Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 366 You are the first choice, you are the first

It was lunch time when Su Ho came over. After searching around, he found a restaurant with slightly fewer people.

"That's it. If we keep going, we'll have lunch and dinner together later." Xu Nuo glanced at the menu on the table at the door, "It looks quite appetizing."

Su Ho held Lu Yu's hand and had no intention of getting involved in the conversation about what to eat. When Xu Nuo said, he agreed, "I can do it."

"Okay, okay, that's it. I can't walk either."

This is a relatively decent restaurant in Zhoucheng, and the dishes it cooks are relatively heavy-flavored.

Su Ho rarely eats spicy food since he was not in good health.

So the food the two ordered was not spicy at all. Even the waiter was very curious and asked them when the food was served if they were traveling to Zhoucheng?
The two looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"I can't eat spicy food at all now." Xu Nuo sighed, "As people get older, they pay more attention to health care. A light diet is a must."

"You are old, so am I going to be buried soon?"

"Bah, bah, bah." Xunuo said a few times, "What are you talking about? You have to live to 99."

Su Ho glanced at her, "Where is the missing year?"

"Give it to me, so that we can both live to ninety-nine."

Hearing this, Su Ho laughed and said, "Okay, I can give you a little more."

"That won't work. For our relationship, we don't need to be born in the same year, but we must die in the same year."

"Let's eat some vegetables." Su Ho brought her some vegetables, "Why is the topic so heavy while we're talking?"

"Didn't you say it first?"

"My fault."

Xu Nuo took a few bites of food before raising his eyes to look at Su Ho, " you have anything you want to tell me?"

Su Ho was feeding Lu Yu a mouthful of egg custard. Hearing this, he raised his head and glanced at Xu Nuo's face, "Me?"

"What else? There are three of us here. If I don't ask you, why should I ask Lu Yu? She knows nothing!"

"Mom, I know, you can't fart, stinky!"

Promise: " your food."

"Oh. Okay mom."

Xu Nuo ignored Lu Yu and looked at Su Ho, "You really have nothing to say?"

While feeding Lu Yu, Su Ho said, "There's nothing to say. Everything's been going well lately."

"You are really..." Xu Nuo wanted to say it directly, but he still swallowed the words, "Okay, but I just want to say that no matter what happens to you or whether you are unhappy, you can always follow me. Say, I will always stand by your side, unconditionally."

Listening to the promise, Su Ho nodded, "Okay, I understand."

Xu Nuo sighed, "Su Ho, you are so perfunctory with me. Have you given up all your patience with Qin He? I should have stopped you symbolically before I knew it, lest you forget about him after you have him." I."

"No way, you are the first choice, you are the first!"

"Really?" Su Ho nodded.

"Then who do you save first if Qin He or I fall into the water?"

Su Ho: "...I can't save anyone, because I can't swim, but both of you can."

"...You can pretend that none of us can do it and only you can."

"But I really can't, you really can."

Promise: "..."

Su Ho put down the bowl, "I know what you mean, don't worry, I have no problem. If anything happens, I will come to you as soon as possible."

"That's pretty much it. You have to always remember that if you turn your head, I will be behind you and open my arms to you."

"it is good."

After dinner, Su Ho wanted to go back to the company, so Xu Nuo sent Lu Yu to the Lu family.

Lu Yu was very busy during this period. Lu's father and Lu's mother were all surrounding Lu Yu.

Most of the time, the two people's fierceness had passed, they both calmed down completely, analyzed the pros and cons, and finally chose to reconcile.

Although they were still awkward on the surface, the two never mentioned the divorce, and even silently corrected their shortcomings.

Father Lu has also made a clean break with the outside world. He should give money when it is time to give money, and it should be ended when it is time to break up.

Now the bridge between the two is Lu Yu.

As long as Lu Yu was around, the two of them seemed to have never had any disagreements or arguments. Once Lu Yu was gone, the two of them would awkwardly hold each other on the ground.

Su Ho returned to the company. As soon as she entered the lobby, the front desk stopped her.

"Miss Su."

Hearing this, Su Ho walked over and said, "What's wrong?"

"Here is a local courier for you. Please sign for it."

The front desk said and handed Su Ho a courier.

Su Ho reached out to take it and glanced at the sender's message. There was only one word on it: Mu.

When Su Ho saw this word, he knew who sent this thing.

She signed, thanked her, took her things, turned around and walked toward the elevator.

After entering the elevator, Su Ho raised his hand and opened the express box.

When she saw what was inside, Su Ho frowned slightly. She picked up her phone and clicked it to take a look. The lock screen wallpaper was the photo of a kiss on the beach that she had received.

Even if I know that this photo was taken at an angle, I still feel uncomfortable seeing it so suddenly.

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