Chapter 96 Strong Possession
The little girl cried at that time, feeling aggrieved as if she had been greatly wronged.

But in front of so many people, no one dared to say or do anything to Su Ho.

After all, Su Ho had said since he entered the house that there was someone around Qin He, so there was no need to arrange anyone around him.

But there are still people who carelessly move forward, so you can't blame her for bullying.

Several old friends looked at this scene that day and all made fun of Qin He.

Qin He had no reaction at that time and just smiled.

On the contrary, Su Ho replied seriously, "I don't like others to touch him without a sense of propriety, not even a touch."

The underlying meaning is.

No one can touch my people, not even for a moment, she won’t allow it.

Such a strong possessiveness made him her private property.

He couldn't understand why she left suddenly?
There was something the woman said just now that really touched his heart.

He was just waiting for someone.

Wait for Su Ho to suddenly rush in, drive the person out, and then make a big fuss with him.

But he has been looking forward to it since he went out tonight, and until now, he has not waited for that person to show up and make trouble with him.

He removed his hand from his eyes, feeling a little sore in his eyes.

He got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower, then went to bed and slept in a daze all night.

Early the next morning, Qin He went directly back to Xiyuan.

As soon as he got home, Uncle Chen greeted him, "Master, there was a call from my old house this morning. The gentleman asked you to go back."

Qin He asked while changing his shoes, "Did you say something?"

Uncle Chen shook his head and then replied speculatively, "Maybe it's because of the second young master's matter."

Qin He hummed, "I'll be there later."

When he changed his clothes and went downstairs, Chi Cheng was already waiting in the living room.

Seeing him coming down, Chi Cheng looked up and saw that his face and energy were not very good, and he felt worried for a moment.

He knew that Qin He was not a playful person, and the game last night was just to distract him and relax him a little.

Now it seems that it has no effect at all.

After getting into the car, Chi Cheng couldn't hold it back. He looked back at the person sitting in the back seat and said softly, "How about... I'll go find Dr. Xu later. Maybe she knows about Miss Su." .”

"It's no use."

Qin He refused cleanly, without even half a second of hesitation.

Hearing this, Chi Cheng was startled. He really couldn't understand this person.

It was clear that my mind was full of thoughts during this period, but I had to insist on not looking for someone.

I don’t know what he is insisting on?
Chi Cheng, who didn't need to quarrel, didn't want to say a second sentence.

In fact, Qin He had not thought about going to Xu Nuo, but he knew very well that Xu Nuo would never say a word more about Su Ho.

Even if he went to find him, he would only get scolded and would not get any useful information.

The car stopped in front of the company, and when he got out of the car, Qin He said, "I'll go to my old house in the evening." Chi Cheng responded.

Throughout the whole day, Qin He arranged his time as fully as he had in the previous two days.

Apart from eating and going to the bathroom, I am always busy in the office.

Qin He was still busy until after get off work in the evening.

Chi Cheng couldn't stand it anymore, "Mr. Qin, we have to go to the old house at night."

Qin He then raised his hand and glanced at the time, "Order some food, I'm a little hungry."

"Aren't you going to the old house?"

"I'm not used to it."

Chi Cheng knew that Qin He rarely ate at the old house. First, Qin Jianliang would say something irritating every time he ate.

Second, Qin He didn't like the atmosphere at the dinner table very much.

So every time he went to his old house, Qin He would go there after eating and rarely dine there.

After finishing the meal, it was already 07:30 in the evening when we arrived at the Qin family's old house.

As he entered the door, he was greeted by the butler, "The young master is back."

Qin He handed over his coat and responded quietly.

Entering the living room, Qin Jianliang and Wang Yun were talking about something. When they saw him coming in, they both glanced at his face at the same time.

After Qin He stepped forward and sat down, he said hello.

Wang Yun put on a gentle look again, "It's so late, have you had dinner? I asked Auntie to make something?"

"No, I've eaten."

Wang Yun smiled, raised her foot and kicked Qin Cheng, who was sitting silently with his head down, "Why don't you call someone?"

Only then did Qin He notice Qin Cheng sitting aside.

Under normal circumstances, every time he would leave his old house, he would find various excuses not to show up.

Qin He was a little surprised to be sitting here today.

Qin Cheng was kicked by Wang Yun before he raised his head and said hello to Qin He.

Qin He responded lightly.

Seeing Qin He's attitude, Qin Cheng didn't dare to say another word.

"I heard that you have been very busy recently?" Qin Jianliang asked now.

Qin He hummed, then asked straight to the point, "Uncle Chen said you called me back for something?"

He didn't want to show off any father-son relationship with Qin Jianliang, so he went straight to the point.

In fact, when he saw Qin Cheng's presence, Qin He almost guessed something.

Even if Qin Jianliang doesn't like his son very much, or even hates it, now that Qin is in his hands, he can't show it too obviously, but he still pretends to be a strict father, "There is indeed something, I heard Did you say that Su Ho left?"

(End of this chapter)

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