Su Ho just called Jiang Xing and got the general idea. Wei Yun didn't ask any more questions, but asked directly, "Did someone else introduce this project to you?"


"who is it?"

Wei Yun was silent for a few seconds before whispering, "Mu Jun."

Now Su Ho feels disgusted when he hears this surname.

"Why are you involved with him?"

Wei Yun blamed himself a little, "It's also my fault. I had contacted Su Yuan before about this project, but he was not very willing to cooperate with us. When I came out after dinner that day, I happened to meet Mu Jun. He knew the other person and said it on the spot. After a few words, this project was discussed. Who would have thought that something would happen later..."

Speaking later, Wei Yun's voice became significantly quieter.

After hearing Wen Yun's words, Su Ho could probably guess what happened at that time.

Su Yuan sometimes seemed silly and didn't have any extra thoughts, especially when it came to Wen Yun.

Even more cautious, even though the two have been together for so long, Su Ho still feels that Su Yuan is too cautious about many things.

Now that two people are together, they are equal in every aspect and have the same right to do or say something.

But this is not a big deal.

This time, Su Yuan must have refused at the beginning. After all, the relationship between Mu Jun and Wei Yun was a bit delicate before. Although they were just testing each other and taking advantage of each other at that time, they had such an idea after all, so Su Yuan must be the first to do so. Just don't want to.

As for why he nodded in agreement, it was probably because Wei Yun said something that made Su Yuan nod.

Now that something happened, Wei Yun naturally took all the blame for the incident on himself.

"Where are you now?" Su Ho did not answer Wei Yun's words, but asked her location.

"I...I'm on my way to find Mu Jun."

No matter how slow Wei Yun reacts, he can still get some meaning out of it.

How come I met Mu Jun at the door that night?

Wei Yun really couldn't understand that there was some interaction between her and Mu Jun, but it was not to the point of such hatred.

Why did he suddenly plot against her like this?

So Wei Yun wanted to go over and ask questions in person.

In fact, if it had been before, Wei Yun would never have gone to Mu Jun again. After all, it was obvious that the other party wanted to punish her, and even if he went, he would be humiliating himself.

But the situation is different now. She doesn't have the arrogant attitude she had before. What's more, Su Yuan is still inside now. Even if he is going to humiliate himself, Wei Yun still wants to go over and ask questions in person. It would be best if he can solve it. But if it can't be solved, then you can only think of other ways.

"There's no need to go. There's no point in going there. Your brother and I are going to the police station now. You can come directly." Wei Yun heard this, hesitated for a moment, and responded in a low voice, "Okay, let's wait. We’ll meet at the police station.”

After hanging up the phone, Su Ho was about to talk to Qin He when another call came in from the cell phone in his hand.

Su Ho was not surprised when he saw the call and answered the phone directly, "Hello?"

"What's going on? Why did that kid get involved in it? Didn't he do well before?" Wei Jia asked on the phone.

"Are you here to see the show? Or do you want to lend a helping hand?"

"Then I have to see whose face it is."

Su Ho didn't even bother to quarrel with him, "You don't care about your brother-in-law's affairs. Who else do you want to care about?"

When Wei Jia heard Su Ho's words on the phone, he coughed lightly and said, "I didn't admit it."

"Then we have nothing to talk about. I'm going to help my sister-in-law."

Wei Jia exclaimed twice, "Okay, okay, I have a friend here who knows the person who is cooperating with them. I'll go find out what's going on, but I'm not the one to say, is that guy a tiger?" ?Are you providing things to the higher ups and giving them fake ones? Don’t you want to do this anymore?”

"He can't be lying."

"I also have a general understanding that the batch of goods he sent out before were all defective, and this batch of goods was wanted by the people above. Aren't you rushing to die?"

Su Ho frowned slightly, "You said Su Yuan also cooperated with people from above?"

"You don't know?"

"I didn't ask."

After Su Yuan and Wei Yun took over the branch, they worked very hard, and their development was quite stable in all aspects. Moreover, both Su Yuan and Wei Yun have matured a lot, and there is no need for them to follow behind and intervene. worry.

Therefore, they have never interfered in the affairs of the two of them, and they have never asked who they contact or cooperate with.

Now hearing what Wei Jia said, I was a little surprised.

I didn’t expect that they would cooperate with the people above.

Probably because of Mr. Wei's previous connections, he wanted to give the Wei family face, or because he felt that the Wei family was now completely in Wei Jia's hands. Although Wei Yun and Wei Jia didn't seem that close, they both Knowing the relationship between Wei Jia and Su He and Wei Yun and Su Yuan, it is not impossible for them to please Wei Yun to plan their future convenience.

But it's also possible that they wanted to pick up Wei Jia at the airport and go around the corner to lure him into the water.

After all, he cooperated with Su Yuan and the others because of a purpose.

In the end, it is unclear whether the ultimate goal is the former or the latter.

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