Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 5 Why Can't It Be You?

Chapter 5 Why Can't It Be You?
The expression on Qin He's face was always light. Seeing him, Qin Jianliang was so angry that he slowly stood up with a faint smile on his face, but the smile did not reach his eyes, even that When his eyes fell on Qin Jianliang, people couldn't help but feel chilled.

After a while, he looked away and fell on Wang Yun who was standing aside, "Aunt Wang, tell Qin Cheng that if you are dissatisfied with anything, you can come to me. My father is old and his heart cannot bear it, so don't Let dad worry about these little things."

Wang Yun did not dare to speak and nodded tremblingly.

Qin He didn't stay any longer and turned to leave.

After leaving the old house and sitting in the car, the expression on Qin He's face turned completely cold.

Others thought that he had a deep relationship with Qin Jianliang and his son, but that was just the surface.

When Qin Jianliang was young, he did not fight or grab. Now that he is old, he has ambitions and wants to take the Fu family away from Qin He and give it to his youngest son.

But how could Qin He let him get his wish?
Back then, Qin Jianliang married his mother. Because he was young and vigorous, he couldn't resist the temptation of the outside world, so he married Qin He's mother in front of him, while colorful flags were flying outside.

After finally getting rid of one, Qin Jianliang found another young and beautiful girl soon after.
They even formed a small family outside, that is, they found Wang Yun and gave birth to Qin Cheng.

My mother was depressed because of these things and suffered from severe depression. She committed suicide at home not long after.

So how could he not hate Qin Jianliang?
The reason why he can still be so "loving as father and filial as son" is only because of the old man's pleading that he has been able to interpret this ethereal love between father and son for so many years.

Back at Xiyuan, Qin He digested his emotions in the car before walking in the door.

Su Ho had just sat down and was about to eat when he heard movement at the door and looked up.

Uncle Chen had already stepped forward to greet him, "The young master is back."

When people came over and sat down, Su Ho asked quietly, "Have you returned to your old home?"

Qin He hummed, "The old man is not in good health. Come over and take a look."

Su Ho knew that Qin Jianliang was in poor health, so he didn't ask any more questions.

After all, she has no position, no reputation, no status.

Su He was not stupid. Looking at some of the emotions in his eyes, he could guess that Qin Jianliang asked Qin He to go back not only because of his poor health, but also because she had done it in front of so many people that morning. Qin Cheng’s face.

In fact, she didn't understand very much. What was going on in Qin Jianliang's mind?
When he was young, he lingered in the world of flowers and had no talent for business. Now that he is old, he desperately wants to snatch the Qin family from Qin He and hand it over to Qin Cheng.

But if it is really given to them, if the Qin family can hold on for half a year, they still have some brains.

Su Ho helped him pick up the food, "If you want to cook something, just do it."

After finishing her words, she paused for a few seconds, "If those old antiques on the board of directors are dissatisfied, just say that I did it in private." After Su Ho finished speaking, Qin He didn't speak for a while, but just raised his eyes and stared at She looked at it for a long time and then asked calmly, "Su Ho, have you never thought about yourself?"

Su Ho was stunned when she heard this. At this time, she couldn't tell whether Qin He's words were to test her or for some other purpose. She didn't think about it further and replied quietly, "Consider it." What? A lifetime is so long, so naturally what I want to do has already considered myself."

She had been with Qin He all these years and was trained by him to be an invulnerable, heartless and thin lover.

He also blocked many shots by being pushed out, so there is no difference between blocking one more time and blocking one less time.

After listening to Su Ho's words, Qin He had a helpless smile on his face.

Su Ho has always been like this. He clearly does everything for him, but never takes credit in front of him.

Just like now, according to a normal woman, she should take the opportunity to take credit and say a few touching and tender words, but she has a business-like expression, as if no matter what the consequences are, they have nothing to do with him and she will bear them alone. look.

Even though Qin He had been feeling guilty for what happened all these years, at this time, her expressionless look made him feel less guilty.

It even feels right.

After a long time, Qin He said, "Don't interfere in the Qin family's affairs."

Hearing this, Su Ho nodded.

The meaning of Qin He's words was very obvious. She was just a dog he kept, and she would bite whoever he asked her to bite.

But she has no position to participate in the Qin family's family affairs.

After all, she is just a useful gun to Qin He.

If Qin He doesn't want her to participate, then she won't participate.

But then she thought of something, and she raised her eyes and looked at him, "You said before that you have someone to find someone? If not, I'll ask Su Yuan to help find a suitable one."

It is impossible for her and Qin He to have children, and it is impossible for Qin He to marry her.

The old man of the Qin family was very kind to her, so for his sake, she could let Qin He have a child.

When Qin He heard what she said, he raised his eyes and looked at her, "Why can't you? Since I just have a child, why can't it be you?"

(End of this chapter)

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