Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 425 Check Mu Silan’s movements

Fu Chen looked at the call interface that had been hung up, and his face suddenly darkened.

If Mu Silan had such an attitude in the past, Fu Chen would still be able to understand it. After all, the Mu family was in its prime, and the relationship between Mu Silan and Yihe was unclear, so she had the confidence to dare to be so arrogant and domineering.

But now the status of the Mu family has long fallen into the dust in Zhoucheng, and Mu Silan has fallen into it like a handful of mud. How can she still have the confidence to be so arrogant with him?
"Zhou Yang."

Fu Chen shouted towards the door.

Zhou Yang soon appeared in front of Fu Chen, "Brother Shen, what's wrong?"

"Go and investigate Mu Silan's recent movements later. Be more detailed. I want to know who you have met and who you have close contact with."

Zhou Yang was a little confused when he heard this, "Brother Shen, why are you suddenly interested in Miss Mu Da? She is..."

"I'm not interested in her as a person, don't think too much about it."

Although Mu Silan is not bad looking, Fu Chen has not yet reached the point where he is so hungry that he has no idea about Mu Silan.

Zhou Yang felt relieved after hearing this, "Okay, I'll check it out later."

After answering, Zhou Yang thought of another thing, "By the way, Brother Shen, the female model who had dinner with you two days ago called you just now to ask if you are free tonight and let's go watch a movie together."

"That female model?"

"The one who came home with you last Thursday when you attended the birthday party of a certain group's daughter."

Only then did Fu Chen remember that such a person was here, and he refused without thinking, "No time."

"Then I'll get back to her right now."

Zhou Yang picked up the phone and was about to refuse, but was stopped by Fu Chen again, "Wait a minute."

Zhou Yang stopped and looked up at him.

"Tell her to come to me after ten o'clock."

Zhou Yang hummed and sent the message.

Su He and Qin He went to the mall again on their way back.

I bought things for Qin Wei two days ago. I only bought clothes for him. I didn't buy some toys or snacks.

So when Su Ho stopped by tonight, he remembered and took Qin He to the mall.

When I went back, I came back with a full load.

I thought Qin Wei had fallen asleep when they returned, but as soon as they entered the door, they saw Qin Wei sitting on the sofa in the living room watching cartoons. When he heard that they were back, he immediately stood up and came to greet them.

In the past, he would greet Qin He immediately, but now he greets Su Ho immediately, "Sister, you are back."

Su Ho responded, bending down to change his shoes at the entrance, "You haven't taken a shower yet?" "I've washed it. Grandma Li put the water in for me, but I washed it myself, so I didn't make a mess."

As he spoke, he glanced at Qin He's face and whispered, "My brother did it last time."

When Su Ho heard this, he couldn't help but smile, "I bought you toys and snacks, take a look."

Qin Wei did not look at the toy immediately but reached out to hold Su Ho's hand and led her to sit down on the sofa. He then turned around and ran to the side to receive the warm water, "Sister, drink water."

Seeing his sensible appearance, Su Ho fell in love with Qin Wei more and more. He reached out and touched his head, "Go and have a look. I'll let you choose for yourself another day."

"No, I just like these."

Su Ho looked at his cheerful back and couldn't help but think of Zhou Wanlai.

Although she didn't have a good impression of Zhou Wan when they first met, she taught Qin Wei really well.

For ordinary parents, when their children are three years old, they must be extremely pampering and doting on them, which makes no sense at all.

If you want something, you must get it immediately. If you want to do something, you must do it immediately. There is not even a buffer point.

But Qin Wei always has a buffer point for whatever he wants, and he will even consider others first before himself.

Su Ho played with Qin Wei in the living room for a while before going upstairs to take a shower.

As soon as I picked up my pajamas and was about to go into the bathroom, my cell phone rang.

Hearing the sound, Su Ho stopped again and turned around to get his cell phone.

When I picked up the phone, I saw an unfamiliar number on it.

She stared at the number for a while but had no impression. She hesitated before clicking it and taking a look.

Su Ho was a little confused when he saw the information inside.

Because the photo has a little impact on her.

But it was only for a moment that she remembered what happened that day.

The other party found a good angle when taking the photo, so even she seemed to think that the photo was real and there was no trace of fraud in it.

She stared at the photo on her phone for a while, then edited the text and replied: [What do you mean? How about being more straightforward? ]
After sending the message, there was no response. Su Ho even waited for 5 minutes with his cell phone. When he saw that the other party had no intention of taking it back, he put down his cell phone and went to take a shower.

When she came out of the shower, she saw Qin He sitting by the bed.

It was obvious that something was wrong with his expression. Su Ho thought about what happened tonight. Apart from Fu Shen's incident, there was really nothing that could make him unhappy. Could it be Qin Wei?
With this thought, she walked up to him and asked, "What's wrong?"

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