Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 322 Suho must belong to me

Mu Sirou raised her hand and flipped her hair, "I can lure people away, but Mr. Fu, I made it very clear before I came to you. I can do anything for you, but Suho must belong to me. "

"You can't touch her yet, you should know better."

"I know, I just said it up front to avoid any misunderstandings later."

Fu Jin responded vaguely, "Then it will be as you say."

Mu Sirou responded and then turned around and walked away.

Fu Jin stood there and watched her figure disappear from sight, then raised her hand to adjust her clothes and blended into the crowd.

Su Ho didn't expect to meet Fang Heng here, which was somewhat unexpected.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Fang Heng opened his arms towards her, "Long time no see?"

Su Mu smiled and gave him a brief hug politely, "Why didn't you say anything when you came here?"

"Don't mention it, I just arrived in a hurry." Fang Heng raised his eyebrows, "Where are you going to chat?"

Su Ho hummed and followed him to a less crowded area.

"My dad has been obsessed with some calligraphy and painting recently. I heard that there will be calligraphy and painting by Tang Sheng during his lifetime tonight. He told me to come over and take a look. If there is any, I must take a picture. I came here in a hurry."

"Mr. Tang's calligraphy and paintings are indeed precious. They have been rarely seen at auctions in recent years. There is indeed a pair tonight, but there must be many bidders."

"Mr. Tang's calligraphy and paintings are now out of print. There are so many people who like calligraphy and painting. Who wouldn't want to own a pair of Mr. Tang's calligraphy and paintings."

"It seems like you are bound to win tonight?"

Fan Fen sighed, "The old man has spoken. If I can take a picture of this calligraphy and painting for him tonight, he will not let me go on a blind date again, nor will he urge me to get married and have children. So for my freedom, I will It has to be successful.”

Having said this, Fang Heng leaned slightly closer and said, "Su Ho, you are considered the host in this city. Please tell me how I can take pictures of Mr. Tang's calligraphy and paintings tonight and take them back in exchange for my freedom." ?”

Su Ho was amused by his words, "As a host, I really have a way, but I want to say hello to someone."

"With Mr. Qin?"

Su Ho did not deny it, "The Qin family will bid for a piece of land tonight. The funds are too high. We may need to inform the organizer again."

Fang Heng reacted quickly, "You mean to film it in the name of the Qin family?"

"This method is the only foolproof method."

Fang Heng thought about it and felt it was safe, "It doesn't matter, I'll have someone transfer the money to Mr. Qin's account right now."

Su Ho stretched out his hand to hold down his hand that picked up the phone, "Don't worry yet."

"Okay, I'll follow your arrangements tonight." Su Ho was about to answer when Chi Cheng came over from the side and said, "Miss Su."

"what happened?"

Chi Cheng stepped forward and whispered a few words in Su Ho's ear.

After listening to Chi Cheng's words, Su Ho turned to look at Fang Heng, "Look around first, I'll come find you in a minute."

"Okay, you go to work first."

Su Ho said hello to Fang Heng and left with Chi Cheng.

"Mr. Li isn't here?"

"Ms. Li was always there when Mr. Qin passed by, but when a call came in the meantime, he went to answer the phone first. Then Miss Li arrived and was pestering Mr. Qin at the moment. Mr. Qin was really not good at this occasion. It’s a loss of face from Mr. Li’s side.”

Su Ho frowned slightly, "Your Mr. Qin's charm is too strong."

Chi Cheng raised his hand to touch his nose and whispered, "Who says it's not the case?"

Although his voice was low, Su Ho was not far from him, so he naturally heard it.

Su Ho didn't remember anything and followed Chi Cheng to the lounge inside.

In the magnet lounge, Li Xin was almost pressed into Qin He's arms.

"Qin He, do you want to reconsider? How am I worse than her? I'm young and beautiful, and I can do what she does. Maybe I can do better than her."

Qin He's face was a little ugly, and he tried to avoid his contact, "Miss Li, on an occasion like this tonight, for the sake of Mr. Li, I won't make you look bad, but if you..."

"Oops." Before Qin He could finish speaking, Li Xin suddenly exclaimed and pressed her whole body directly against Qin He's body, "I seem to have sprained my ankle."

There were other people beside him. Qin He politely helped him and raised his hand to call the waiter at the door. But before he could say anything, Li Xin seemed to have half expected it and directly raised his hand to hug Qin He. Arm, "Qin He, can you carry me over there and sit for a while?"

"Can't Miss Li know how to walk?"

Li Xin's words happened to fall on the ears of Su Ho who came in from the door, so he asked him a question.

The others were originally watching the show, but when they saw Su Ho coming in, they found the farce even more interesting.

During this period of time, almost everyone knew about the relationship between Qin He and Su He.

Of course, everyone knows the relationship between the two of them in the past.

Because of this hard-earned reconciliation, they were even more curious about how Qin He kept himself calm in front of a beautiful woman like Li Xin who wanted good looks and a figure. to resolve such situations.

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