Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 49 Introducing a better man than him

Chapter 49 Introducing a better man than him

Xu Nuo avoided Su Ho's eyes and said angrily, "He almost destroyed me and Lu Hao back then. I hated him so much!"

Hearing this, Su Ho smiled helplessly, "You can remember this for a lifetime."

"That will definitely be remembered for a lifetime, you annoying guy!" Xu Nuo really hated Qin He and said angrily, "It's a good thing I didn't make it with him, otherwise I would have pissed him to death sooner or later!"

"Aren't you not marrying him?" Su Ho said.

Xu Nuo snorted, pulled Su Ho and said, "Our Su Ho is so good-looking. We need to be good-looking and capable, but are we afraid that we can't find a man with two legs? Then let's dress up and go there." Station, I don’t know how many talented people will come to my door. I think the few friends around Lu Peng are quite good, so you hurry up and get rid of that piece of shit Qin He. When the time comes, I..."

"You're done with this piece of shit like me, what will you do then?"

The promise was interrupted by a deep voice.

She stiffly turned her head to look at the door, and almost bit her tongue off when she saw the person coming in from the door.

Su Ho and Lu Peng also looked over at the same time.

Qin He came in from the door, glanced at Xu Nuo, and then said quietly, "I didn't mean to hear it, you didn't close the door."

Promise: "..."

Although it was wrong to curse people behind their backs, Xu Nuo was afraid at the moment. She glared at Qin He and said coldly, "When the time comes, I will definitely introduce Su He to a good man who is a hundred times better than you, so that she can be pampered." Princess! Live your life happily!"

Upon hearing Xu Nuo's words, Qin He glanced at Su He's face, and then showed a careless smile.

It was obvious that he did not take what he promised to say to heart.

And he didn't think Su Ho would be with anyone else.

He still has that confidence.

If Su Ho wanted to be with someone else, he wouldn't have stayed away from someone else for so many years.

Moreover, Su Ho is a person who believes that a person will stick to one thing to the end.

So Qin He didn't think she would go find someone else.

Seeing Qin He like this, Xu Nuo was filled with anger. He turned around and asked Su Ho, "If I introduce you to a man who is better than him, what if you don't want it?"

Su Ho saw that she was really angry. Just when he was about to speak, Lu Hao spoke first, "Nono, stop making trouble."

Even if they are not afraid of Qin He, Su He will be in trouble in the end.

So there is no need to provoke Qin He at this time.

Su Ho knew that Xu Nuo was here for her, so she sat upright, stretched out her hand to hold Xu Nuo's hand, and said seriously, "Yes, I'll take it if you introduce me."

A smile immediately appeared on Xu Nuo's face, and he looked at Qin He provocatively, "Did you hear that? Do you really think that Su Ho has to be you?"

After saying that, she turned to look at Su Ho, "When you are discharged from the hospital, I will ask Lu Peng to bring you here to meet you. I think you two will definitely hit it off!"

Su Ho smiled and nodded, "Okay, I'll listen to you, just make your arrangements."

Compared with Xu Nuo's proud smile, Qin He's face gradually darkened.He just looked at Su Ho, as if he wanted to see a hole in her.

Lu Peng noticed Qin He's emotions, his eyebrows moved slightly, and he reached out to pull Xu Nuo, "Okay, you have agreed, then it's time for you to go home and rest."

Xu Nuo was in a good mood now and would not argue with Lu Yu, "Okay, let's go home."

After saying that, he looked at Su Ho and said, "Then you should have a good rest and don't make others sad. Also, you must take good care of yourself, otherwise your scar will start to hurt again when it rains. Do you understand?" ?”

"You tell me whether you are stupid or not. How can you be used as a knife to others? You should let that person give you a blow and then take the consequences..."

Lu Hao stretched out his hand to cover Xu Nuo's mouth and dragged him out.

As soon as Xu Nuo and Lu Hao left, the ward became empty instantly.

Before Su Ho could do anything, the person who was standing aside had already arrived in front of her, and without saying a word, he reached out to lift her clothes.

"What are you doing?" Su Ho quickly held down his hand.

"Let me look at the scar."

Su Ho frowned, "There's nothing interesting to see."

The promise just made was made deliberately. Su Ho knew what the purpose was.

It's just that she didn't expect Qin He to react, which somewhat surprised her.

Qin He didn't move, just looked at Su He.

Su Ho looked a little unnatural when he looked at him, so he moved a little to one side and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

She knew Qin He very well. After what she said yesterday, it was impossible for him to come back as if nothing had happened.

There must be something going on to come here.

Qin He stepped forward and sat down next to her, and then said, "Wei Yun came to your place yesterday?"

Su Ho was not surprised how he knew Wei Yun had been here, so he hummed quietly, "What?"

"Wei Jia invited me to dinner last night and told me something."

"Wei Jia? What does he want from you?"

Su He really couldn't think of why Wei Jia came to Qin He. After all, because of the close relationship between Su Yuan and Wei Yun, people from the Wei family were cautious when interacting with people from the Qin family, for fear of offending the Qin family, and Perhaps because Su Yuan has a good relationship with Wei Yun, the Qin family will stand behind Wei Yun.

Because of this relationship, Su He didn't think that he was looking for Qin He to win over Qin He.

"He told me that the car accident involving Wei Yun's mother was the work of Mr. Wei."

"What did you say?" Su Ho couldn't help but raise his voice.

(End of this chapter)

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