Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 343 Only dead people listen the most

Qin He felt that Wang Yun was a person who knew how to do things and talk well, but what he said tonight was the kind that made Qin He unable to bear it.

But then I thought about it, Wang Yun said these things tonight incoherently and even out of proportion, just because of the confusion about Qin Cheng's matter and Qin Wei's mother and son's intention to enter the Qin family.

In the past, Wang Yun might have been disgusting, but now Wang Yun is very much like Xia Luo, who had no choice but to rely on.

Qin He felt a little pity when he looked at the woman in front of him who he once hated so much.

But it was just pity, and he was not so compassionate that he actually helped Wang Yun solve anything.

These are all her retributions now. She can only accept the retribution given by God.

"If grandpa has a soul in heaven, he will definitely understand me."

After Qin He said these words, he turned and left.

Wang Yun looked at Qin He's leaving figure, hesitated for a moment and then raised her feet to catch up.

"You are so naive. Do you really think he will help you if you ask him? Have you forgotten how you forced his mother back then? Now that you are in such a situation, it is your retribution for him. "

A mocking voice sounded from behind.

When Wang Yun heard this, she turned around and looked over.

When she saw Zhou Wan standing behind her at some point, the expression on her face changed slightly, "What does it have to do with you?"

Zhou Wan took two steps forward and looked Wang Yun up and down, "Sister, you really look like a resentful woman like this now. Jianliang feels sick when he sees you now. You said you are still in the mood to take care of your son?" It's better to clean up yourself first and try to retain Jianliang with your old-fashioned appearance. After all, no matter what happens to your son, he is a descendant of the Qin family, and no matter how bad the ending is, it won't matter. How bad will it be?"

Then she paused and said, "Sister, you are in danger. If Jianliang doesn't want you, then you will be alone in the future with no one to rely on. How miserable that would be."

Wang Yun was originally a good-tempered person, how could she endure such provocation and ridicule from Zhou Wan.

He immediately raised his hand and slapped Zhou Wan, "Do you really think of yourself as a thing? The methods you used were all the ones I used back then. Do you really think you can get into the Qin family? As long as I If you don't die, you will be a shameless and despicable thing after all!"

If Zhou Wan has the ability to make Qin Jianliang obey her during this period, she is naturally not a good person.

After being slapped by Wang Yun, she was stunned for a moment and immediately raised her hand to return it.

After even returning the slap, he gave Wang Yun another slap with his backhand, "Dirty thing? We don't know who is more despicable between the two of us? I'm much better than you. At least I can do whatever I want. You are aboveboard, but you, sister, have done so many scandalous things behind your back. If Jianliang and Qin He knew about it, would you and your son still have a foothold in the Qin family?" Zhou Wan said with a smile, "Let's not talk about Qin He. If Jianliang knows about it, how many more days do you think you, Mrs. Qin, can hold your position?"

Zhou Wan's words were like pinching Wang Yun's neck so hard that she couldn't say a word.

In this fight, Zhou Wan obviously had the upper hand, "But sister, there is no need to be nervous or afraid. As long as you don't target me and my son, I can naturally tolerate serving a husband with my sister."

Wang Yun never expected that Zhou Wan would be so kind to such a point where there was no bottom line.

She looked at Zhou Wan angrily, wishing she could stab her to death.

But now she didn't have a knife in her hand.

Zhou Wan raised her hand and brushed her hair, "Jianliang said that he would accompany me tonight. If my sister is not in good health, it is better to go back to the room to rest early. If you have nothing to do at night, don't come out. If you hear some noises, your sister may be in bad health for a while. My son can’t get better either.”

" are so shameless"

"Shameless? Does sister know what shame is? When you seduced Jianliang, did sister have any sense of shame?"

Zhou Wan's words left Wang Yun speechless.

"By the way, I haven't congratulated sister yet. I heard that Qin Cheng is getting divorced? That's a good thing."

"Zhou Wan!"

"What? Is what I said wrong?" Zhou Wan looked at her, "Sister, haven't you heard this sentence? Marriage is for happiness, and divorce is also for Qin Cheng to find his own happiness. Isn't it worthy of congratulations? matter?"

What Zhou Wan said made Wang Yun even more speechless.

Zhou Wan didn't give her a chance to speak, she chuckled and turned around to leave.
Wang Yun stood there and looked at Zhou Wan's back as she twisted her waist to leave. The hand hanging by her side tightened suddenly, and a crazy idea suddenly emerged.

Only dead people are the most obedient!

Wang Yun came back to her senses when a familiar voice sounded in her ears. She turned to look at Qin Cheng standing next to her and frowned slightly, "Dong Ning's attitude is still very firm?"

Qin Cheng was exhausted physically and mentally these past two days and nodded, "I am determined to leave."

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