Top level coaxing, Master Qin has fallen!

Chapter 77 Still understanding

Chapter 77 Still understanding

Xu Nuo and Lu Yu responded to Qin He's words according to the good words they discussed.

After answering, Xu Nuo looked at Su Ho, "I'm sorry, we really tried our best."

Su Ho felt a little distracted, "I know that his condition is so serious, and it is his fate to live for two more days."

Su Yuan's condition was indeed very serious at that time, and many people saw this.

So Qin He didn't think much, but kept his eyes on Su Ho.

Su Ho didn't make any big deal about Su Yuan's affairs. He went through the procedures and was buried according to his personal wishes.

After that, Su Ho returned to the company as if he was not affected.

Qin He persuaded her several times to let her rest first, but Su Ho refused.

She wanted to settle her cooperation with Wei Jia before leaving, so that she could repay Qin He's last favor.

On the day of Su Yuan's funeral, Su Ho went to Wei Jia and signed a contract.

On the surface, some important companies with development prospects in the Wei family are now owned by Wei Jia, but in fact, a large part of the profits of these companies are labeled as Qin's.

To put it simply, most of these companies belong to the Qin family.

Including some profits belong to the Qin family.

After Wei Jia finished signing, he looked up at Su Ho, who was sitting opposite him, and couldn't help but say, "I really don't understand, why are you hanging on a tree? Aren't you tired after so many years?"

Su Ho put away the contract he brought back and handed the other one to him, "I am born to be burdened. As for the kind of burden I have to choose, I will naturally suffer the burden I choose. Willingly."

Hearing this, Wei Jia laughed, "As expected, it has to be you. They say you are decisive in doing things and are Mr. Qin's right-hand man. Now that you have come forward, I don't even have room to resist. Do you know this On the surface, I have an advantage in the contract, but in fact, Qin didn’t suffer any loss at all, which is equivalent to taking half of the meat out of my mouth, which makes me feel sad just thinking about it.”

Su Ho raised his head and looked at him, "But now you have the right to speak in the Wei family. This is an effect that you can't achieve even if you work hard for a long time."

Wei Jia really couldn't refute this.

When the old man was alive, he gave some of his property and authority to his favorite grandson, and he didn't look down on them at all.

As for him and Wei Yun, even if they join forces, it is impossible to take down the Wei family.

Now that Qin He's power can be used to win it so smoothly, it can be regarded as a shortcut.

However, after spending these two days together, Wei Jia really admired Su Ho.

Even a little heartbroken.

Looking at the whole city, it is impossible to find another woman like Su Ho who is decisive, courageous and calculating.

But this complaint was just a complaint. From the bottom of his heart, he was grateful to Su Ho and Qin He.

If it weren't for them, he might not be able to do what he is doing now in his life.

Not to mention Wei Yun and other members of the Wei family who were eyeing him.

Wei Jia looked at her and sighed, "But now I understand why those women who want to get in touch with Qin He don't dare to act recklessly. Women like you will be really troublesome once they are provoked." At this point, Wei Jia said with a smile, "As long as I have some integrity, I might want to take the risk to compete with Mr. Qin."

"I'll give you this opportunity, come and fight for it."

Wei Jia was stunned when he heard this, then waved his hands quickly, "Don't dare, I'm just joking, don't take it seriously."

Is he crazy to compete with Qin He?

Besides, probably only Qin He can handle a woman like Su He.

Even if you give it to him, he won’t dare to ask for it.

Because he can't control it.

Su Ho packed up his things and stood up, "But don't think so. Compared to other people in the Wei family, you are much better than them, so a good person like you should find someone more suitable for you. But not me, I don’t deserve it.”

Wei Jia exclaimed when he heard this, "There is no one who is not worthy of you, but I am not worthy of it."

After saying that, he also stood up and said, "Happy cooperation, Su Ho."

Su Ho looked at the hand he extended and shook it, "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

Back at Qin's, Su He personally delivered the contract to Qin He's office.

"The contract has been signed. Mr. Qin, please take a look and see if there are any problems."

In the past two days, Su Ho spoke respectfully to Mr. Qin.

Qin He was still not used to it, so he raised his head and glanced at her face.

Su Ho stood by the table and was about to speak, but his eyes fell on Qin He's hand inadvertently.

She had never seen Qin He wearing any jewelry, and this was the first time she had seen him wearing anything on his hands in so many years.

What a coincidence, this ring is very familiar to Su Ho.

It was designed by Mu Silan himself.

After Qin He finished reading, he raised his head and looked at Su He, "No problem."

Su Ho had already calmed down his emotions when he looked over, and nodded when he heard the sound, "Okay, then I'll get to work first if it doesn't matter."

After saying this, Su He turned around and left the office quickly before Qin He could speak again.

When the door closed, the expression on Su Ho's face changed instantly.

She took a few steps back to her office before allowing herself to show a sad expression.

She thought that nothing would have any impact on her anymore, but when she saw the ring he was wearing just now, she still felt like her heart was twisting.

(End of this chapter)

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