Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 386 Be kind to Xiao Su

Qin He greeted Sun Quan first as he entered the door.

Sun Quan sat on the sofa and looked up at Qin He for a few seconds, then stood up and opened his arms towards him.

Qin He stepped forward and hugged Sun Quan, "Sorry, I just came to see Grandpa Sun now."

Hearing this, Sun Quan raised his hand and patted Qin He on the back, "Very good, very good. If that old guy over there knew your current situation, he would be so miserable that he wouldn't be able to sleep at night."

"Chi Cheng."

Qin He turned around and shouted.

Chi Cheng stepped forward and handed what he was holding to Qin He.

Qin He stretched out his hand to take it, "This is what grandpa has been collecting before. I heard that you and him argued with each other at the auction and raised the price so high. Originally grandpa planned to give it to you, but what happened later There are many things going on, and there are fewer opportunities to meet you. It has been shelved over there, and now it can be regarded as returning to its original owner."

Looking at the bag Qin He handed over, Sun Quan was a little startled. He seemed to remember something and sighed, "That old guy is very tough."

After saying that, he reached out and took the thing, then handed it to the butler standing aside, "Put it away and put it away."

"Good sir."

Sun Quan greeted Qin He and sat down, "You and Xiao Su have contributed a lot to Qin's success today. You must be kind to Xiao Su and don't follow that old guy's bad habits of being hard-spoken and soft-hearted, which can easily hurt people's hearts."

Qin He nodded, "Okay."

Seeing the descendants of his old friend, Sun Quan felt somewhat sad.

They are all of the same age, so it is a miracle that he has survived to this day.

Sun Yue arrived when dinner was about to begin. When he entered, he flattered Sun Quan first and then greeted everyone one by one.

The fields in which Sun Yue operates are somewhat different from those in which Qin He operates, so the two rarely meet in Zhoucheng, but they both know each other somewhat.

When men exchange pleasantries with each other, they have a common topic.

So this meal was very satisfying.

After the show, Su Ho personally sent Dong Chenghui back.

The car stopped in front of Dong's house. Dong Chenghui didn't get out of the car in a hurry. After unbuckling his seat belt, he whispered, "Su Yuan's matter is a thorny issue for us, as well as for Mr. Sun. Don't look at what he said. It’s easy and simple, but it definitely has a lot to do with it, so you have to remember this kindness.”

Su Ho nodded, "I understand."

Dong Chenghui wanted to say something more, but he swallowed the words as he spoke, "Okay, go back early and drive slower."

"Thank you Mr. Dong for what happened today."

"Don't refer to me as Mr. Dong. I'm a bit unfamiliar. From now on, I'll call you Uncle Dong. It sounds more approachable."

Su Ho changed his mind at that time, "Okay, Uncle Dong." Dong Chenghui nodded with satisfaction, "Then I'll go in first, and you should go back early."

Qin He was originally going to send the person off with Su Ho, but suddenly there was something urgent to deal with at the company. Qin He and Chi Cheng had to go to the company together first, and Su Ho drove the person back.

Su Ho got out of the car and opened the door for Dong Chenghui. He said hello and watched him enter before turning around and getting in the car to leave.

As soon as he got into the car, Su Ho's cell phone rang. It was Qin He.

"Did it come?"

"Well, we just arrived, have you settled things over there?" Su Ho said as he drove the car and turned around, "Do you want me to come over?"

"No, you go home first, I'll be back in about an hour."

Hearing this, Su Ho hummed and was about to hang up the phone when he suddenly remembered what Qin He gave Sun Quan today, "The thing you gave Grandpa Sun today was very valuable?"

"It was originally given to Grandpa Sun by Grandpa. It can be regarded as returning to the original owner."

Su Ho hummed, "I understand."

In fact, Su Ho was surprised today.

She didn't expect that the person Dong Chenghui brought her to see was Sun Quan, nor did she expect that Sun Quan still had a friendship with Mr. Qin.

Although it was Dong Chenghui who led the way, it seems that he still borrowed the connections of the Qin family to go around.

Just as Dong Chenghui said, Su Yuan's matter is a problem for any of them.

Especially for Sun Quan, after all, his identity is there. If he really intervenes, he will definitely have to use a lot of personal connections to resolve the matter quietly.

She must remember this kindness in her heart.

After hanging up Qin He's phone, Su Ho drove directly back to Xiyuan.

When she got home, Wei Yun was still in the living room, busy typing on the computer keyboard while making phone calls.

After hearing the sound, he turned around and looked over, nodding towards Su Ho as a greeting.

Su Ho put on her shoes and walked over, took a look at the things on her computer, then sat down on a single chair on the side and waited for her to finish the call.

"Yes, yes, don't worry, there will definitely be no problem, I promise."

Not knowing what the other party said, Wei Yun's expression changed, but his tone was still as humble as before, "Yes, this matter is indeed an oversight on our part, but there will definitely be no problem with these things given to you. If you return it now, we will definitely not be able to give you a refund, because it is written in the contract that returns are not supported after seven days of delivery, and we are all specially processed according to your needs. You are now requesting Returning it is definitely not going to work.”

The other party was still talking, Su Ho watched Wei Yun's expression getting worse and worse, and frowned slightly.

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