Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 7 Miss Mu is here to declare war on me?

Chapter 7 Miss Mu is here to declare war on me?

Hearing Su Ho say her name directly, Su Yuan said, "Yes, that's her, but she is beautiful but she looks sickly, as if she has a serious illness."

After saying this, Su Yuan noticed that Su He looked unhappy and was stunned, "Sister, do you know her?"

Su Ho did not answer, but raised his hand to pat his shoulder and walked towards the crowd.

At the same time, upstairs in the lounge.

Mu Silan sat on the single sofa, looking pale and coughing lightly.

The person standing next to her handed over the water glass and medicine in her hand, watched her finish eating, and then asked, "Is it difficult? How about we go back first?"

Mu Silan shook his head and smiled softly, "It's okay, don't worry."

"No, we'd better go back or go directly to the hospital." After saying this, he pushed her out.

Mu Silan reached out to stop him, her eyes were red, and she said warmly, "Sirou, I... I just want to see him."

Upon hearing this, Mu Sirou also had red eyes, "Sister, is it worth it for you? You can ignore me, but do you know how sad your parents would be if they knew that you were doing this...?"

Mu Silan reached out and touched her face, "Sirou, when you meet someone you can't love, you will understand your sister's heart."

Just as Mu Sirou was about to speak, there was a knock on the door.

Mu Silan said warmly, "Go and open the door."

The person who came was Wang Yun. When she saw Mu Silan, she expressed concern, "Why is it like this? I don't know how to rest well when I come back, so I have to come here."

Mu Silan had just had the surgery not long ago. She had a slight fever because she came back from abroad and had to work here, and she looked even more pitiful.

Hearing Wang Yun's words, she smiled tenderly, "Auntie, I just want to meet Qin He, where are the others?"

Wang Yun sighed and said softly, "I asked your uncle to tell him."

She didn't dare to come forward to find Qin He, so she could only ask Qin Jianliang to talk to him.

Mu Silan nodded, "Thank you, auntie."

Wang Yun looked at the pale Mu Silan and felt heartbroken, and couldn't help but resent Su Ho.

"This kid of yours is really heartbreaking. Your body is like this and you still miss him. How heartbreaking would it be for your parents to see this?"

Then he said, "Don't worry, Qin He will not marry a woman like Su Ho who has no popularity at all."

They were talking to themselves, but they didn't notice Su Ho who stood at the door and listened for a long time.

After they talked for a while, Su Ho raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Mu Sirou became very hostile when she saw Su Ho, "What are you doing here? You are not welcome here!"

Wang Yun's face was not good-looking, and she looked at Su Ho, "Su Ho, what do you want to do? If Qin He knew..." "Aunt Wang, if Qin He knew you were here, what do you think he would do?"

Su Ho interrupted Wang Yun before she could finish her words, "I'm just here to meet my old classmates. Why are you so nervous?"

Both Mu Sirou and Wang Yun hated Su Ho from the bottom of their hearts.

It's just that this man has a cold nature, his methods are comparable to those of men, and he never leaves any room for error.

Therefore, even if they were dissatisfied, they did not dare to cause trouble to Su Ho without permission.

Su Ho took two steps inside. Wang Yun and Mu Sirou looked at her with guarded faces, as if she was going to eat Mu Silan alive when she came in.

She smiled and was about to speak.

Then Mu Silan said, "Auntie, you and Sirou go outside first, and I'll say a few words to Su Ho."

Mu Sirou looked at Mu Silan with a worried face, obviously worried about her being alone with Su Ho.

Mu Silan raised her hand and patted her hand gently, "Don't worry, it will be fine."

Even if Mu Sirou and Wang Yun were worried, they could only go out first.

Before leaving, Mu Sirou glared at Su Ho fiercely as a warning.

After they left, Su Ho stepped forward and looked at the person sitting on the sofa condescendingly, "Are you sick?"

"It's just a little cold."

Mu Silan looked a little thinner than before, maybe because she was sick and a little out of shape, but her face was as good-looking as before, so good-looking that even Su Ho was jealous.

Mu Silan is good-looking, gentle and has a very gentle personality. She never speaks loudly.

She had seen too many women around Qin He, but none of them could compare with Mu Silan.

That's why people as callous and indifferent as Qin He never forget her.

She looked at Mu Silan for a few seconds, "What's going on?"

Hearing this, the expression on Mu Silan's face changed. Before she could speak, Su Ho said again, "If Miss Mu doesn't take good care of her health abroad, what will she do when she comes back?"

Mu Silan lowered her head and clasped her fingers. After a long time, she said, "I have figured out something. Life is very short. There are many things you want that you won't get if you don't fight for them. So I want to fight for them to avoid regrets for the rest of my life." "

These words sounded like Mu Silan was lamenting life, but the actual intention was obvious.

Su Ho laughed after hearing what she said, "Miss Mu, are you here to declare war on me?"

(End of this chapter)

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