In the present world, the future, and the past, the figures of the strange ancestors are being killed continuously by Yang An.


The ancestor let out a desperate roar and tried his best to transform into a blurry figure, but was still killed by Yang An's sword. Even Gao Yuan could not revive him.

At that moment, even with the help of other ancestors who gave him the primordial matter, he was still chopped to pieces again and again.

The last ray of light exploded, and the ancestor turned into ashes. Dust rose up all over the sky, and his ancient coffin also exploded, disappearing completely with him.

The remaining two ancestors subconsciously stepped back and looked back, but the plateau was dead silent, and they really failed to resurrect that ancestor.

"How can this be?"

The ancestors who were fighting with Emperor Huang Tian and his two companions were terrified and shocked.

What kind of method is this? It makes the power of the plateau lose its due effect.

The ominous energy was disturbed, blood rained down on all the heavens and worlds, and the death of the ancestor was revealed in all the worlds.

"Emperor Yang!"

On the battlefields of the heavens and myriad worlds, countless creatures roared with tears in their eyes.

They also had not expected that under the siege of the ten ancestors, Emperor Yang Tian could still display his unrivaled brilliance and fight against the ten ancestors without dying.

Now, Emperor Yang Tian not only blocked the means of the ten ancestors, but also killed the immortal ancestor. Even Gao Yuan was powerless.

This is simply unique in the universe and a miracle of the past, present and future.

At this moment, the ancestors' hearts were throbbing and shaking. They could actually be killed, how could they not feel afraid?
Just when the ancestors were terrified, they were shocked to find that one of the ten ancestors was missing.

Their pupils contracted, and they found that the disappeared ancestor was in Yang An's map of the heavens and all worlds.

How strong is Yang An, and when was the ancestor taken in?

No one answered the questions in their hearts. The map of the heavens and myriad worlds shone brightly, and the power of the myriad worlds was destroying the strange ancestor.

The ancestor in the scroll kept opening his mouth, as if calling for something, but he was annihilated again and again, and even his soul light was shattered and constantly extinguished.

"you dare!"

The ancestor in the back roared that he would never tolerate this, so why should the ancestor be afraid?

He must interrupt everything and do his best to stop Yang An and rescue the ancestor.

However, at this moment, a terrible sound was heard, and the ancestor in the map of the heavens and myriad worlds emitted the last light of fire, like a candle flame with its oil running out, and it completely dissipated with the last flicker.

As for the ancient coffin that was trapping Emperor Huang Tian and others, it also disappeared with the disappearance of the ancestor.

"What!" the ancestors exclaimed.

Another ancestor died, and Gaoyuan was still powerless. This scene was once again reflected in all the worlds.

"Another ancestor was killed!"

"Emperor Yang is invincible!"

Countless creatures had tears in their eyes. They had finally waited for this moment. Their expressions were extremely excited, as if they had returned to the days when Emperor Yang Tian was in power.

This is the invincible Emperor Yang Tian who dominates the past, present and future!


The strange ancestors roared, shocked, fearful and angry. They were immortal and had their backs against the plateau.

In the past, they had encountered extremely terrifying opponents, but they were still unable to kill them, and all their opponents were destroyed by them.

But today, the myth of immortality was broken, Gao Yuan was unable to stop Yang An, and two strange ancestors were actually killed.

The deaths of the two ancestors happened in a split second. At this moment, there was only one ancestor left confronting Yang An.

The confidence on his face had long gone, and the look he gave Yang An was full of fear.

The battle just now had destroyed a certain fixed belief in invincibility in their hearts. It was hard for them to accept that even the plateau could not protect their ancestor and keep him alive.

The ten ancestors combined were unable to do anything to Yang An, and when three of them besieged him again, two of them were easily killed.

The three ancestors were no match for him. How could he have any fighting spirit when facing Yang An alone?


At this point, he knew clearly that the strength of the person in front of him was far beyond their imagination.

Even if he fought desperately, there was no hope at all.

This strange ancestor made a prompt decision. All he could do now was to escape. Although this would make him lose face as the ancestor, it was better than losing his life here.

If he didn't escape, his fate would be the same as those two strange ancestors, falling into the hands of Yang An.

"Want to escape? It's too late!" Yang An said loudly.

This is an extremely rare opportunity, so he certainly can't just watch this strange ancestor escape.

Of course, Yang An also paid a certain price for killing the first two strange ancestors. He became blurred and weak, and consumed a lot of his essence.

If there were no Gao Yuan, he could easily kill an ancestor.

But now, to fight against Gaoyuan with all one's might and completely wipe out the ancestor and prevent him from reviving requires even more terrifying power, and the consumption of the source is unimaginable.

