Uncle Wang and Ruibao. They are both very good... but... they may be just like me, and they miss you very much. "

After saying that, she paused and looked at the other one, "Dad, I'm fine too, everything is fine..."

She just knelt down and whispered for a long, long time.

The more she looked at familiar faces, the more she couldn't control her emotions, and the more she missed the deceased.

She missed her loving father who held her in his hands and doted on her. There was always a smile in his eyes when he looked at her.

She also missed her sister-in-law who treated her like a treasure. Wherever she was, she would always be the first choice.

She should have been held in the palm of her hand.

But now, she has nothing.

Thinking of Zhou Wen, Su Ho's eyes became colder. As long as she could remember, she knew that Zhou Wen didn't like her, and could even be said to be disgusted.

The Su family was not wealthy back then, and neither was the Zhou family. They were all poor ordinary people.

Zhou's mother died of cancer. Within a year, Zhou's father married another woman, gave birth to a son, and then left Zhou Wen to Zhou's mother's mother, who was Zhou Wen's grandmother.

The old lady is also in poor health all year round, so the Su family usually helps the Zhou family.

At that time, Zhou Wen was in her teens, blooming like a flower, with an endless stream of suitors around her, and Su Yong was inevitably tempted.

But in Zhou Wen's eyes, she didn't like Su Yong, and neither could anyone else.

Until the eldest son of the Fu family appeared, the two fell in love at first sight.

At that time, the Fu family was ranked high in the entire continent, and those who could catch up with the Fu family would definitely enjoy endless glory and wealth.

Zhou Wen always felt that she was so lucky that she no longer had to live a miserable life with a sick old lady.

But the good times didn't last long. The eldest son of the Fu family was about to get married, and her status and background became a stumbling block for her to enter a wealthy family.She was abandoned.

Moreover, the eldest son of the Fu family was also married to a wealthy lady at that time.


Even if Zhou Wen refuses to give up, it will not help.

While she was lying in the hospital having been scolded by the other party, the eldest son of the Fu family was traveling around the world with his wife.

After the old lady found out what happened to her, she couldn't help but got sick and left directly.

Zhou Wen has experienced too many changes, falling from the position that everyone envied and falling into the dirt. How can a person who is originally proud and proud can withstand such stimulation?

So I had some mental problems at that time.

The affair between her and the eldest son of the Fu family was even more widely spread, and even the fact that she had been dating the men before was publicized to the whole city.

Now that she was abandoned by a wealthy young man, many people were poking her spine and scolding her behind her back.

Everyone who admired her in the past stayed away from her, and only Su Yong took care of her and stayed with her in obscurity.

After Zhou Wen's situation stabilized, she suddenly proposed to marry Su Yong.

Su Yong liked her, and even though he knew Zhou Wen didn't like her, he still married her.

However, after getting married, the two lived separately, each in a room. Zhou Wen repeatedly warned Su Yong not to touch her.

Because he liked it, Su Yong didn't say anything to such a request.

But one time Zhou Wen went out and came back very drunk. She pulled Su Yong and shouted the name of the eldest son of the Fu family.

And Suho only came into being due to this accident.

After learning that she was pregnant, Zhou Wen's first reaction was to go to the hospital to have an abortion.

Later, Su Yong and Su Ying begged hard, and the doctor said that if she had an abortion, it might be difficult for her to get pregnant.

Only then did Su Ho get saved.

It's just that Su Ho's birth is just a burden to Zhou Wen, and she even thinks that Su Ho is the biggest shame in her life.

So she hated Su Yong, hated Su Ho, and even hated everyone who allowed her to give birth to Su Ho!

When Su Ho grew up, he knew that his mother didn't like him and he didn't dare to get close to her. The older he got, the more he would understand the rumors outside.

She even knew that Zhou Wen would never have given birth to her if Su Yong hadn't begged her.

She began to resent Su Yong, why did he let Zhou Wen give birth to her?

If Zhou Wen had not given birth to her, then she would not have to live a life of being poked in the spine, nor would she be disgusted by her soft-spoken mother, or even shunned like a snake or scorpion.

She also tried to please Zhou Wen, but what she received in response was Zhou Wen's eyes full of disgust and a vicious warning, "If you come near me again, I will strangle you to death with my own hands!"

(End of this chapter)

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