Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 317 Let nature take its course

Chapter 317 Let nature take its course
Qin He asked in a serious tone, "Have you thought about it?"

Before, it was Qin He who took the initiative to talk about having a child when she got better.

But now it's suddenly reversed.

It was Su He who wanted it, but Qin He was a little worried.

"Think about it, you don't have to be so nervous, just let things go naturally." Su Ho responded softly.

Qin He was silent on the phone for a long time before speaking again, "I'm just a little worried."

It seems that every time Su Ho encounters danger, the root cause is found in him.

He had to escape from the gate of hell every time. He didn't dare to think how many times Su Ho would be lucky in this life.

Su Ho felt his emotions and comforted him in a gentle voice, "This decision is one I made after careful consideration. I have considered it over and over again. You don't need to be under so much pressure, and we can make this matter smooth." It’s natural, you don’t have to pay attention to its development process.”

When Su Ho said this, Qin He's emotions faded a little.

Su Ho couldn't help but take a deep breath after hanging up the phone.

In fact, Qin He's worries were something she had been struggling with.

It’s just that God is always fair.

If you want to gain something, you have to lose something.

There is always something to give before there is anything in return.

After Su He finished the things at hand, he planned to ask Su Yuan and Wei Yun to have a meal at Xiyuan tonight. After all, they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Nowadays, Su Yuan is managing a subsidiary company, and he is also very busy. He does not seem to be able to see him at any time like before.

But before she could call Su Yuan, she received a call from Qin He.

"what happened?"

"I'll ask Chi Cheng to pick you up later. There's an auction tonight, so you can come with me."


Qin He hummed, "There is a land auction and some jewelry."

In previous events like this, Su Ho and Chi Cheng were usually present.

Qin He rarely showed his face in such scenes.

If he takes the initiative to go now, he probably has something important to do.

Su Ho didn't have anything important to do at night, so he agreed after hesitating.

Chi Cheng came at around five o'clock.

Su Ho said hello to Yang Yi and left the company with Chi Cheng.

"Is there anything important tonight?" Wen Yan Chi Cheng responded, "Mr. Qin discussed a project with Mr. Chenghui and Li some time ago, and there happened to be a piece of land that was auctioned tonight. The price was a bit over the budget. , and according to the investigation, tonight’s auction is not that simple, that piece of land is somewhat popular, and someone will definitely raise the price on purpose.”

"Where's the land?"

"The area of ​​Renmin Road that used to be used has all the surrounding facilities now up. That piece of land is now the midpoint. If we take ownership of that piece of land and renovate it in the future, the benefits will be long-lasting."

"Isn't there an office building over there?"

"Yes, but it's basically been vacated now. That means it's just a piece of land now. Someone needs to take pictures of it for renovation and construction."

Soho knows the housing prices there, and it is definitely a place that ordinary people cannot afford.

To be exaggerated, every inch of land in that place is really precious.

Nowadays, Zhoucheng has changed too much in the past two days and is developing rapidly.

The value of land is also appreciating very quickly. The house price originally was more than 1 per square meter, but now it has reached more than 3.

After listening to Chi Cheng's words, Su Ho directly grasped the key point and asked, "Who else wants that piece of land?"

"The person above, I heard, has something to do with Mr. Wei."

When Mr. Wei was mentioned, Su He frowned slightly, "Will Wei Jia be attending tonight?"

"General Manager Wei will be present, but he seems to have no idea about the land."

Wei Jia is now focused on stability and seems to have no plans for external development.

What's more, although he now sits at the head of the Wei family, there are very few people in the Wei family who obey him with all their heart.

After all, Wei Jia was able to get to his current position through a lot of crooked ways. No one in the Wei family was willing to admit Wei Jia's identity.

Ambition is something everyone has. Everyone wants to sit in a high position and is unwilling to succumb to others.

Therefore, Wei Jia has not really reached the status of Mr. Wei before.

"He won't take risks now. Has anyone from the Wei family connected with Mr. Wei's previous connections?"

Chi Cheng hummed, "We must have hooked up. Some time ago, I heard that people from the Wei family embarrassed Mr. Wei in the company, and Mr. Wei cleaned them up in front of everyone. This auction is expected to If you always want to bid, there will be people from the Wei family who will interfere with it."

Su Ho leaned on his seat and looked at the buildings passing by outside the car window, "It's not easy for Wei Jia."

Chi Cheng nodded, "Yes, it's just that these are the only tricks in a wealthy family. If you have enough ability, you can suppress it. If you don't, you can only bear these bad things."

Wei Jia's current situation is either good or bad.

To be honest, he now controls the entire Wei family.

It's agreed, but there are constraints everywhere, and you have to go through a lot of things to achieve what you want to do.

Wei Jia still has a lot to do if he wants to convince the Wei family to accept him as their new master.

(End of this chapter)

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