In fact, Qin He could probably guess the reason why Qin Jianliang came to him and other elders tonight.

It was nothing more than speaking for Qin Cheng and wanting Qin Wei to recognize his ancestor and return to his clan.

The former was within Qin He's ability when the time came, but the latter actually wanted to be recognized by Qin Jianliang, and he wanted to take him home without Qin He's consent.

But Qin Jianliang also knew in his heart that if he took the person back by force without Qin He's consent and allowed Qin Wei to recognize his ancestor and return to the clan, there would be no Qin Wei in the Qin family's belongings in the future.

But if Qin He admits it and Qin Wei returns to the Qin family, some of the Qin family's things will be given to Qin Wei in the future. This is the most reasonable thing.

That's why Qin Jianliang waited patiently for Qin He to nod.

Even now he has taken people home.

Although Wang Yun was very resistant, she didn't have the ability to drive people out directly.

Nowadays, Qin Cheng is like a piece of mud that cannot hold up the wall, and Qin Wei is in the period of Qin Jianliang's favor. No matter how reluctant Wang Yun is, she does not dare to do anything to Qin Wei's mother and son easily.

What's more, Qin Cheng is also in bad shape and the matter has not yet been resolved.

Originally, Qin Cheng still had some backers, but now that he and Dong Ning are so quarrelsome, the original value has been lost.

Once Qin Cheng and Dong Ning are completely divorced, the status of Qin Cheng, Wang Yun and his son in the Qin family will be far inferior to Qin Wei's mother and son.

In addition, Zhou Wan is now in her prime and blowing pillow wind in Qin Jianliang's ears. By then, Wang Yun and her son will no longer have any status in the Qin family.

Seeing that he had no patience, Qin Jianliang said straight to the point, "I want Qin Wei to officially recognize his ancestor and return to the clan. After all, he is a bloodline of the Qin family, so he must recognize his ancestor."

Qin He glanced at him and said, "Aunt Wang is willing to give up the throne?"

Speaking of Wang Yun, Qin Jianliang frowned slightly, "What does this have to do with her? This is our Qin family's business."

"What? When did you divorce Aunt Wang? I remember that Aunt Wang was also married by your Ming Media, and she was your legal wife."

Qin Jianliang's expression changed when Qin He said this, "We are talking about Qin Wei now, why are you always trying to break her up?"

"I'm just asking, if you want to recognize Qin Wei, you have to get Aunt Wang's consent. If Aunt Wang agrees, then I have nothing to say."

"As long as she agrees, you won't interfere? Are you going to admit it?"

"As you said, Qin Wei is a bloodline of the Qin family, so he won't be left wandering outside forever."

When Qin Jianliang saw what he said, hope instantly ignited in his heart, "Then I will announce Qin Wei's identity another day."

Qin He hummed, "It's up to you."

"As for Qin Cheng's matter, if you can help, please do so. After all, they are all my brothers." Qin He laughed softly after hearing Qin Jianliang's words.

Qin Jianliang was stunned by his smile and turned to look at him, "Why are you laughing?"

"You are interesting. When I need help, why don't you let my so-called brothers help me? Now they all want my help? Where does this come from? "

Qin He's face turned cold, "I can stay here for so long tonight, except for the superficial blood relationship between you and me, I just do it for the sake of my grandfather and uncle. You really don't care at all." You’re welcome.”

A flash of embarrassment flashed across Qin Jianliang's face, and he coughed lightly, "These things are just things you do conveniently, you..."

"I see."

Qin He lost his patience and stood up, "Su He came to pick me up. I'm going back first. I can't interfere in the affairs of Qin Cheng and the Dong family. If he wants to repent in the future, his original position will remain unchanged. But if things get worse, then the Qin family will definitely not be able to tolerate him, even if he is also a bloodline of the Qin family."


"If grandpa were still here, Qin Cheng would have been expelled from the company long ago. You should know this."

What Qin Jianliang wanted to say was blocked again by Qin He.

"As long as you let Aunt Wang nod regarding Qin Wei's matter, I have no objection."

After saying that, Qin He didn't stay any longer and walked aside.

Uncle Tang and the others hadn't left yet. When they saw Qin He coming out, they waved to him.

Qin He walked over and sat down next to his uncle, "Isn't the dinner delicious tonight?"


"That's fine. If you don't want to do some things, then we won't do them. Don't worry too much. If you are restrained once, you will be restrained next time. Just follow your hospital. If others are unhappy, that is other people's business. Just be happy."

Qin He nodded, "Yes, my uncle is right."

The uncle raised his hand and patted his shoulder, "We who are here tonight are just for your grandfather's sake. Otherwise, we would have nothing to say to him. We would waste time and feelings without talking about anything." .”

The few elders who can come tonight are all on Qin He's side.

When Qin Jianliang treated Qin He harshly before, they all protected Qin He.

Qin Jianliang had good dealings with these people before, after all, they were not on the same side as him.

The purpose of inviting people here now is to use these people to keep Qin He, so that he can have the opportunity to tell Qin He what he wants to say. Now the goal has been achieved.

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