Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 328 Collecting money and getting benefits

Some of the people who came to the scene tonight will definitely not vote for Qin He. They may be people from the Wei family, or they may directly vote for the person who is most likely to win the land, even if it is to prevent Qin He from getting the land. I'll also do something.

And those connections that Su Ho has established while working for the Qin family over the years can be put to use tonight.

But if Su Ho is not here tonight, what will happen even if she has many connections?

It is impossible for her private connections to vote for Qin He without any purpose.

When the Qin family loses the election and loses the qualification to bid, then the person who is most likely to be qualified to bid and can buy the land on Renmin Road, except the Wei family, no one has the ability to swallow this land alone.

So they tried their best to prevent Su Ho from attending, thinking that this would disqualify Qin He from bidding.

It's a pity that they still missed one step.

That is to say, this piece of land is indeed being watched by someone from above, but that person is on Qin He's side. Even if Mr. Wei is still alive, he cannot shake that person's status. This piece of land will eventually fall. In Qin He's hands.

Auction venue.

Qin He raised his hand and glanced at the time, then turned to ask Chi Cheng, "Where is Su He?"

"Ms. Su was on the phone outside just now. She should be in soon."

Although Chi Cheng said so, he still turned around and asked a staff member to come over, "Please go out and see if Miss Su is outside."

The identity of everyone present today was made clear by the staff.

Naturally, he knew who Miss Su Chi Cheng was talking about.


After giving the instructions, Chi Cheng said to Qin He again, "I asked the staff to take a look."

Qin He hummed, "Are you sure that all the funds from Li Jianlin have been received?"

"Everything has been verified."

Qin He nodded and said nothing more.

The host now stepped onto the auction stage and announced the start of voting time.

Everyone has a voting machine in their hand and can vote directly for the person who wants to vote.

The counter on the big screen kept soaring, with the highest number rising to nearly one hundred votes in one minute.

There is also a movie that everyone has not decided yet and they are discussing and analyzing among themselves.

In the crowd, Wei Jia looked at the highest vote and turned to look at the person sitting next to him, "Who do you think it will be?"

Shen Qing glanced at him and felt that he was humoring her.

No one can stand shoulder to shoulder with him except Qin He.

"Qin He is probably going to miss tonight."

Wei Jia voted for Qin He, put down his voting machine and said this.

Hearing this, Shen Qing turned to look at him, "What should I say?"

Wei Jia glanced around, leaned closer to Shen Qing, and said in words that only two people could hear, "Because Li Jianlin received the money and got benefits."

Shen Qing was stunned, "Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Wei Jia helplessly shrugged, "I just got the news. Even if I tell him now, it's too late." Shen Qing didn't expect that things would suddenly turn around like this.

I thought he had the inside story on this piece of land tonight, and Qin He would have to take it with his hands.

Wei Jia glanced at the time and said, "Sit here for a while, and I'll go have a few words with Qin He."

Shen Qing nodded, "Ms. Su, you can also say something."

Wei Jia hummed, got up and walked towards Qin He.

"Mr. Qin, Miss Su is not outside." As soon as Chi Cheng got the news from the staff, he came to Qin He as soon as possible.

Hearing the sound, Qin He frowned slightly, "Not outside? Have you called?"

Chi Cheng shook his head, "I'll fight."

Qin He looked at the stage and then at the time, "Go and fight."

Chi Cheng got up and went to call Su Ho.

As soon as Chi Cheng walked away, Wei Jia came over and sat down next to him.

Qin He saw Wei Jia raising his eyebrows slightly, "Is it uncomfortable to sit over there?"

"Of course it's not as comfortable as sitting in the VIP seat like you." Wei Jia adjusted to a comfortable position after sitting down, and then reached for the voting device in Qin He's hand, "Are you self-recommended?"

"Otherwise I'll vote for you?"

Wei Jia shook his head, "It's useless."

Qin He didn't answer his words, but turned his head to look at him, waiting for his next words.

"I originally wanted to recommend myself, but in the end I voted for you with my precious vote, but it was useless. My vote was not enough to help you win the land."

"My speaking has improved a lot."

"How to say?"

"You know how to tell the truth."

Wei Jia smiled and said, "If you don't want this piece of land, how much impact will it have on you?"

When Qin He heard what he said, he frowned and said, "Basically it has no impact."

"Then be more generous and let them do it."

Qin He understood the meaning of Wei Jia's words, "Okay."

After saying that, Qin He took the voting device from his hand again and voted for Wei.

As soon as the votes were cast, Chi Cheng hurriedly came over and said, "Mr. Qin, something went wrong with Li Jianlin."

Wei Jia glanced at Chi Cheng's face and said, "Your boss Qin knows."

Chi Cheng was also shocked that Li Jianlin had the guts to resort to temporary betrayal.

Qin He put down the voting machine and looked up at Chi Cheng, "Have you found Su Ho?"

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