Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 403 I want to apologize to you

Xu Nuo hummed, "I haven't seen you for a few days. Come and have a look."

Su Ho looked at her, "Is something wrong?"

When Xu Nuo was asked this question by Su Ho, she said slowly, "No, it's okay. Do I have to come to you if something happens? If nothing happens, I can't come."

"Xu Nuo, you're going to get away with beating around the bush like this." Su Ho answered, then turned to call his aunt to get some refreshments for Xu Nuo, "Is there anything between us that you need to think twice before saying it?"

Listening to Su Ho's words, Xu Nuo felt a little embarrassed for a moment, "Do you think I should say that you understand me too well, or should I say that you are too straightforward?"

"You can say whatever you want." Su Ho took an apple and used a knife to peel it.

Xu Nuo reached out and took it from her hand, "Let me take care of such small things."

Su Ho glanced at her, but didn't argue with her, "I'm talking while cutting, I won't hinder you, right?"

Xu Nuo thought about the words before whispering, "I want to exchange some money with you."

After hearing this, Su Ho didn't know how to answer the question for a moment.

She thought it was some big deal, but after holding it in for a long time, she finally said this.

"So I'm the one who has to hesitate for a long time before you can even make a move in your heart, am I right?
Xu Nuo quickly asked for statistics, "No, it's just that it's a little difficult for me to speak."

Su Ho looked at her, "How much do you want?"


This figure is a little difficult for Su Ho. After all, she has just opened a company, and it has cost a lot of money for decoration and various equipment. It is naturally impossible to spend so much in one go.

But Su Ho didn't ask what he wanted for such a large sum of money, and responded, "Are you anxious? Can you wait for three to five days?"

Xu Nuo nodded and handed her the peeled apple, "Yes, don't worry."

Su Ho reached out and took the apple, "Don't you know, Lu Hao?"

"Well, I didn't tell him."

Hearing this, Su Ho couldn't help but become curious.

What is it that Xu Nuo can hide from even Lu Geng?

But before she could ask, Xu Nuo spoke first, "Su Ho, why don't you ask me what I want this large sum of money for?"

"What you want to say will come naturally without me asking. But if you don't want to say it, you won't say it if I ask, right?"

Xu Nuo pursed her lower lip, "Something happened to my brother and he needed money urgently. You also know that my brother and Lu Peng have never been on good terms. Although my parents have agreed with Lu Peng over the years, he has always been very supportive. I don't like Lu Pang. If I tell Lu Pang about this money, although Lu Pang won't say no, he must have something in mind. That's why I came to you for help." At this point, Xu Nuo paused. He paused and said, "By the way, my brother wants to apologize to you for what happened before. When do you have time, can we have dinner together?"

Su Ho had already chosen to forget some of the previous things. After all, people have to move forward and look forward, and cannot keep themselves imprisoned in the past.

Hearing Xu Nuo mention it now, Su Ho remembered that Xu Zhi and Mu Silan had some friendship before.

The original recording was also between Xu Zhi and Qin He.

As for how Mu Silan got it, it must have been given to Mu Silan by Xu Zhi.

Thinking of this, Su Ho's heart has long since lost any ripples. Even though his first reaction when hearing the recording was shock, horror, and chills, after some experience, it won't be so violent anymore.

Now that I think about it, I just feel a little bit stunned, and there is no other impact.

Su Ho was silent for a while before saying, "It depends on the situation. As you can see from my side, things in the company are piling up. I hope that I can get well soon and have time to deal with what needs to be dealt with." "

Xu Nuo agreed, "Okay, then when you have time, you can tell me and I can make an appointment?"

"it is good."

In fact, Su Ho and Xu Zhi didn't have much interaction. She blocked Xu Nuo's engagement with Qin He back then, just out of her own selfishness, but it did affect the Xu family at that time.

After all, according to the development trend at that time, the marriage between the Qin and Xu families must be a strong alliance. If it succeeds, the status of the Qin and Xu families in Zhoucheng will be unshakable.

But she happened to interfere, causing the engagement to fail.

So Xu Zhi resented her, and she could understand.

But these are all in the past tense, and I just feel a little sad when I think about it.

After Xu Nuo left, Su Ho got up and moved his body, and then plunged into the study again.

Until Qin He came back from get off work in the evening and found that Su Ho was still busy in the study.

"Has she been in the study all day?" Qin He asked his aunt casually when he went to help Su Ho make milk.

The aunt nodded, "Miss Xu came in the afternoon, and Miss Su has been busy in the study since then, and I didn't dare to disturb her."

Qin He frowned slightly and went directly to the study after getting the milk.

When he entered, Su Ho was scratching his head and staring at the documents in his hand.

He raised his eyes when he heard the sound. When he saw Qin He standing at the door, he smiled at him and said, "Back?"

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