Xu Ye said, "Don't be nervous."

After saying that, he looked down at his clothes and said, "I think the first time we meet should be more formal, so as to respect others."

Su Ho didn't expect him to be so thoughtful, "Mr. Yang is very easy to talk to."

"Okay, Miss Su."

Su Ho took the person directly to Yang Yi's office and made a brief introduction, "Then you guys chat, I'll go and get busy first."

Once the people are here, Yang Yi needs to communicate with Xu Ye about other matters.

So Su Ho said hello and left the office first.

"How long have you known Su Ho?" Yang Yi asked this question as soon as Su Ho left.

Xu Ye hadn't looked away from the door yet. He looked away after hearing Yang Yi's inquiry, "I've known Sister Su for a long time, but it hasn't been long since we officially met."

Yang Yi was almost distracted by his words, "I heard from Su Ho that you also studied this major before, right?"

Xu Ye nodded, "I had an internship in a similar company after graduating from college. The internship period ended as an outstanding intern."

"We don't have any rigid requirements here, but we must show 120% concentration in our work. If there are any problems, we must raise them in time so that we can solve them better." Yang Yi looked at Xu Ye, "Although you It was introduced by Su Ho, but you still have to follow the normal recruitment procedures and pass the assessment before you can stay, do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood. Mr. Yang, just make arrangements. I will listen to you."

When Yang Yi heard him speak like this, he felt as if he was a teacher teaching his students.

"Okay, we can contact you by phone at any time for the rest. I will ask my assistant to take you to the HR office later to register, and then there will be a very simple assessment. After passing it, you can come to work tomorrow."

"What if it doesn't work?"

Yang Yi: "...but just go find Su Ho and ask her to use the back door for you."

When Xu Ye heard Yang Yi's words, his eyes lit up instantly, "Really? Will Sister Su let people use the back door?"

Yang Yi: "..."

"You can ask her later." Yang Yi raised his hand and pressed the internal line, calling his assistant to come in and take Xu Ye to the personnel report.

After they left, Yang Yi called Su Ho, "Did he just graduate from college? Why do I feel like he just graduated from elementary school?"

"what happened?"

"It's a bit...hard to say."

Su Ho thought back to the way he spoke to Xu Ye when he got along with him, "It should be okay, but if he said something inappropriate, could you be more tolerant? He can still do things well."

"It's not that he said anything inappropriate, I just think he's mentally immature."

Su Ho was amused by his words, "Don't worry, he is definitely mentally mature." "Okay, I told him everything that needs to be said. There should be nothing wrong with him. After going through the normal procedures, Just come and go to work.”

"Thank you."

"I'm the one thanking you. You seem to be out of touch if you keep doing this."

The two chatted casually for a few words before hanging up the phone.

It was already past six o'clock in the evening when Su Ho finished his work.

The appointment time with Dong Hui is at seven o'clock.

Su Ho tidied up and walked to the parking lot while calling Qin He.

"What's wrong?" Qin He had just finished his work and was about to ask Chi Cheng to take him back to Xiyuan.

"I won't go to dinner tonight. I made an appointment with Dong Hui for dinner. Yesterday, Mr. Yang said that she also studied design before. I want to recruit people for my use."

"Dong Hui?"

"Well, I took the time to search online in the afternoon. Some of her previous works are very good."

"The Dong family also has a design company." Qin He said on the phone, "She may not agree with you."

"It's okay. I'll talk to her first, just in case there's a chance."

Su Ho's current needs are the same as Yang Yi's. A new company requires a large number of employees to operate.

In terms of money, Su Ho didn't have much burden, but in terms of manpower, Su Ho was also very worried during this period.

Su Yuan and Wei Yun have also asked Su Yuan and Wei Yun to send out the recruitment news, but so far very few people have called to inquire. After all, it is a new company that has just started, and even newcomers will know it in their hearts. There are doubts, all kinds of worries.

Su Ho can understand this. After all, no one wants to take risks in a company that has just started and has no achievements.

Everyone wants a bright future.

"Should I ask Chi Cheng to help you send some photo messages in the name of Qin?" Qin He had actually wanted to do this for a long time, but he knew Su He's temper very well. If he really did this, Su Ho would be gone. You will be happy, but in the end the two of you will be unhappy again.

So Qin He asked Su He for her opinion in front of her.

"No, we agreed to be separate individuals, and there will be different voices within the Qin family. You can't ignore their ideas all the time. It will not be good after a long time."

Qin He frowned slightly after listening to Su He's words, "It's up to you."

Qin He was also aware of Su Ho's concerns. Seeing what she said, he stopped insisting on the topic just now.

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