Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 401 Do you really not even want your life?

Since the last time the two broke up on bad terms, the relationship between the two has been at a stalemate.

We happened to meet here today and saw Mu Silan meeting Xu Zhi. Mu Sirou also heard the conversation between the two of them just now.

She originally thought that after what happened last time, Mu Silan would definitely have to restrain herself a little bit, but now she found that she had no intention of restraining herself at all, and even seemed to be getting more courageous with each setback.

At the beginning, Mu Sirou also felt that Qin He was irresponsible and even callous in the chase between Qin He and Mu Silan.

He felt that Mu Silan had a deep affection for him and had been thinking about him for so many years, but he treated Mu Silan like this. No matter what, it was Qin He who had wronged Mu Silan first.

But now she gradually saw some things clearly, she was shocked to realize that the person who forced the two parallel lines to intersect from beginning to end was Mu Silan.

She was too stubborn and tried her best to get what she wanted, but in the end she was the one who got hurt.

Even now, she still has no intention of letting herself go, nor does she intend to let Qin He and Su He go.

It was as if she wanted to fight them to the death and fight to the end as long as she was alive.

"Why are you here?" Mu Silan asked lightly without intending to answer Mu Sirou's words.

Mu Sirou looked at the person in front of her and felt that he was very strange, as if she had never known or understood this person before, and it even made her feel a little scared.

That indescribable sense of panic,
"Sister, let it go. Isn't it good to let yourself go?"

Mu Silan drank the half cup of cold Kofi, put down the cup, then stood up, "I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

After speaking, he turned around and left without waiting for Mu Sirou to answer.

Mu Sirou looked at her back, hesitated for a moment and then followed her, "Sister."

Mu Silan did not stop just because Mu Sirou called her, and even took a step forward.

After leaving the tea pavilion, Mu Sirou trotted and caught up with Mu Silan, "Mu Silan!"

Mu Sirou stopped the person and called out by name, "Can you listen to what I have to say? Do you know what you look like now?"

Mu Silan then stopped and looked at Mu Sirou, "No matter what happens, it has nothing to do with you. Can you please stop meddling in my affairs? I will handle my own affairs myself."

"Do you want to destroy yourself? Do you really not even want your life?"

Mu Silan smiled, "Do you think I'm still afraid of my life now? I've been to the Palace of Hell once, am I still afraid of this?"

Speaking of this, Mu Silan took a step forward and approached Mu Sirou, "When you see me from now on, treat me as if you don't know me. Everything I do from now on has nothing to do with you or the Mu family. Do you understand?"

Mu Sirou stared at Mu Silan for a long time before nodding, "Okay." Mu Silan hummed and turned around to leave.

Mu Sirou stood there and looked at her leaving figure, but she still couldn't help but have red eyes.

How could someone who was so kind to her not care?
After all, we are a family with the same blood on our bodies, so how can we let it go?

Mu Sirou stood there for a long time, then turned away and walked away.

Sitting in the car, Mu Sirou found a phone number that she had not called for a long time, and hesitantly called it.

The phone rang several times before it was answered.

Hearing Qin He's voice, Mu Sirou took a deep breath before speaking, "Brother Qin He, I'm Sirou, don't hang up the phone yet. I have something to tell you."

Qin He on the other side of the phone hummed and motioned for her to say.

Mu Sirou thought about her words for a while, and truthfully told Qin He what she just heard.

"I know you may not believe me, but I really didn't lie to you this time. I just hope that when my sister really falls into your hands in the future, please give her a way to survive, even...even if she is sent in. , just let her live, okay?"

Qin He was silent for a while before humming and then hung up the phone.

As soon as Su Ho woke up, he saw Qin He sitting beside the bed with a thoughtful look on his face.

She stared at him for a long time before he came back to his senses and said, "Are you awake? Are you feeling better?"

Su Ho hummed, "I want to drink water."

Qin He stood up to get the warm water, helped her sit up, and handed the water glass to her lips, "I asked Auntie to prepare some food. How many more bites will I have later?"

"Okay." Su Ho asked him after drinking the water, "You look unhappy. Did something happen?"

Thinking of what Mu Sirou said just now, Qin He's eyes fell on her face, "No matter where you go during this period, I will accompany you."

Probably because of her pregnancy, Su Ho has become more sensitive now. When he heard what he said, he immediately had a guess in his mind, but he didn't say it out loud or ask any more questions. He nodded, "Okay."

Qin He looked at her and hesitated to speak.

Su Ho reached out and patted his hand, "Don't worry, I will take care of myself. No matter where I go or what I do, I will tell you."

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