Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 339 The Thorn That Can't Be Pulled Out

Mu Silan was like a thorn to Su Ho at any time, a thorn that could not be pulled out.

Even though he knew very well that even if Qin He was with her, nothing would happen to him, but he still couldn't control the uneasiness in his heart.

Suddenly panicked.

He could reach the phone by raising his hand, but Su Ho didn't have the courage to touch it for a long time.

It wasn't until the cell phone rang suddenly that Su Ho came back to his senses.

When she saw the caller ID, she was even a little afraid to answer it.

The phone rang over and over again, and Su Ho raised his hand to pick up the phone and answered the call.

"Why did it take you so long to answer the phone?"

Su Ho could hear the noise coming from over there.

"Are you outside?" Su Ho didn't respond to his words, but just asked.

In fact, Su Ho felt a little regretful when he asked this question.

But the words had already left her mouth, and she couldn't take them back. She couldn't help but feel a little unsteady in her breathing, as if she had done many inappropriate things, and she even felt guilty, as if she was the one who had done something wrong.

Qin He's tone on the phone was as usual, "The old man called me just now and asked me to go back. I was about to go back to my old house and encountered something on the way."

Upon hearing this, Su Ho's first reaction was that something had happened to him, and his tone suddenly became tense, "What's wrong? Are you injured?"

Hearing her nervous tone, Qin He said in a row, "Don't worry, I'm fine, I just accidentally bumped into someone."

Suddenly, Su Ho seemed to realize something. He went through what Wei Jia had just said in his mind. The indescribable displeasure dissipated in an instant, "Is that person okay? Do you want me to come over?"

"No, it's almost taken care of. I'll ask Chi Cheng to pick me up."

Su Ho hummed, "As long as everything is okay, if it's over here, can I pick you up?"

"Okay, I'll call you then. If it's too late, just go back first and I'll ask the driver to deliver it later."

"it is good."

When Wei Jia and the others came in, Su Ho happened to hang up the phone on Qin He.

"Let me introduce you. This is Wen Xin." Wei Jia introduced Su Ho as soon as he entered.

Su Ho stood up and stretched out his hand towards Wen Xin, "Hello, I'm Su Ho."

"Hello, Sister Su. Brother Jia praised you to the sky in front of me. When I met Sister Su today, it was just like Brother Jia said." Wen Xin is a talkative person.

If I hadn't experienced something like this, I wouldn't have been able to describe it when we first met.

It can only show that Wen Wen is also a smooth person.After exchanging compliments and greetings, they sat down.

Wei Jia briefly talked about Wenxin’s personal journey.

Wenxin joined a design company after graduating from college, but the company was not very prosperous. Even though Wenxin was very talented in design, if the company was not good, it could not be supported by Wenxin alone.

Later, after I left my job, I found another company, and the result was even more unsatisfactory.

She simply went abroad for further study and learned a lot of cutting-edge design concepts. Now when she returned to China, she originally wanted to open a small studio of her own, but the manpower, material and financial resources required were not what she could afford.

That's why I found Wei Jia through the help of relatives and friends.

In fact, Wen Xin was still a little embarrassed to ask Wei Jia to help, but now that Wei Jia's identity was there, he would definitely be able to point her to a clear path.

That's why Wenxin expressed his thoughts after meeting Wei Jia.

She had no intention of joining the Wei family's company, she just hoped that Wei Jia could introduce a company he knew about, and she could fight for the rest on her own.

In other words, Wei Jia only played a matchmaking role.

Whether Su Ho sees warmth or not is another matter.

Wen Wen is also a talkative person. Almost all the questions asked by Su Ho are answered accurately and every sentence is on point.

Such a person happens to be what Su Ho likes and the person she wants to work with most.

Before, she had always felt that except for Chi Cheng and Ling Feng who could keep up with her work, there were very few people who could keep up with her pace, and there were always some obstacles in getting things done.

But after negotiating with Wenxin, Su Ho felt that Wenxin was a good helper and there would be no hindrance in the design aspect in the future.

In the end, Wei Jia couldn't say anything at all and seemed completely redundant.

"No, I'm such a big person sitting here, can you just take a look at me?" Wei Jia felt a little "unbearable" being left alone, and he expressed his injustice for himself.

Su Ho turned the table and said, "This dish tastes good. Try it and eat more. Don't waste it."

Wei Jia: "..."

"Brother Jia, do you have anything else to do? If you want, you can go and do it first. I can just talk to Sister Su here." Wenxin even issued an eviction order directly.

Wei Jia looked at the two of them with heartache and said, "You guys just want to cross the river and tear down the bridge, unload the mill and kill the donkey. It's so inhumane."

After saying that, Wei Jia stood up and said, "Okay, I'll go. Isn't it okay if I go?"

Su Ho suppressed a smile, "Is Shen Qing finished with your work? Are you going to pick her up?"

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