Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 62 In the hands of Wei Yun

Chapter 62 In the hands of Wei Yun

"Okay, I will help Su Yuan."

When Su Ho heard these words, the sigh hanging in his heart disappeared.

After hanging up the phone, Su Ho sat blankly on the edge of the bed, his mind empty for a moment.

Seeing her so distracted, Xu Nuo felt very distressed, "I know you are worried about Su Yuan, but Su Ho, what you are most worried about now is yourself. If you go out and work so hard in this situation, your body is already weak. If there is one more mistake, the consequences will be serious.”

She knew Xu Nuo was caring about her, but Su Ho didn't want to say a word at the moment.

She took a deep breath, looked at Xu Nuo, and said softly, "Go and do your work first. I want to be alone."

Xu Nuo knew that she was in confusion now, so he didn't say much, "Then you have a good rest first, and I'll come back later."

After Xu Nuo left, Su Ho lay on the bed with his eyes closed for a long time. After waiting for the indescribable suppressed emotion to disappear, he stood up and sat up again.

She had made a lot of friends with Qin He over the years. She found a few that she was close to and called them to ask them to help.

Even after the phone call, Su Ho's tense spirit did not relax.

Su Yuan has always said that she is his salvation. If it weren't for her, he still doesn't know what he would be like now.

But Su Ho felt that Su Yuan was her salvation.

What would she have done if she hadn't met Su Yuan who looked so much like her back then?

Over the years, no matter how people outside pointed at her spine and cursed her, Su Yuan always stood in front of her and protected her without any reason or condition. Even if there were many times when he couldn't protect her at all, he would still stand in her way without hesitation. In front of her, he told her: "Sister, don't be afraid, I will do my best to protect you!"

Such words are of great significance to Soho.

Ever since Su Yong and Su Ying left, there was no one close to her anymore.

After having Su Yuan, she gradually felt like family again.

When she was lying in the hospital uncertain about her life or death after blocking the knife for Qin He, he stayed at the door and beside the bed.

The first thing she saw when she woke up was him, and he burst into tears when she woke up.

So for so many years, Su Yuan has been her family to her.

Only Su Yuan gave her such a sense of belonging. Even Qin He, who slept with her, never gave her the feeling of home.

Only Su Yuan gave her such a feeling.

She thought she had been alone all these years, but before she knew it, Su Yuan became her only family.

In the evening, Jiang Xing called and said that Wei Yun was with the young master of the Mu family. Now he was dealing with some of the Mu family's properties abroad, and Wei Yun was helping the young master of the Mu family.

What Su Ho didn't expect at this time was.

"When did they get together?"

"It seems that they were together on Miss Wei's birthday some time ago." Jiang Xing said on the phone.Su Ho was stunned when he heard this, "On Wei Yun's birthday?"

"Yes, the young master of the Mu family confessed his love at that time, and Miss Wei agreed on the spot."

Su Ho couldn't help but feel nervous, "What about Su Yuan? Was he there at the time?"


It's not a secret that Su Yuan likes Wei Yun, almost everyone in the circle knows it.

Now that Wei Yun has chosen the young master of the Mu family, Su Yuan is nothing.

Even his efforts for Wei Yun over the years were in vain.

But Su Yuan didn't even mention this matter in front of her.

"Sister Su, don't worry too much. Now that Mr. Qin has come forward, Su Yuan will be fine." Jiang Xing said some words of comfort on the phone.

Su Ho responded, "I know. You don't have to keep an eye on Wei Yun during this period. Ask who is looking for Su Yuan now."

Jiang Xing immediately answered, "Sister Su, do you still remember that time when Su Yuan beat the young master of the Xie family?"

"Remember, what happened?"

"The Xie family has some connections in the police station. When something happened to Su Yuan this time, it seems that a lot of people came out of the Xie family, all looking for Su Yuan."

Hearing this, Su Ho was not surprised.

Although Wei Zhong called to apologize, she knew it was for Qin He's sake. If it weren't for Qin He, the matter wouldn't have been resolved so easily.

Now that something like this happened to Su Yuan, the Xie family will definitely seize this opportunity to get back the face they lost that time.

Su Yuan also hit the Xie family's gun this time.

The afternoon passed in a daze, and at night Suho stayed up all night again.

Early in the morning, Su Ho was woken up by a phone call just as he was squinting.

Su Ho was a little surprised when he saw the call, but thinking that he was closely related to Su Yuan's accident, he answered the call immediately, "What's the matter?"

Wei Jia said on the phone, "Ms. Su, you didn't like hearing that I said your brother was a fool before. Now I not only think he's stupid, he's also a fool!"

"Wei Jia..."

"He is now in Wei Yun's hands."

"What did you say?" Su Ho couldn't help but raise his voice when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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