Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 40 What a conspicuous bag

Chapter 40 What a conspicuous bag
The next day people delivered meals to Suho one after another.

First came the promise, then Ling Feng.

The person who came next was Uncle Chen.

But Su Ho was still awake when they came.

Mu Silan originally wanted to come, but she probably didn't sleep much last night and felt a little uncomfortable when she woke up in the morning, so she gave up.

Uncle Chen stayed in the ward for a long time, and Su Ho didn't even wake up, so he had no choice but to go back first.

Su Yuan sent the person to the elevator door and watched Uncle Chen leave before returning to the ward.

Looking at the lunch boxes placed aside, Su Yuan felt regretful.

"Sister, wake up quickly."

But Su Ho didn't wake up the whole morning.

At noon, Su Yuan was thinking about whether to wake him up directly. Unexpectedly, as soon as he leaned over, a deep voice sounded from behind him, "What are you doing?"

Su Yuan was startled by the voice, turned around and looked over, and saw Qin He nervously saying hello, "Qin...Master Qin."

"She's not awake yet?" Qin He came over and asked.

Su Yuan shook his head, "I haven't woken up yet."

Qin He glanced at Su Ho who was lying on the hospital bed and frowned slightly, "What did Xu Nuo say?"

"Doctor Xu said that my sister has a severe fever, she was caught in the rain, and she is a little weak, so she may wake up slowly."

Qin He hummed, "You go back, I'll be here."

Normally Su Yuan would not dare to talk back to Qin He and would do whatever he was told.

But this time Su Yuan didn't leave, "I want to wait for my sister to wake up."

After saying that, Su Yuan turned around and walked to the side and sat down on the sofa on the side.

Qin He glanced at him and said nothing.

After a while, the door to the ward was pushed open. Chi Cheng held a pile of documents and placed them on the table. "Mr. Qin, bring them all here."

There were four people in the ward. Except for Su Ho who hadn't woken up yet, the other three didn't say a word.

Qin He lowered his eyes and flipped through the documents carefully, while Chi Cheng was sorting them out.

Su Yuan was sitting on the side, his eyes falling on Su Ho.

Time passed by minute by minute, and it wasn't until almost evening that the people on the bed made any movement.

Su Yuan jumped up immediately, excited and excited, "Sister! Sister, are you awake?"

If it weren't for Su Ho's lack of energy right now, Su Yuan would have hugged him and shake him to feel the authenticity.

Su Ho hadn't drank water for a long time, and his voice was hoarse due to a high fever. He wanted to respond but opened his mouth without making any sound.

Su Yuan turned around and brought the water over, "Sister, drink some water first to moisten your throat."

Su Ho shook his head at him and stretched his arms to get up.

With so much water in her body, she just wanted to go to the bathroom, but she didn't have the strength to get up.

I thought Su Yuan had enough eyesight to help her, but he turned around and took a straw from the side and inserted it into the cup, "Sister, you don't have to get up, just drink like this." Su Ho: "..."

Just when she was about to say something, there was another person beside the bed.

When he looked up and saw Qin He standing by the window, Su Ho's words were stuck between his lips and teeth.

The two looked at each other, but neither said a word.

Su Yuan was so excited because Su He woke up that he didn't take Qin He seriously anymore. He didn't notice the person standing next to him for a while, and kept talking to Su He, "Sister, the water isn't very hot." , drink some quickly."

At this moment, Su Ho's throat was so dry and hoarse, and he didn't have much strength, otherwise he would have started to curse.

"Step aside!"

Just when Su Yuan passed the straw to Su Ho's mouth again, a commanding voice sounded from the side.

Su Yuan suddenly remembered Qin He's existence.

The man with a tilted head was next to him, and he was so frightened that he almost threw the water from the glass in his hand on Su Ho's face.

Su Yuan calmed down and quickly moved to the side to make room for Qin He.

Qin He stepped forward and without saying a word, he bent down and picked up Su Ho from the bed, and carried him directly into the bathroom.

When the bathroom door closed, Su Yuan reacted belatedly and scratched his hair in embarrassment.

Chi Cheng couldn't help but tease him, "If you don't understand, don't try to get too close. It's just a conspicuous thing."

Su Yuan put down the water glass, "I didn't think about it."

After saying that, Su Yuan exclaimed again, "But Mr. sister..."

"Okay, stop worrying." Chi Cheng knew what he wanted to say and interrupted him first, "They will take care of their affairs."

Su Yuan groaned, but his eyes kept drifting towards the bathroom.

In the bathroom, Qin He put her down and bent over to help her take off her pants.

Su Ho had quick eyesight and quick hands. He raised his hand to hold his hand and said hoarsely, "I'll do it myself!"

My voice was shaking because of nervousness.

Qin He stopped for a moment and looked at her.

The two of them have done everything they should and shouldn't do, and it's a bit pretentious to worry about it now.

But seeing the determination in her eyes and the pale, bloodless face, she still took her hand back and stood up straight.

"get out."

Seeing that he stood motionless in front of her, Su Ho said hoarsely.

Qin He frowned, "Su He, we..."

"I said, let you out!"

In the end, he swallowed the words that were on his lips, turned around and walked towards the door. When he opened the door, he said loudly, "I'm at the door. If you have something to say, please speak out."

(End of this chapter)

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