Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 446: One wrong step leads to eternal disaster

Su Ho repeated what he just said, "I say call the police. This is the fastest and most direct way."

Mu Sirou was actually a little hesitant and wanted to say something, but she felt that what Su Ho said made sense, and she didn't know how to make a decision for a while.

Seeing that she didn't move for a long time, Su Ho said quietly, "The longer you delay now, the more dangerous she will be."

When Mu Sirou heard this, she took action. She picked up her mobile phone and dialed the police number, telling the truth about the situation.

Originally, the case would not be filed within [-] hours, but Mu Sirou made the matter more serious and finally delayed the relationship, which allowed the police to intervene immediately.

During this period, only Mu Silou was aware of Mu Silan's range of activities, but there were no clues at all based on her range of activities.

It's like this person disappeared out of thin air.

After Mu Sirou called the police, Su Ho planned to go back first, but as soon as he said hello to Mu Sirou, Su Ho's cell phone rang.

It shows an unfamiliar number, but it belongs to Zhoucheng.

Su Ho looked at the mobile phone number for several seconds before answering the call.

As soon as the call was connected, a voice sounded familiar to Su Ho. After listening for a while, she called the other person's name uncertainly, "Qin Cheng?"

Qin Cheng responded on the other end of the phone, "I didn't expect you to be able to recognize my voice right away. Fortunately, I know you are pretending to be my brother in your heart, otherwise I would have thought you meant something to me."

After hearing what this bastard said, Su Ho did not answer, but asked directly, "What do you want from me?"

"Are you looking for Mu Silan?"

Su Ho didn't know how he knew, but it was true that he was looking for Mu Silan, so he hummed, "What? Do you know where she is?"

"I know." Qin Cheng agreed, "But I want to talk to you alone."

Su Ho glanced at Mu Sirou who was still calling someone to help find Mu Silan, took two steps to the side with her cell phone, and then said softly, "I don't necessarily want to see her, I'm most anxious now. The person who is looking for her is not me, but someone from the Mu family. You don’t have to give me conditions. Mu Silan is of no use to me. If you want to know, you can negotiate terms with the Mu family. Maybe they can lend a hand to you in the future, but to me, Mu Silan, this person is worthless. No matter what conditions you offer, they are not tempting enough for me. I advise you not to do this. What am I thinking about here, it’s a waste of time.”

Qin Cheng never expected that Su Ho would be so direct, so direct that he didn't even leave any room. For a moment, he really didn't know what to say.

Just when Su Ho was about to hang up the phone, Qin Cheng found his voice, "Now that Mu Silan doesn't show up, Qin's stock has been falling. Don't you really think about it for my brother?"

"That's also your brother's business. I'm not a member of the Qin family now. If the Qin family has something to do, I will naturally reach out if I can. If I can't, your brother will solve it." Qin Cheng was speechless when Su He said it.

"Then you don't want to know why Mu Silan is so capable and allows the media to constantly report these false things to influence the Qin family?"

"Do not want to."

"Su Ho, you are really..."

"Qin Cheng, over the years, you have always been successful in the Qin family and failed in many cases. What has Qin He done to you? If you can just live a good life, why do you do such boring things like this? What is in front of you? Even though the benefits are tempting, if you haven’t thought about being kicked away after being used, what else can you get?”

Before Qin Cheng could answer, Su He continued, "Qin He is also looking for someone to deal with Aunt Wang's matter. If you make the wrong step now, no one can predict what the consequences will be. No one will help you anymore. I don’t see a good outcome in this matter. The final result will only be a disaster. You’d better think about it carefully.”

Qin Cheng was choked and couldn't say a word for a while, and Su Ho didn't say much and was about to hang up the phone.

Just when she was about to hang up the phone, Qin Cheng's voice came over again, "I know where Mu Silan is. Do you want to come over now? You can bring someone here, don't come by yourself."

Su Ho was about to hang up the phone. He hesitated, "Have you figured it out? Have you figured it out?"

"But I still have conditions."

"I said, Mu Silan has no value to me."

Qin Cheng was silent, and Su He hung up anxiously.

After about two or three seconds, Qin Cheng's voice came over again, "Villa No. [-] in the eastern suburbs."

After Qin Cheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Su Ho looked at the call screen that had been hung up and frowned slightly.

Just as he was about to go over to look for Mu Sirou, she just finished making the phone call and came over from the side, "I'll take you back first, and then I'll find someone else."

Speaking of this, Mu Sirou paused and looked at Su Ho, "I won't plead for her this time. You can handle it however you want. My only request is that you don't touch other people, okay?"

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