Su Ho understood what he meant, "I think he can stay by himself in the old house. If he stays here, he can talk to me and have someone to take care of him in the future."

Qin He did not agree directly. Instead, he was silent for a long time after she finished speaking, and then said, "Let's talk about it later."

Su Ho didn't know why he didn't respond directly, but he didn't ask any more questions.

Su Ho didn't eat much during the meal, and there was an extra child at the table, so his attention was always on Qin Wei.

I have to say that although Qin Wei is young, he has very good table manners and eats in a well-behaved manner.

Instead of picking and choosing on the plate like some children, the dishes are placed in front of you, and you won't move if they are far away from you.

Such rules are not implemented in a day or two. It is estimated that Zhou Wan has taught Qin Wei some polite things.

Su Ho took the serving chopsticks and gave Qin Wei a dish that was a little far away from him, "Eat some of this."

"Thank you."

Su Ho hummed, "Do you like this?"


When Su Ho asked anything, he nodded, as if he didn't particularly like it or didn't like it.

After dinner, Su Ho wanted to chat with Qin Wei for a while, but Wenxin called him to discuss some work matters, so Su Ho got up and went to the study room to answer the phone.

In the living room, Qin Wei followed Qin He like a tail.

"You don't want to go back?" Qin He turned his head and glanced at Qin Wei sitting next to him.

Qin Wei nodded, "Can't I follow you? I'll leave when mother comes back."

"Why don't you want to stay in the old house?"

When Qin Wei was asked this question, he lowered his head and remained silent.

Qin He waited for a while and asked again.

Qin Weicai slowly raised his head and glanced at Qin He's face, "I don't like him."

Although he didn't say this clearly, Qin He understood who he was talking about.

I thought that although Qin Jianliang was not that subtle about Qin Wei, Qin Jianliang's attitude towards Qin Wei was much better than towards him and Qin Cheng.

So Qin He was somewhat surprised to hear such words from Qin Wei's mouth.

But if you think about it carefully, during this period of time, especially after Zhou Wan's accident, although Qin Jianliang took good care of Qin Wei, he still used others to take care of him. He even handed Qin Wei directly to his aunt at home during this period. I never took care of it.
It was actually expected that Qin Wei didn't like Qin Jianliang.

Qin He watched him lower his head and said nothing. After a while, he said, "I have conditions."

Qin Wei suddenly raised his head and looked at Qin He, eagerly waiting for him to speak his terms.

Facing such a pair of clear eyes, Qin He's eyebrows moved slightly, "You must learn to be independent and take care of others when you stay here. In the future, there will be a little brother or sister in the family who needs your care."

After listening to Qin He's words, Qin Wei's eyes were bright, "Do I have a little brother or sister?"

Qin He hummed, "You not only have to take care of your little brother or sister, but you also have to take care of Su Ho." Qin Wei nodded almost without hesitation, "I will."

Although Qin Wei was only three years old, Qin He believed what he said.

"Then stay."

When Qin Wei heard this, he stood up suddenly, "Really? Can I really stay?"

"Don't forget what you promised me."

Qin Wei nodded, "I won't forget it."

After saying this, the smile on Qin Wei's face faded slightly, "Brother, actually I know you were lying to me before."

Qin He raised his eyebrows and looked at him, "Did I lie to you?"

"Mom did go far away and will never come back, right?"

Qin He looked at the small Qin Wei in front of him and was silent for a long time before saying, "Yes."

"I know."

Qin He raised his hand and rubbed his head, then took the remote control and handed it to him, "Watch the animation for a while."


Qin Wei was too well-behaved, which made Qin He feel an indescribable feeling in his heart.

He walked to the door of the study and knocked on the door. After hearing the response from inside, Qin He pushed the door open and went in.

Su Ho was still chatting with Wen Xin about work when he saw him come in and looked up at him, "What's wrong?"'

"I asked auntie to clean up the guest room upstairs and let Qin Wei live in it from now on."

Hearing this, Su Ho was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Okay, I'll finish here soon, and I'll take him out to buy something."

Qin He raised his hand and glanced at the time, and found that it was still early, so he nodded, "Then we will wait for you outside."

It was already half an hour before I left the house.

Qin Wei thought Qin He and Su He were going to send him back to his old house, so he walked very slowly, turning back three times every step.

"Watch it later when you come back, or watch it tomorrow." Su Ho thought he was reluctant to let go of the animation just now.

When Qin Wei heard this, he raised his head and looked at Su Ho eagerly, "Didn't you send me away?"

Hearing this, Su Ho also lowered his head and looked at him, "When did I say I would send you back? Or did you say you wanted to go back?"

Qin Wei immediately shook his head, "No, I don't want to."

Su Ho handed him his hand and asked him to take it, "I'll take you to buy something and come back here later."

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