Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 330: Really treat him as a thing

Chapter 330: Really treat him as a thing

"The Fu family has been settling down over the years, and there have been no big fluctuations. It seems that the Fu family is getting better little by little, but in fact it is still in disarray and cannot bear the heavy responsibility. If you hand over this project to them, they will suffer heavy losses. .”

This man was also an old man who followed Zhong Ling, and he was the only one who dared to say these words in front of Zhong Ling.

If it were given to anyone else, I'm afraid Zhong Ling would just let him go.

Zhong Ling thought for a few seconds and said, "Whether it can be used or not can only be known after a meeting. We cannot make a decision prematurely."

"Yes, then I can make an appointment here sometime?"

"I think it's just tonight, it's fun."

After Zhong Ling finished speaking, he stood up, "As for Wei Jia, tell him that I'm very busy tonight and don't have time to see him."

"Uncle Zhong, why would you tell such a lie? If you don't want to see me, just tell me."

As soon as Zhong Ling finished speaking, Wei Jia's voice sounded at the door, with a hint of provocation, "Uncle Zhong has made such a big deal tonight, why are you hiding your head and tail like this?"

Zhong Ling never expected that Wei Jia could be so unruly.

This lounge is for exclusive use. Under normal circumstances, no one else can enter without someone to guide you.

This is why he is here to discuss things with Li Jianlin.

"Wei Jia? How did you get in?" Zhong Ling didn't pretend to be pretentious about Wei Jia, with an obviously displeased expression plastered on his face.

Wei Jia entered the door and looked around, "He is indeed an important person. This lounge is different from ordinary people like us. It looks luxurious."

As he spoke, Wei Jia walked around again before standing in front of Zhong Ling, "Uncle Zhong, I haven't seen him for a long time. He seems much older than before."

"Wei Jia!"

Zhong Ling said in a deep voice, "Now you are becoming more and more unruly."

Wei Jia smiled and said, "The person who set the rules is dead, so why should we follow the rules?"


"Uncle Zhong is scheming here to make profits for himself, so why bother using the name of a dead person? Let those fools think that Uncle Zhong is working so hard for their own sake?" Before Zhong Ling could finish his words, Wei Jia spoke up first. Cut him off, "Or does Uncle Zhong just like to watch those fools desperate for your one or two words? Do you think they are funny?"

Zhong Ling looked a little embarrassed when the Wei family said these words, "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean, Uncle Zhong, you should know."

Wei Jia casually sat down on the sofa on one side and continued, "I'm very curious about the piece of land on Renmin Road that you tried every possible means to snatch away from Qin He. Is Uncle Zhong going to give it to those idiots directly, or does he want it?" To make profits for yourself?" Wei Jia, the human next to Zhong Ling, was so impolite and rude. He was about to step forward to give a lecture, but Zhong Ling raised his hand to stop him.

"You want it too?"

Wei Jia waved his hand, "To be honest, I really don't like that piece of land."

Zhong Ling's face changed slightly, "The tone is quite serious."

Wei Jia smiled, then leaned forward and leaned in front of Zhong Ling, "Uncle Zhong, I am interested in the real estate in the south capital of the city that you obtained from someone else some time ago. Why don't we talk about how much Uncle Zhong wants? Can you give me the money to give up that building?"

As soon as these words came out, the expression on Zhong Ling's face turned completely cold, and when he looked at Wei Jia, he wanted to cut him into pieces.

When Wei Jia met his cold eyes, he didn't mean to give in at all, and asked with a smile, "How about it? I will definitely not let Uncle Zhong suffer in terms of price, so just make a price."

Zhong Ling was filled with anger and curses were on his lips, but in the end he was suppressed by reason. He looked at Wei Jia and asked in a deep voice, "How do you know?"

"Uncle Zhong, don't worry about how I knew it. I just fell in love with that building. Uncle Zhong will think about it. Let's share the pie together. I will never let Uncle Zhong suffer."

Zhong Ling stared at Wei Jia for a long time, "I have no intention of sharing it with anyone."

Wei Jia was not surprised when he heard this, and just nodded calmly, "Okay, since Uncle Zhong doesn't want to, then I can't force others to do anything."

As he spoke, he raised his hand to straighten his clothes, "But Uncle Zhong has to hold the things in his hands tightly. Maybe those things will no longer be with you in the next moment."

Zhong Ling was not afraid of Wei Jia's threats and even issued an eviction order directly, "Do you have anything else to do?"

"No, I came here to discuss a deal with Uncle Zhong, but Uncle Zhong didn't want to, so I naturally won't disturb Uncle Zhong."

After saying that, Wei Jia stood up. When he walked out, he paused again and turned back to look at Zhong Ling. "Uncle Zhong, there are some things that don't belong to you. Holding them in your hands will bring you a lot." It’s troublesome, so this junior advised Uncle Zhong that since it’s not his property, he should let go appropriately and let them return the property to their original owners, otherwise it will be counterproductive and cause Uncle Zhong huge losses.”

Zhong Ling looked at Wei Jia, "Thanks for the reminder."

"This is what juniors should do."

Wei Jia was very good at being polite.

"Damn things!"

As soon as Wei Jia walked away, Zhong Ling knocked over the water glass in his hand, "You really think he is a thing, a despicable thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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