Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 345 Should I humiliate myself?

Qin He bent over and sat in, raised his hands to fasten his seat belt, and while driving the car, he answered, "And Qin Wei."

"There should be no room for change in Qin Cheng's matter. As for Qin Wei's matter, what do you think?"

"I don't have any objections. As long as Wang Yun nods, they can do whatever they want."

Su Ho leaned on the seat and looked sideways at the reflector. At this moment, Qin Cheng happened to come out of it.

Su Ho was about to look away, but he looked over again.

"Qin Cheng is here tonight?"

Qin He hummed, "Come back and ask the old man to show up at Dong's house. I want to suppress the matter between you and Dong Ning."

"No more." Su Ho raised his hand and fastened his seat belt, "Qin He, turn around and go back."

Upon hearing this, Qin He turned to look at her in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"Qin Wei was taken away by Qin Cheng."

Upon hearing this, Qin He also looked sideways at the reflector.

But he only vaguely saw Qin Cheng's car driving away in another direction.

Qin He turned around and turned around while the car was still on the spot.

Su Ho looked at the car in front of him, turned to look at him and asked, "Do you need to call me?"

"Need not."

Qin He still knew what kind of person Qin Cheng was.

He should have made two preparations.

If Qin Jianliang is unwilling to go to the Dong family to intercede in person, Qin Cheng will definitely use Qin Wei as a threat to threaten Qin Jianliang to go to the Dong family.

Another is that if the Dong family really has no way out, Qin Cheng will probably use Qin Wei to threaten Qin Jianliang and transfer all the shares owned by Mu Qian to him, and then force Qin Jianliang to transfer Zhou Wan's mother and son to him. Drive out the Qin family.

Therefore, Qin Cheng will not harm Qin Wei easily before his goal is achieved.

Seeing what he said, Su Ho didn't say anything more.

The car was heading north of the city.

The north of the city is relatively far from the Qin family's old residence, and it takes four and ten minutes without traffic jams.

Qin He's car has been following Qin Cheng's car leisurely. He didn't seem to notice it at all. The speed of the car was not fast and it was driving at a normal speed.

At that time, the Qin family.

Wang Yun returned to the room and tidied herself up briefly. She even put on light makeup to cover her sickly face, and wore a very formal dress and went to the living room.

At this time, most people have almost left, and the aunt at home is packing things. ,

Qin Jianliang sat on the sofa, with Zhou Wan sitting next to him.

He was talking on the phone with his mobile phone in one hand, and put his arm around Zhou Wan's shoulder with the other, looking very affectionate.If Wang Yun had seen such a scene before, she would have rushed up to make a fuss.

But at this time, Wang Yun didn't have any trouble in her heart, but the hand hidden in the sleeve tightened, and the joints of the hand holding the handle of the knife turned white.


It was the aunt who noticed Wang Yun first and said hello.

Although Wang Yun usually doesn't have a good attitude towards her aunts and others, she has not deliberately felt sorry for them in recent years. Sometimes she would be very humane and give them some benefits, and even let them take a few days of paid rest.

So Auntie and the others are still very respectful towards Wang Yun.

Hearing her aunt's voice, Zhou Wan raised her eyes and looked over.

When she saw that Wang Yun was different from before, Zhou Wan raised her lips and smiled.

But that smile was more or less sarcastic.

Wang Yun could see the expression on her face, but she didn't show any strange emotion.

She walked to the center of the living room and looked around, "Have all the guests left?"

This was what Wang Yun asked her aunt.

Auntie nodded, "Sent them all away."

Wang Yun hummed, raised her hand and waved, "I've been busy all night today, so you should go and have a rest early. We'll deal with this tomorrow."

The aunt glanced at the half-empty restaurant and looked at Wang Yun with some embarrassment, "Madam, it will be soon..."

"Go and rest."

Wang Yun didn't give her aunt a chance to finish her sentence and interrupted her in a deep voice.

The aunt's words were stuck between her lips and teeth. She glanced at Wang Yun's face and didn't dare to say anything when she saw that something was not right about her. She nodded and turned around to leave.

After everyone had left, only Wang Yun, Qin Jianliang and Zhou Wan were left in the living room.

Wang Yun didn't rush to say anything, but sat down on the sofa opposite the two of them.

Qin Jianliang glanced at Wang Yun's face while answering the phone, but there was no unnecessary expression.

It was almost three to five minutes before Qin Jianliang hung up the phone, put away the phone and looked at Wang Yun, "Are you going out so late?"

"I don't have much to do, so why are I going out so late?" Wang Yun asked lightly, then looked at Qin Jianliang and asked directly, "Have you called the Dong family?"

Hearing this, Qin Jianliang frowned, "They've all been caught. Am I humiliating myself by calling him?"

Wang Yun was not angry because of his words, and even smiled, "Indeed, like father, like son. He really imitated you perfectly."

Wang Yun's words were full of irony, which made Qin Jianliang frown in displeasure, "What exactly do you want to say?"

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