Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 325 Do you think I am the culprit?

To say that they are the backers of those in the Wei family, it is better to say that those people are just using them as members of the Wei family and the descendants of Mr. Wei to establish a position for themselves that they think can bring benefits to them. ally.

But in fact, they can't do each other any favors.

It's just pretense.

Hearing what Wei Jia said, Su Ho was also a little surprised, "When did it happen?"

"You have to ask Mr. Qin about this."

When Qin He cooperated with the Wei family and helped each other, what did Qin He do that caused Mr. Wei's group to collapse and have no chance to do anything.

Su Ho frowned slightly after hearing this, "Is there anything else I don't know about?"

"There should be a lot of things you don't know, but you don't need to know those things in the past now. It doesn't mean anything if you know them."

Wei Jia looked at her as he said, "It's better to look forward than to look back."

Su Ho nodded, "I understand."

"As long as you understand, I'll go say hello over there and send the stuff to you later?"


Wei Jia stood up and took Shen Qing to leave. Su Ho stood up and said, "Wei Jia, I owe you a favor for this matter."

"Didn't you just pay it forward?"

"One yard owned by a yard."

"I've already taken advantage. I'm not a greedy person."

Su Ho knew his temper, so he said nothing more, "I'll treat you to dinner with Shen Qing another day."

"That's easy to say."

After they left, Su Ho picked up his cell phone and called Fang Heng.

The answer came quickly, "Suho?"

"We've agreed on the calligraphy and painting. He will send it to me later. You want to pick it up from me?"

"Okay." Fang Heng responded, "I'll transfer the money to you directly, or..."

"Let's talk later."

Wei Jia didn't say how much the calligraphy and painting were paid for in the end, so she had to ask Wei Jia to find out.

The auction was about to start, so most of the people in the hall had already gone to the venue inside.

Su Ho took a look at the time and planned to go in first and wait for Qin He.

As a result, as she was about to walk inside, someone called her from behind.


Su Ho turned around when he heard the sound.

Su Ho frowned slightly when she saw the person standing not far from her.

During this period, Mu Sirou seemed to be haunting her, and she could be seen everywhere.

She had met him several times during this period alone.

She could still understand Mu Sirou when she met him elsewhere.But when he met Mu Sirou at the auction, Su Ho was a little confused.

If it were before, Mu would definitely participate in the auction, bid for some things, and take advantage of the situation to get closer to other corporate families.

But now Mu's family no longer has any social status in Zhoucheng, and Mu's current economic situation makes it impossible for him to participate in such an auction.

So Mu Sirou's appearance here was very surprising.

When people came closer, Su Ho said, "Is something wrong?"

Mu Sirou stopped in front of her and said, "I have something to do and I want to talk to you alone."

"There's nothing to talk about between us."

Su Ho didn't intend to waste time with Mu Sirou here, so he planned to turn around and leave after speaking.

"Su Ho, don't you want to know why I appear here?"

"Do not want to."

"Then what if I say that I know the inside story of the land auction on Renmin Road tonight?"

Hearing this, Su Ho stopped and looked back at her.

Mu Sirou took two steps forward and brought the two of them as close as possible, "Don't you want to know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing for Qin He to take possession of this piece of land?"

"What do you mean?"

"Find a place to talk."

Su Ho stared at her for several seconds and then said softly, "Let's talk here."

Mu Sirou chuckled softly after hearing this, "What? Are you worried about what I will do to you? Su Ho, when did you become so cowardly? Besides, in my current situation, killing me is like crushing me. Death is as simple as an ant, what are you afraid of?"

"I just don't want to waste time on unnecessary people and things."

"Really? I thought you were worried about what I would do to you. Since you are not worried or afraid, why are you so guarded against me?"

"Miss Mu Er, you don't have to beat around the bush with me here. If you have anything to say, just say it. If you don't say it, I won't accompany you."

"Okay, let's stay here." Mu Sirou turned around and sat down on the sofa on the side, "Sit down, let's chat here."

Su Ho sat down again, but did not speak first, but waited for Mu Sirou to speak.

"It seems like there are quite a few people who want this land, right?"

"Can you be more direct?"

Mu Sirou smiled and said, "Why are you anxious?"

Su Ho frowned, "I just..."

"Su Ho, you are living such a prosperous life now, aren't you very satisfied?" Mu Sirou suddenly interrupted her in a deep voice, "Do you know what kind of life my sister lives every day? She has to Experiencing the pain of health, having to endure all kinds of physical pain, and even being unable to sleep all night, it can be said that life is worse than death, but you are enjoying a good life smoothly."

"so what?"

"So why is God so unfair?"

Su Ho had a calm expression on his face, "Do you think I am the culprit that caused her to be like this?"

"Is not it?"

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