Chapter 33 I'm So Tired
When she pulled the trigger, Su Ho didn't even blink.

Zhou Wen saw that the gun was empty, and then she took the second blow, and then the third blow...

Su Ho watched her shooting at her crazily, with a smile on his lips, and then turned to look at Chi Cheng who was standing aside.

Chi Cheng understood and stepped forward to hand a dagger to Su Ho.

Su Ho reached out to take it, and in front of Zhou Wen, stabbed the young master of the Fu family one by one.

Avoiding vital points everywhere, but the knife penetrates three points to the bone.

The screams of the eldest son of the Fu family echoed throughout the alley.

From sound to silence.

The blood all over the ground meandered and dyed the ground red.

Zhou Wen roared hysterically, watching the eldest son of the Fu family become completely silent.

She looked at Su Ho with eyes full of hatred.

Su Ho pulled out the dagger, rubbed it against the eldest son of the Fu family, then turned around and walked step by step in front of Zhou Wen, "Don't be afraid, I won't touch you."

She made a gesture on Zhou Wen's face with a dagger, "I will let you live well, live in the pain like tonight every day and night, and every time you dream back at midnight, you can dream of your favorite The people are in pain and want to live!"

After saying this, she threw the dagger in front of Zhou Wen, turned around and walked out of the alley step by step.

After the incident, Su Ho was in a coma for more than half a month. When he woke up, he seemed to have forgotten many things.

It's not like she never woke up during the coma, but when she woke up, she squatted beside the bed and stared at something in a daze.

If no one noticed she could probably sit there all day without eating or drinking.

Even if he is in a coma, he will have all kinds of weird dreams.

The dreams I have are always bloody.

The only clean thing is that she dreamed of a person coming against the light and pulling her out of the abyss.

After she completely woke up, Su He later realized that she had unknowingly developed feelings for Qin He that she shouldn't have in the past few years.

Just like a wild rose, it always thinks about what it wants to cling to so that it can grow more beautifully.

It's just that her feelings for Qin He were too paranoid, and the two of them didn't get along happily in the following time.

In fact, Su Ho knew it very well when he calmed down.

Qin He didn't treat her any differently from beginning to end.

She was his pawn and his bed partner, but she was never the person in his heart.

And it was probably because she had only Qin He by her side these years, or because Qin He was her straw when she had nowhere to turn to, that she combined all kinds of unexplainable emotions to make Qin He become her. obsession, her heart disease.

To the point of no return.

Su Ho had not thought of these past events for many years.

Now looking at these two familiar faces, I remember these old memories.

These things were like her taking a knife to cut open the wounds she had carefully guarded all these years, and feeling deeper pain again.

Her eyes focused on the two photos, and she couldn't help but doubt herself.

Now that revenge has been taken, what can be done?
Su Yong will not come back, will not buy her beautiful clothes, will not smile at her again, and will not call her "daughter" or "doctor's baby" again.Su Ying would not come back and give her preference, and she would not even have the chance to see her nephew again who had not yet had time to come to this world.

So what if she paralyzes the Fu family's son for life and puts him in jail?
She drove Zhou Wen crazy herself, so what's the use?

Suddenly, Su Ho felt that what he had done seemed meaningless.

The dead cannot be resurrected, and the living are still in great pain.

After kneeling for a long time, Su Ho lost all feeling in his legs.

The sky was as dark as ink, and the sky was filled with darkness.

When thunder sounded, Su Ho came back to his senses and prepared to get up.

But the moment she stood up, her vision went dark, and she fell straight in front of the tombstone.

She looked up at the sky and suddenly didn't want to move.

The heavy rain came suddenly, pouring down with a crash.

Su Ho seemed to feel no pain even when the raindrops hit his face.

Except for the sound of rain, Su Ho felt that the world seemed to be so quiet. She vaguely seemed to see Su Yong and Su Ying smiling at her.

"Dad...Auntie, I...I'm so tired."

In everyone's eyes, Su Ho is invulnerable.

He even felt that nothing in this world could make Su Ho fall.

She is like an iron wall.

But no one knew that she was actually so cowardly that she was so pitiful that she only dared to show her fragile side in this deserted cemetery.

Su Yuan drank too much and woke up in the afternoon.

It was raining heavily outside. He sat up and was stunned for a moment before regaining consciousness in vain.

Today is the day when Su Ho returns to Zhoucheng.

He stood up and searched around before finding his cell phone with [-]% battery left under the bed.

While charging, he called Su Ho.

It's just that after the call was made, a mechanical female voice prompted that the phone was turned off.

Su Yuan panicked and called Ling Feng instead.

Before Ling Feng could speak after receiving the call, Su Yuan asked, "Brother Feng, are you back? Is my sister with you?"

Ling Feng was stunned over there, "Aren't you here to pick me up?"

"I...I drank too much last night and just woke up."

Ling Feng's heart skipped a beat, "She...she might still be waiting for you at the airport. It's definitely not easy to walk in such a heavy rain. Go to the airport and look for her."

Su Yuan responded quickly and ran out rolling and crawling.

(End of this chapter)

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