While thinking, he attacked again, and the Heavenly Emperor Fist was thrown out, and his figure was everywhere.

The fist shadow appeared in all the worlds, and the invincible means frightened the ancestor and made him flee.

However, how could Yang An, who was well prepared, let this ancestor go?
The unparalleled fist shadow traversed the heavens and myriad worlds, completely devouring the ancestor.


Blood bloomed, and the devoured ancestors were annihilated and reunited, until finally turning into nothingness and transparency.

Another ancestor is about to be killed and completely wiped out by Yang An.

Seeing this situation, the other seven ancestors who were confronting Emperor Huang Tian and his three companions did not sit still and wait for death.

How could they not resist? They all went crazy and wanted to get rid of Emperor Huang Tian and the other two to support the strange ancestor who was swallowed by the fist light.

The death of two strange ancestors is not good news. If it is not stopped and all three strange ancestors die here, they will also be affected.

However, with the previous lesson, Emperor Huang Tian and the other two naturally could not let these strange ancestors succeed. They tried their best to buy more time for Yang An to eliminate the third ancestor.

Emperor Huang Tian summoned the Thunder Pool and smashed it out. It quickly enlarged and stood between heaven and earth.

He transformed himself into freedom, he transformed eternity, he transformed all things, and used invincible means to stop the three strange ancestors, making the three strange ancestors exhausted and unable to escape.

Emperor Ye Tian’s blood and energy surged into the sky, illuminating the human world and the outer world, brightening the time and eternity.

A leaf covers the sky, firmly restraining the two strange ancestors!
The empress was extremely sublime, dazzling, wearing armor and holding a spear, standing between heaven and earth, suppressing the two strange ancestors.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

In the heavens and the myriad worlds, countless beings cheered! The will to fight was high!

They had witnessed the fall of two ancestors. Emperor Yang Tian killed two ancestors and even the Plateau Ancestral Land could not be revived. Now, they were about to witness the death of the third ancestor.

Everything that Emperor Yang Tian did rekindled their hope and brought them dawn in the endless darkness.

They dared not imagine, if Emperor Yang was killed by the ten great ancestors, how could Emperor Huang hold on? How long could they hold on?
The shocking scene was reflected in all the worlds, causing countless creatures to cry out and igniting hope in their hearts, wishing that the four Heavenly Emperors would kill all the strange ancestors.


Wu Shi and other powerful Immortal Emperors were encouraged by Yang An and seized the opportunity to take advantage of the chaos caused by the death of the weird ancestor to suppress a weird Immortal Emperor.

Burning the way ahead and erasing his origin, Gao Yuan was still unable to resurrect the Immortal Emperor.


The fist shadow traverses the long river of time, illuminating the heavens and all worlds, and constantly devouring the ancestor.

Under the fist of the Emperor of Heaven, the ancestor who had faded into obscurity finally met with disaster. He was shattered, disintegrated, and turned into ashes along with the ancient coffin.

The ominous aura disturbed the world, blood rained down on all the heavens and worlds, the third ancestor fell, and his light shone in all the worlds.

After destroying the third strange ancestor, Yang An's figure became even dimmer!


Seeing the third ancestor fall and Yang An consuming a considerable amount of his essence, the seven ancestors completely lost their fighting spirit.

At this moment, even though they were unwilling, they could only give the order to retreat.

According to their original plan, the ancestors came out together to eliminate all variables.

But they had not expected that the heavens and myriad worlds could actually give birth to four powerful priests, and even a powerful opponent like Yang An.

However, according to their thinking at the time, their clan had a strong foundation, and even with four priests including Yang An, they could still remain invincible.

With the plateau behind them, they are immortal, and the ten of them working together can completely exhaust the essence of Yang An and the other four, thus killing them completely.

In addition, the creatures of their clan can also sweep across the heavens and all worlds.

But they still underestimated their opponent. Yang An's strength was beyond their imagination. Even if the ten people joined forces at all costs, they were unexpectedly resisted by Yang An.

Now, the death of the three ancestors has made them even more passive.

Originally, even if the ten ancestors joined forces, they would be resisted by Yang An and his four companions. Now there are only seven ancestors left. How could they be a match for Yang An and his four companions?

They even suspected that if they continued to fight, the seven of them would be in danger of dying.

This time, they were too careless after all. They underestimated the heavens and myriad worlds, and also underestimated Yang An's strength.

At this point, there is no need to continue fighting. The best way is to withdraw from the heavens and myriad worlds and return to our ancestral land on the plateau.

