Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 54 Loving others the way she loves him

Chapter 54 Loving others the way she loves him
It was already past six o'clock in the evening when Su Ho woke up.

When I opened my eyes, I couldn't adapt to the light, so I closed my eyes again.

The ward was eerily quiet, which made her feel uncomfortable for a moment.

She remembered that when she had a splitting headache, she heard someone calling her, and it seemed to be Su Yuan's voice.

Logically speaking, he would definitely wait for her to wake up, but right now there was no one there.

After adapting to the light, Su Ho was about to get up when she felt pain in her hand. When she looked down, she realized that there was still a needle stuck in her hand and she was receiving an infusion.

Su Ho stared at the needle in his hand for a while, then closed his eyes again.

Suddenly hearing footsteps coming from the door, Su Ho opened his eyes and saw that the person who came in was a nurse. He didn't know why but felt a sense of loss in his heart.

"Miss Su, are you awake?"

Su Ho nodded, "What time is it now?"

The nurse looked at the time and said, "It's almost seven o'clock. Are you hungry?"

Su Ho shook his head, "I'm not hungry."

The saline injection was almost finished at this time. The nurse waited for a while and helped her pull out the needle. "Ms. Su, if you are hungry, just tell me and I will buy you some porridge. Doctor Xu has already ordered me to Take care of yours.”

Su Ho was slightly startled, "Promise"

The nurse nodded, "Yes, Dr. Xu rushed back after you fainted. He is currently in a meeting with several other professional doctors and will come over later."

"A meeting at this hour? Did something happen?"

The nurse said softly, "You did a few tests in the afternoon. They seem to be in a meeting because of your test report."

Su Ho opened his mouth to ask something, but he swallowed the words when he reached his lips.

After the nurse left, Su Ho finally came back to his senses.

She stared at the needle hole in her hand for a long time, then turned around and took the phone from the side.

There are many missed calls and many unread messages.

But what's rare is that none of them are about work.

It seems that after she was hospitalized, Qin He assigned all the work in her hands to others. As for those who originally followed her, they must have clearly distinguished the pros and cons after hearing about Mu Silan moving into Xiyuan. If she chooses a backer she can cling to, it won't matter to her.

However, Su Ho had already prepared for these changes, so it did not affect her at all.

She went through the unread messages and asked her about some of the clients she had worked with before.

After a few simple replies, the message was cleared.

Then he clicked on Su Yuan's dialog box.

Above is the message Su Yuan sent an hour ago: [Sister, something suddenly happened here. Take good care of yourself when you wake up. Don’t think about work for now. Let’s wait until you feel better. I’ll come and see you after I’m done. you. ]
After reading it, Su Ho replied with a nice word and gave a few more instructions, asking him to be more careful in his work.

I had just finished sending a message to Su Yuan, and I was about to put down my phone and lie down for a while, when the phone vibrated in my hand.A MMS message with a photo popped in.

As the Internet has developed to such an extent, it is rare for people to still use MMS.

Su Ho clicked on it and took a look. Because of the signal, it took a while for the pictures to be fully loaded.

When she saw the pictures on her phone, the hand holding the phone shook uncontrollably.

What a beautiful scenery and two perfectly matched people.

Such a sweet kiss at the beach, under the sunset.

Su Ho looked at such an incomparably beautiful photo, and the smile on his lips widened little by little.

The two people standing together in the photo really match each other.

The match was so perfect that Su Ho felt like how could she have the shamelessness to stay by his side all these years?

She even felt that she had become a bad person, destroying such a loving couple so heartlessly.

Qin He loves Silan, and Mu Silan also loves Qin He.

She was the only bad person who ruined such a divine couple.

Su Ho's eyes turned red as she looked at them, and her eyes became blurry. She didn't blink dumbly until she couldn't see the photos on her phone clearly.

When blinking, she even raised her head to blink, for fear that the moisture in her eyes would roll down and make her look embarrassed.

Over the years, she has always felt that she worked hard enough and did everything well.

Even in these years, she has suffered too many things. She has been ridiculed, ridiculed, treated coldly, rejected, and disgusted.

Many people even wanted her to die.

All encounters suddenly became insignificant at this moment, even insignificant.

But what makes her most painful now is that the person she loves with all her heart loves another person with all her heart and soul the same way she loves him. This is the most painful thing.

Su Ho knew who sent this message without having to guess.

After all, with the same method and the same purpose, she couldn't think of anyone else except Mu Silan.

Recalling the first time they met after Mu Silan came back, she said that she didn't want to leave any regrets.

It turned out that she really didn’t want to have any regrets, and that person also didn’t want her to have any regrets.

So she has really been quite redundant all these years.

Everything Mu Silan did was clearly telling her not to get entangled and not to be sentimental. It also reminded her that she was an outsider.

Now that she, the rightful owner, has returned, she should give way and let the lovers finally get married.

(End of this chapter)

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