Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 292 He finally let himself go

It's not that he doesn't trust Su Ho, it's just that he can't trust Fu Shen.

Su Ho naturally knew what he meant, "I will pay attention to it. You don't have to make too big concessions for my sake."

Some words were spoken at the last moment, and the two of them understood each other tacitly.

After what happened yesterday, the rest of the renovation went smoothly.

Su Ho would occasionally go over to check on the progress. Most of the rest of the time, Su Ho was busy cooperating with Yang Yi.

Various materials are purchased to confirm the quality of the materials.

Including the progress of the construction and the modification of the plan, Su Ho basically followed up personally, without borrowing the help of others.

As soon as Su Ho came out of the construction site that day, he received a call that he had not heard from for a long time.

Su Ho was a little surprised when he saw the caller ID.

She answered the phone immediately, "Uncle Wang."

Wang Heng's voice came over the phone, with a slight embarrassment, "Are you busy? Am I disturbing you?"

"No, I don't bother."

Wang Heng thought about his words and said softly, "Xiao Rui's grandma introduced me to a companion, and Xiao Rui didn't resent it, so I want to tell you that it would be better to have one more person to take care of Xiao Rui."

In fact, Wang Heng has not planned to look for him again for so many years because he was worried that finding someone would be bad for Wang Rui.

But this person treats Wang Rui as his own child, has good character and outlook on life, and is a suitable person.

The most important thing is that sometimes he feels that he is somewhat similar to Su Ying, so he gets interested.

Although whether he recruits people or not has little to do with Su Ho, Su Ho has nothing to do with it.

But Wang Heng felt that he still had to tell Su Ho about this matter.

Su Ho really didn't have any objections to what Wang Heng said.

In fact, she wanted to mention it when Wang Heng came to Haicheng to see her a year ago, but she swallowed it when the words reached her lips.

Because she felt she had no position.

I was also worried that Wang Heng would be angry.

Now that he has figured it out, that is naturally the best thing.

"As long as she treats you and Xiao Rui well, let me know in advance when you are going to do something. I will come with Qin He then."

Wang Heng was still a little surprised when he heard Su Ho's words, and then he quickly reacted, "Okay, okay, I'll tell you in advance when the time comes."

After finishing speaking, Wang Heng asked again, "How have you been during this time? Is your body recovering well?"

"Everything is fine, you don't have to worry."

"That's good, that's good. You and Mr. Qin will come together when the time comes."

Su Ho responded, "Okay."

Wang Heng can think about it and move forward, which is something to be happy about.Su Ho was also happy for him.

Those who leave can no longer come back, and those who are alive always have to move forward.

After hanging up the phone, Su Ho felt much better.

Suddenly she remembered that she had not been to Nanshan Cemetery for a long time.

After checking the time, Su Ho drove to Nanshan.

I bought two bouquets of flowers on the way there.

After placing the bouquet, Su Ho knelt on the ground as before and whispered a lot.

Later, Su Ying talked about Wang Heng, "Auntie, he finally let her go and moved on."

Su Ho didn't stay long this time, and left after a short while.

Back in the city, Su He originally wanted to go back to Xiyuan directly, but received a call from Xu Nuo, saying that Qinyang's fetal motility was serious and there were signs of miscarriage.

So I drove directly to the hospital.

When I arrived, my uncle, cousin, and aunt were all there, as were the two elders of the Xu family.

After Su Ho said hello, he went to find Xu Nuo.

Xu Nuo also just came out of the doctor's office where Qin Yang was examined.

Seeing Su Ho, he pulled the person away and then said, "Twins, but one is extremely unstable. If you want to stay, you have to get rid of the other one."

"Is the risk high?"

"It must be big, and Qinyang's body is a bit special, so he may not be able to save even one by then."

Xu Nuo told Su Ho truthfully what the doctor said.

After finishing speaking, he paused and said in a low voice, "Actually, I think it's better not to have this child."

Su Ho frowned slightly, "Qinyang won't be willing."

Xu Nuo sighed, "It's still a question of when Xu Hua will wake up. Now that she's like this, she really doesn't know what to do."

At this moment, Su Ho also felt that Qin Yang's emotional journey was a bit bumpy.

But God sometimes arranges things that you can’t just avoid if you want to.

No matter how you avoid some things, you have to experience them once before you can reverse the fate.

Su Ho chatted with Xu Nuo for a while before going to see Qin Yang.

Perhaps because of her pregnancy and the fact that she had been taking care of Xu Hua during this period, Qinyang looked much thinner than before, and she also had dark circles under her eyes. She was completely different from the previous glamorous little princess who was held in the palm of someone's hand and pampered. It’s different. .
Qin Yang grinned when he saw Su Ho, "Sister-in-law, why are you here? My brother is here too? I have nothing to do..."

"Is there nothing else? You're going to ruin yourself." Before she could finish her words, her cousin answered, "Look what you look like now? You want to be with Xu Hua, I We don’t object to your dad, and we don’t object even if you want to wait for him to wake up. But Yangyang, you have to take care of yourself first before you can take care of others. You can’t even take care of yourself, so what else? To take care of others?”

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