"Aren't you over there? If Xu Ye passes by, it will reduce the workload for Mr. Yang, but it will increase or decrease the trouble for Mr. Qin."

Su Ho didn't react at first, but it took a while for Su Ho to react, and answered with a smile, "I won't work there at the end of the month. I only go there when I have projects or meetings. The rest of the time, I'm designing. The company’s side won’t always be there.”

Hearing this, Xu Nuo said, "That's okay. I'll tell him later. If he knew you were there, he would definitely agree without hesitation."

"You can't make a decision so decisively. He can shop around and look at other companies. What I'm telling you is to add another option to his choices."

Xu Nuo nodded, "I understand what you mean, I will explain it to him in detail."

Su Ho felt relieved after hearing what she said.

After eating, Su Ho went to find Lu Hao.

When she went there, Lu Peng happened to be communicating with another patient about follow-up treatment.

Seeing her coming in, he pointed to the treatment room inside and said, "Wait a moment."

Su Ho nodded, motioned for him to go ahead and entered the treatment room.

I have been to Soho here countless times, so I am familiar with it.

She lay down on the recliner and looked at her phone for a while. She felt sleepy without realizing it. By the time Lu Peng came in at the end, Su Ho had already fallen asleep on the recliner.

When Lu Peng saw this, he didn't dare to make a sound to wake anyone up. He gently took a blanket and covered her body and turned around and went out.

Su Ho slept quite deeply this time. If Qin He hadn't called him in the middle of the night, Su Ho would have been able to sleep until Lu Peng got off work.

"I accidentally fell asleep. It hasn't started yet," Su Ho sat up from the recliner and took a look at the time. "You don't have to come to pick me up. I'll go home directly after I finish here."

On the phone, Qin He was already here, "I'll be there in a few minutes."

After hearing what he said, Su Ho said nothing more, "Okay, then I'll go talk to Lu Peng first. When you come, wait for me in his office."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Su Ho got up and went out to find Lu Peng.

"Are you awake? I was still thinking that you would sleep until I get off work and let me turn on the stove for you alone."

"You have this plan." Su Ho stood at the door of the treatment room, "Come now?"

Lu Hao stood up and said, "Come on."

This treatment was the most relaxing one that Lu Hao had ever experienced in Soho.

It was like a thousand pounds of weight had been lifted off his body, and now Suho felt light.

After waiting, Lu Peng handed her a glass of water, "How do you feel?"

"Fortunately, it's easier than before."

Lu Hao nodded, "I've felt it too. You've been quite stable recently."

After saying this, Lu Hao paused and said, "Have you had any dreams recently?"

Su Ho thought about it carefully, "It seems like I haven't had a dream for a long time."

"Keep the mentality you have been having recently. You don't have to come here every week in the future. Just take time to come and talk to me once a month."

Su Ho originally wanted to ask, "Wouldn't it be necessary in the future?"
But when the words reached his lips, he swallowed them again, "Okay." After saying that, Su Ho stood up and sat up, "Qin He called just now and said he was coming over. I'll go find him first."

"Been here for a while, outside."

Lu Hao also followed her out of the treatment room.

Qin He stood up when he saw Su He coming out, "How is it?"


Qin He looked at Su Ho after hearing what Lu Geng said.

Su Ho smiled at him and said, "Very good."

Qin He's heart dropped to the ground. When Su Ho walked up to him, he stretched out his hand to hold her hand, and then asked Lu Hao, "Aren't you getting off work yet?"

"Wait a minute. I promise to get off work on time tonight, and then go to the Lu family to pick up Lu Yu."

"Have your parents' affairs been settled?"

"Can we really get them to disperse? I sent Lu Yu there for the past two days. The two of them were busy taking care of Lu Yu and had no time to make trouble."

"What about that woman?"

"Let's go and give her some money."

"You gave it?"

Lu Hao nodded, "It's easy to talk, not as big as a lion."

I follow Father Lu just for the money, and if someone gives me money, I will accept it as soon as possible.

Who could be so stupid as to not want money when they have it?
So when Lu Hao gave the money, the other party took the money neatly and left without any sloppiness.

"That's good. I'm not stalking you."

Compared to the tragic ending of the Qin family's quarrel, it was indeed worse.

Lu Peng glanced at the time and said, "I will pick up Lu Yu today so I won't leave you two to eat. It just so happens that you are going to have a candlelight dinner, and then you can go home together."

Qin He nodded, "That's the plan."

"Okay, let's make another date then."

When Qin He and Su Ho left Lu Peng's office, Su Ho asked aloud, "Has everything been settled?"

"That's almost it. The Zhou family wants 1000 million."

"Stealing money?"

"Ten million in exchange for Zhou Wan's life is not a loss."

Qin He frowned slightly as he spoke, "But Qin Wei's household registration is still a problem. The family was relieved last week about Zhou Wan's matter, but Qin Wei's side is probably difficult."

"They want 1000 million yuan for Zhou Wan's life. How much more can they ask for Qin Wei's household registration?"

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