Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 314: He is a person with a family after all

Su Ho raised his eyes and took a look. Qin He stood up and moved to Su Ho's right side the moment the other party sat down.

Lin Siyan saw this and said quickly, "Why don't you have good eyesight? Your sister-in-law is here, so why don't you sit next to him? Go aside."

The woman glanced at Su Ho awkwardly, then quickly stood up and moved to Lin Siyan's side.

Lin Siyan looked at Su Ho apologetically, "Sister-in-law, I'm so sorry, they are ignorant."

Su Ho didn't have any unnecessary reaction, "It's okay."

"Tonight is Siyan's birthday. Let's sit down for a while and then go back, okay?"

After she responded to Lin Siyan's words, Qin He's voice rang in her ears.

Su Ho nodded upon hearing this.

Qin He failed to remember that today was Lin Siyan's birthday. When Jiang Chen asked him to come over in the evening, Qin He was still a little hesitant. He just thought that Su He was not at home and he had nothing to do at home alone, so he thought of coming over to talk to Jiang Chen. Sit down.

When he arrived, Jiang Chen said that today was Lin Siyan's birthday.

Qin He never remembered this, and the relationship between him and Lin Siyan was still a little distant compared to what Jiang Chen said.

So I didn’t remember any of this.

But they all knew each other after all, so even if Qin He didn't give this face to Lin Siyan, he would still give it to Jiang Chen.

The originally calm box immediately became lively due to Lin Siyan's arrival.

Su Ho had never been interested in such occasions, but he couldn't refute Lin Siyan's face.

If Su Ho doesn't drink, Qin He will have to drink two drinks.

I was a little cautious at first.

But after they all drank, they all let go.

Lin Siyan himself was a playful person, hugging him from left to right, and even arranged two people to surround Jiang Chen.

The person who just said that he was clean and self-possessed was now being hugged from left to right.

However, no one around Qin He dared to get close, only Su He was there.

"You used to like this kind of occasion, but now you don't?"

Su Ho approached him and asked in a low voice.

Qin He raised his eyebrows, "Are you going to settle old scores? Go back tonight and kneel down as a punishment?"

His words were answered somewhat smoothly, and Su Ho didn't even react for a moment.

After looking at him for several seconds, I suddenly reacted and couldn't help but laugh, "Are you going to kneel or should I kneel?"

As soon as she said these words, a warm hand came up from her waist and brought her towards him with a little force, "You first, then me." This doesn't sound unusual, but you can taste it carefully. , the taste has completely changed.

The man's alcoholic breath lingered in front of Su Ho's nose, as if she had drunk half of the glasses of wine just now, making her a little drunk.

I don't know if it was intentional or not, but the man put his arm around her waist and squeezed her twice.

Su Ho, who had no idea at first, couldn't sit still for a moment after being teased like this.

She raised her hand to hold his restless hand, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Qin He hummed and took back his hand.

As soon as Su Ho stepped out of the box, Qin He reached out and took Su Ho's bag and cell phone from the side. He stood up and said, "You guys are playing, I'll take the first step."

Seeing this, Jiang Chen also stood up, "Going back so early? Sister-in-law can't stay any longer?"

"I can't stay any longer. I have work tomorrow. You guys are just having fun. Let's meet up another day?"

Jiang Chen nodded when he heard this, "That's okay, then you take your sister-in-law back first, and we can make an appointment another day."

Seeing Qin He was about to leave, Lin Siyan also stood up and said, "Leaving now?"

Qin He raised his hand and patted his shoulder, "I have work tomorrow morning, and your sister-in-law has been busy these two days. I want to take her back to rest early. You guys can play for now, and we can make an appointment another day. "

Lin Siyan exclaimed, "Okay, let's make an appointment another day."

An occasion like tonight is actually nothing to Su He and Qin He, but Qin He doesn't really like such occasions now.

In the past, he could still make trouble together, but now Qin He has no intention of doing so.

In addition, with Su Ho by his side, he didn't want to get close to anyone else at all.

Lin Siyan and Jiang Chen insisted on sending the person to the door.

"Sorry." Qin He apologized to Lin Siyan at the door.

Lin Siyan said horribly, "What's the matter? I'll have dinner with my sister-in-law another day. It's really not appropriate for my sister-in-law to watch this occasion tonight."

They are all discerning people, how could they not see it?
Lin Siyan is not the kind of person who cares about everything. He is informal.

In the past, Qin He might have been able to adapt to situations like this and even play together, but now Qin He and them were completely different.

That is to say, Qin He and Su He haven't held a formal ceremony yet, otherwise they would be legally married and would not be able to play like this anymore.

After they left, Lin Siyan raised her hand and gave Jiang Chen a slap in the face, "If you didn't tell me earlier that your sister-in-law would be here, wouldn't it be just you and Qin He?"

Jiang Chen slapped him back, then hooked his shoulder and walked inside, "It was just the two of us originally. Qin He didn't tell me when Su He came over. I only found out when I saw him. He didn't have time. I told you that you came in with your Yingying Yanyan, do you blame me?"

Lin Siyan hissed, "You said that before, Qin He could just hug and play with us, but now that he has a family, he has completely derailed from us."

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