Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 38 The most arrogant white swan at the beginning

Chapter 38 The most arrogant white swan at the beginning
When he stood at the door and looked at the stinking holding cell, he felt that the Su Ho he knew was not the same person as the dying Su Ho lying on the ground in a miserable state.

After all, the Su Ho he first met was as arrogant as a white swan, impeccably clean.

But now she was lying on this dirty ground.

It happened that he was preparing to take over the Qin family at that time. The old man was dying soon, so he wanted to help him take over as soon as possible.

He wants to cultivate his confidants around him and ensure that they will never betray him at any time.

So after hearing about Su Ho, he felt that everyone in the world would betray him, but not Su Ho.

Because it was the Fu family that was fighting with the Qin family at that time.

The Fu family and Su Ho are life-and-death enemies. There is no need to doubt how much Su Ho hates the Fu family.

After all, there is no hatred greater than the hatred of killing one's father.

So he made a decision that he didn't expect, fished Su Ho out and took him with him.

Time flies by in the blink of an eye, and it has been almost seven years since Su Ho followed him.

In the past seven years, Su Ho had done everything for him, which could be said to have been dedicated to him.

As for when the relationship between the two began to change, he couldn't tell in detail.

There was a sudden knock on the door of the ward, interrupting Qin He's thoughts.

He collected his thoughts and took his hand back, "Come in."

Chi Cheng opened the door and came in, "I have arranged for someone to check Ms. Zhou's side."

Qin He hummed.

"Do you want something to eat? I'll buy some."

Qin He raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows, then turned his head and glanced at the door, "Where are they?"

"Oh, they just went to Dr. Xu to inquire about Miss Su's situation. Doctor Xu said that Miss Su might have to stay in the hospital for a few days, so Su Yuan went back to get Miss Su's daily necessities, and also went to the cemetery to store Miss Su in the hospital. Get the luggage over there."

Hearing this, Qin He frowned, "Did you say how long you want to stay?"

"No," Chi Cheng responded, glancing at Su Ho's face, "I also think it's better to stay for a few days and see."

Qin He didn't say anything, but stood up and pressed the call bell on the bedside.

Chi Cheng was about to say that he could just call Dr. Xu, but when he looked up and saw that Su Ho's potion was almost gone, he swallowed what he said.

After ringing the bell, Xu Nuo came in soon.

When Xu Nuo came in and saw Qin He sitting by the bed, he wasn't surprised. Instead, he felt a little funny.

When people are good, you ignore them, but now that they are lying here, why do you show such a look to whom?
If he hadn't cared about Su Ho and the little friendship between the Xu family and the Qin family, Xu Nuo would have kicked him out right now with scoldings and beatings.After changing the water, Xu Nuo reached out and tried Su Ho's forehead. The temperature was still a little lower than when he first arrived.

She bent down to tuck the quilt for her, then looked at Qin He and said softly, "It's useless for you to stay here, go back first."

Upon hearing this, Qin He raised his head and looked at her.

Xu Nuo was not frightened by his oppressive eyes, "It's useless to look at me. Her condition is so serious that she won't be able to wake up for a while. Moreover, these medicines have sedative and sedative ingredients. She will be able to wake up tomorrow morning." It’s already the limit.”

After hearing what she said, Qin He didn't answer, adjusted his sitting posture, and had no intention of leaving.

She promised not to leave when she saw him, and she didn't say anything else. She couldn't drive him away.

He raised his hand and glanced at the time, estimated the time for the next dressing change, then turned and left the ward.

On the other side, Su Yuan first went to the cemetery to get his luggage, and then went to the hotel where Su Ho had stayed.

I helped her get some daily necessities and rushed to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Ling Feng got out of the car halfway. The acquisition was settled, and there were still many things to be arranged and executed.

Now that Su Ho is in the hospital, everything falls on Ling Feng.

"That's hard work. If Assistant Su wakes up and says something, I'll feel relieved."

Su Yuan responded, "Okay, you go and do your work."

He drove the car to the hospital in a hurry, and Su Yuan ran to the ward.

He thought no one was guarding him, but when he hurriedly opened the ward door, he saw the two people in the ward in shock.

He thought Qin He had left long ago. After all, all his thoughts were on another person now. How could he be distracted and concerned about Su Ho's life and death?
Chi Cheng looked at Su Yuan who was running and panting, and said, "What are you doing? Is there a ghost chasing you behind you?"

Naturally, Su Yuan did not dare to say that he was worried that Su Ho would be left alone, so he only said, "I'm worried about my sister."

"We are all here, Miss Su will be fine."

Su Yuan nodded, put down his things and looked at Qin He who was sitting on the chair beside the bed.

He hesitated for a while and then stepped forward, "Qin... Master Qin, please go back. I'll just stay here and watch. Thank you for today."

Su Yuan's words were polite and distant, and one sentence seemed to clearly separate the relationship between him and Su Ho.

Qin He frowned slightly and stared at Su He's sleeping face for a while, then suddenly stood up and looked at Su Yuan, "If you need anything, call me anytime."

Hearing this, Su Yuan nodded, "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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