Their clan has a profound heritage and their ancestral land on the plateau. As long as they spend more time, they can give birth to three more ancestors.

When that time comes, they will move out in full force again and not give Yang An and others any chance.

The boundary sea rose and fell, and the plateau reappeared. The seven ancestors stepped into the plateau without any hesitation.

Seeing the seven ancestors leave, the strange creatures stood there in a daze. Even those strange immortal emperors were shocked in their hearts.

He is the ancestor, a strong man at the level of the Dao of Sacrifice, and their undefeated legend.

But this time, they failed. Even if all the ancestors came out together, they were still unable to defeat Yang Tiandi and his three companions.

Even when facing Yang Tiandi and his four companions, the ten great ancestors were always at a disadvantage and were in a state of suppression.

And just now, three invincible ancestors died at the hands of Emperor Yang Tian.

Even if they didn't want to believe what had just happened, the facts were already in front of them.

The voluntary departure of the seven ancestors has already announced the failure of their clan.

Without the seven ancestors in charge, how could the strange creatures dare to stay in the heavens and myriad worlds?
Under the leadership of these strange immortal emperors, a large number of strange creatures also withdrew from the heavens and all worlds and returned to their ancestral land on the plateau.

The strange clan disappeared, and the shattered world returned to peace again.

Seeing the ancestors returning to their ancestral land and seeing the strange clan disappear, the creatures in the heavens and all worlds finally came to their senses and they cheered to celebrate this hard-earned victory.

"The ancestor fell, the strange retreated, and the heavens and myriad worlds finally held on for once!"

"Fortunately, the four Heavenly Emperors took action. Otherwise, who could stop the ancestors from coming together?"

"I never thought that Emperor Yang Tian would have such strength to kill three weird ancestors in a row!"

As all the creatures in the heavens and myriad worlds were praising them, seeing the actions of the seven ancestors, Emperor Huang Tian immediately chased after them, followed closely by Yang An and the other two.

The four of them crossed the sea boundary and arrived outside the plateau.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, this is a rare opportunity. Should we charge into the plateau?" Emperor Huang Tian looked excited.

Yang An killed three weird ancestors in a row, which ignited his hope of completely destroying the weirdness.

Now there are only seven of the ten ancestors left. In his opinion, the strength of these three is enough to sweep away the remaining seven ancestors.

As long as all the ancestors die, the root of the weirdness will be eradicated!
After fighting against weirdness for many years and planning for eternity, he finally saw hope. How could he not be excited?

However, this result was achieved thanks to Yang An's strength and his advance planning.

Before charging into the plateau, he naturally had to listen to Yang An's advice.

After hearing Emperor Huang Tian's words, Ye Fan and the Empress looked at Yang An together. Although they did not speak, the expectation in their eyes was very obvious.

It was obvious that they shared the same idea as Emperor Huang Tian, ​​wanting to charge into the plateau in one fell swoop and sweep away all the strange ancestors.

"The plateau is not simple, and the ancestor is not the key to the weirdness!" Yang An said.

Logically speaking, the idea of ​​Emperor Huang Tian and the other two was correct. This was the opportunity to sweep away the weird ancestor.

But he who is familiar with the source of the weirdness knows that the weirdness is not that simple and the ancestor is not the key.

The real key to the weirdness is that plateau. It was the plateau that gave birth to the ten ancestors.

Although he wiped out three ancestors, as long as Gao Yuan was given enough time, he could still give birth to three new ancestors.

Moreover, Gaoyuan himself has developed consciousness, which is equivalent to a strong man above the sacrificial path.

With their abilities, they are not able to break into the plateau. Even if they use special means to break into the plateau, they are very likely to be destroyed by the plateau.

If one wants to completely get rid of the weird clan, killing as many ancestors as possible will be of no avail. Only by reaching the level of sacrifice can one overturn that plateau and completely get rid of the weird clan.

When he met Emperor Huang Tian and Ye Fan, he only told them that there were ten ancestors in the plateau, but did not tell them the truth about the plateau.

Now that all the ancestors have appeared and three more have fallen, the strange clan will be silent for a while.

The heavens and all worlds will usher in a brief period of peace, and it is also time to tell Emperor Huang Tian and others the truth about that plateau.

Hearing Yang An's words, Emperor Huang Tian seemed to take it particularly seriously. He knew very well that Yang An's understanding of the weird far exceeded his.

Back then, when he was fighting the three strange ancestors alone, he also tried to enter the plateau, but was isolated by the plateau.

He cast his gaze upon the plateau, and faintly felt the terrifying aura brewing in the plateau, which was breathtaking, as if a great terror existed there! (End of this chapter)

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