"If you make one wrong move, you will be doomed." Qin Cheng chuckled softly after saying that, "I knew I was doomed, but I did it anyway."

Su Ho looked at him and knew that no matter what he said now, it would have no meaning.

When they left, Qin Cheng suddenly said, "Don't tell my mother."

Qin He hummed slowly.

After walking out of the room, Su Ho said, "I don't think this matter is that simple. Qin Cheng and Mu Silan usually don't have much interaction with each other."

"He did it."

When Su Ho heard this, he turned to look at him, "What did you say?"

"When we went in, Mu Silan was still a little alive. She said it herself."

Qin He paused when he said this, "The child in Mu Silan's belly is also his."

Su Ho remained silent for a long time after listening because she really didn't know what to say.

Because she never imagined that Qin Cheng would be so involved with Mu Silan.

But having said that, the specific reason or purpose is obvious, but they are unwilling to delve deeper.

Mu Silan and Qin Cheng were entangled for Qin He, while Qin Chengze still wanted to sit in the high position of the Qin family leader and did whatever it took, but it ended up like this.

Both of them are also considered losers.

"The last photo was also sent by Qin Cheng."

Su Ho listened to what he said and didn't answer anymore, because everything he said now had lost its original meaning, and no matter how much he said, it would be in vain.

When Wang Yun held court, Qin Jianliang was present.

After all, he was his son. Qin Jianliang was also shocked when he learned what Qin Cheng had done.

He no longer wanted to argue with Qin He anymore. He looked a little dull and lacked the same energy as before.

Wang Yun's betrayal was sentenced to fifteen years, which was actually equivalent to a death sentence.

Whether he can make it out alive in these fifteen years is still one thing.

As for Qin Cheng, there is definitely no hope of making it out alive.

After the sentencing, Su Ho went to see Wang Yun alone.

After not seeing each other for a while, Wang Yun lost a lot of weight. "I didn't expect that the person who came to see me again and again would be you."

Su Ho sat down opposite her and asked the same question as before, "Do you regret it now?"

Wang Yun's answer was the same as before, resolutely, "I don't regret it."

Su Ho wanted to say something, but swallowed his words, "If you need anything, you can ask for it at any time and I will deliver it to you."

Wang Yun smiled and said, "Su Ho, you are so kind to me, do you have a purpose?"

Su Ho did not deny it, "Yes, there is indeed something I want to ask you for help with."

She used the word beg, not please.

Wang Yun looked at her, "I'm like this now, what else can I do to help you?"

"I hope you won't mention the things you told me before in front of Qin He."

Wang Yun was silent for a few seconds after hearing this, "I used to think that Qin He, like his father, was a ruthless person and would not end well, but he surprised me. At least he had good intentions."

"So you agreed?" "Actually, what can I do if I say it? Some things are destined to have no ending."

Su Ho thanked him and said, "If you need anything in the future..."

"There is no need anymore. You should come here less frequently. It's not a good place."

Su Ho's words were interrupted, and Wang Yun's eyes fell on her abdomen, "If you feel heavy, don't run to unclean places. Go back."

Su Ho was stunned for a moment when he heard what she said, and then he responded and said, "Then I'll go back first."

"Go back."

Time always flies by quickly.

Su Ho's due date was a week ahead of schedule, and she gave birth to a son on a snowy day.

Wang Heng's surgery was also scheduled on the day she gave birth.

Good news came after she gave birth smoothly. It was said that the operation went well and she only had to wait for the [-]-hour observation period before she could be transferred to the general ward. This was a double blessing.

But at the same time, news about Qin Cheng came.

The execution will be carried out in February after the new year.

Su Ho thought about this matter for a long time and went to see Wang Yun the day after the full moon.

I went to see Qin Cheng before going.

"I'll go to Aunt Wang later. Is there anything you want to say?"

Qin Cheng was a little thin and skinny, "I have nothing to say."

After saying this, Qin Cheng looked at her, "Congratulations."

Su Ho was stunned for a moment, then he responded and said, "Aren't you going to see us for the last time?"

Qin Cheng raised his hand and touched his face, "It's gone. I won't meet you again in the next life."

Su Ho could see that he was determined not to see him, so he said nothing more.

When going to see Wang Yun, Su Ho hesitated for a long time before telling him about Qin Cheng.

After hearing this, Wang Yun didn't have much reaction, "Actually, I already knew it."

Su Ho was a little surprised and opened his mouth without saying anything else, "If you want to see him then..."

"It's gone. I won't see you again in the next life."

Wang Yun interrupted her before she could finish her words.

When Su Ho left, he felt indescribably uncomfortable.

But she knew that some things could not end with regret.

After leaving the gate and looking at the people waiting for her by the car, Su Ho suddenly felt that she was lucky.

After going around and around and experiencing so many thrilling things, they finally got what they wanted.

I just hope that we can be with each other for the rest of our lives and that everything goes as planned.

They would never meet in the next life, but she still prayed that they could still meet in the next life.

[The whole book is over. 】

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