Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 433 Cherish her life even more

Su Ho saw what he was doing and said, "Just smoke it at the window. It's okay."

"Forget it, it's not that big of a deal. If I get whipped now, Qin He will have to whip me when he comes back!"

Su Ho smiled when he heard this, "Have you ever had a detailed examination of your situation? Is it hereditary?"

"My mother has it, so there's a high chance it's hereditary."

"This is actually nothing. If you pay attention to it, it shouldn't have any big impact."

Wei Jia frowned, "Annoying."

"Medical technology is so advanced now that as long as you actively cooperate with treatment and take medicine on time, you will be no different from normal people."

Wei Jia nodded, "I know, but I was a little panicked when I found out. After all, many people have died because of this disease in the past few years. If I die, Shen Qing and she..."

"What are you thinking about?" Su Ho said to him, "Your situation is not very serious. Why are you scaring yourself? The doctor also said the worst outcome, so that you have an idea. It's not that you The current situation is the worst, what’s the matter, you use your brain too much in the mall, but you have no brain for this kind of thing?”

Wei Jia was amused by her words, "Not to mention, it shocked me when I heard it. It made me feel like I was going to die tomorrow. I didn't dare to go back that night."

Su Ho couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Shen Qing didn't ask you why you didn't go back?"

"In order not to worry her, I slept one night at the company and told her that I had to work overtime. I didn't sleep at all that night. I sat until dawn and managed to calm down. After dawn, I went to the doctor again and asked her in detail. It took me a while to feel at ease.”

Su Ho couldn't help laughing, "Your situation was indeed dangerous before, but now that medical technology is so advanced, there is no need to worry. If you take good treatment and take medicine, there will be no problem."

Wei Jia nodded, "I used to think it was a big deal if I only had one life, but now I feel sorry for my life. I can't bear to let her be sad, and I can't bear to let her live alone."

"Since you can't let go, then you should be more careful and take good care of your own body. This is the best love for her."

"Yes, I must cherish my life, and I must cherish her even more."

"Aren't you going to tell her about this?"

"We plan to show off tonight, so that she won't be upset if she finds out accidentally." Wei Jia paused when he said this, "Just talking to you, my heart suddenly became enlightened."

"After all, he is someone who has been there and has experience."

Hearing this, Wei Jia smiled and said, "That's right. Although the situation is a bit different, I have been to the entrance of the King of Hell's Palace for a walk, so I always have experience."

While the two were chatting, there was a knock on the study door, and then Wei Yun poked his head in, "Sister, Uncle Wang and the others are here."

Hearing this, Su Ho stood up and said, "I understand."

After answering Wei Yun, Su Ho looked at Wei Jia and said, "Go out and sit for a while." "Are there guests at home? How about we evacuate first?"

"No need, they are all members of our own family, so we don't have to pay that much attention."

Seeing what Su Ho said, Wei Jia stopped being polite and said, "Okay, then you can give us both tonight to make us lose weight."


Wang Heng brought a lot of things with him when he came, as if he wanted to bring all the good things from home.

"Didn't I tell you that you don't need to bring anything? Just come." Su Ho looked at the big and small bags and couldn't help but said.

"I wanted to bring something else, but we couldn't get it. I'll send it to you when we get back." Wang Heng seemed to have not heard what Su Ho said, and repeatedly asked Su Ho to take good care of himself. body of.

Wei Jia and Shen Qing still didn't know about Su Ho's pregnancy, so they only found out after listening for a long time.

The two looked at each other, and then looked at Su Ho together.

Su Ho was a little overwhelmed by the sight of the two of them, "I didn't plan to say it so early at first, and then I forgot about it."

"You are really full and tight. I asked you why you have been hiding at home since you opened the company. I thought Qin He was possessive and tied you up at home." Wei Jia couldn't help complaining. .

"This matter is my problem, I didn't have time to tell you, but don't worry, I will contact you as soon as possible when I receive the red envelope."

Wei Jia nodded, "That's no problem. I'll definitely give my little nephew an extra-large one."

The last time it was so lively was during the Chinese New Year. Now it is filled with laughter and laughter, which makes people feel at ease for no reason.

Qin He rushed back during meal time.

I brought two bottles of wine with me when I came back. When I was in city B, I didn't have time to have a drink with Wang Heng, so I planned to drink with Wang Heng tonight.

But now Wei Jia was added, four grown men gathered together, and two bottles of wine were simply not enough.

Su Ho asked his aunt to go to the wine warehouse to get the wine sent by the previous partner.

"Let them drink slowly, let's go over there."

Several women gathered together to chat in the living room, and Wang Rui took Qin Wei to play in the small living room.

Seeing such a warm scene, Su Ho felt more at ease than ever before.

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