In my later years, when I attained the Holy Body, I can travel through the prehistoric world

Chapter 488: Frustrated! When did the saint become so frustrated?

Sun Wukong's thoughts became clearer and he punched forward bravely, fearlessly, his will to fight growing stronger.

The combined forces of the seven powerful men in heaven were easily broken by Sun Wukong, and they were no longer able to restrain Sun Wukong.

The fist shadow emitted a terrifying wave, which swallowed up the Immortal Emperor, one of the Four Imperial Guardians.

Without any suspense, a powerful celestial being at the level of Daluo Jinxian was reduced to ashes.

With the death of the Great Emperor Changsheng, the number of Golden Immortals who died at the hands of Sun Wukong has reached three, and the number of powerful Golden Immortals has already exceeded double digits.

However, Sun Wukong had no intention of stopping there, and the six secret realms were running frantically, and the dazzling fist shadows went towards the remaining six powerful men in heaven.

During the process of Sun Wukong's attack, his realm finally stabilized, his aura became steady, and he reached the peak level of Daluo Jinxian.

In the Heavenly Palace, seeing yet another Golden Immortal die at the hands of Sun Wukong, the Jade Emperor Haotian became even more angry.

With the promise of the Western religion, he could indeed accept the loss of only a few insignificant gods and immortals in heaven.

But now, the Heavenly Court has lost more than ten powerful men at the Golden Immortal level, and the number of powerful men at the Daluo Golden Immortal level has reached as many as three.

There are only a handful of strong men at the level of Daluo Jinxian in the Heavenly Court, and the same is true for strong men at the level of Jinxian. Both are the backbone of the Heavenly Court and the foundation of the Heavenly Court.

If Sun Wukong continues to be allowed to act recklessly, the backbone of the Heavenly Court will be completely wiped out.

A terrifying aura emerged around Jade Emperor Haotian. Watching the powerful men of Heaven fall one after another, Jade Emperor Haotian was not willing to wait any longer.

The Taoists Zhunti and Jie Yin have been keeping an eye on the movements of Sun Wukong, and have also been paying attention to the Jade Emperor Haotian.

"Haotian, please be patient, Kong Xuan will definitely stop it!" said the Taoist Jie Yin.

After seeing that Sun Wukong’s strength had been consolidated at the peak level of the Golden Immortal, and after seeing another Golden Immortal die at the hands of Sun Wukong.

He also knew that Sun Wukong was now a powerful figure and he could no longer be allowed to act recklessly.

No matter what, no matter what means, Kong Xuan must take action to suppress Sun Wukong.

Only if Kong Xuan takes action can Sun Wukong be accepted into Buddhism and the journey to the West can continue.

Although the current situation is not favorable to them, the Western Church, they can still make careful plans in the future.

If the Jade Emperor Haotian takes action, the suppression of Sun Wukong will have nothing to do with Western religions, and the Journey to the West will not be able to proceed smoothly.

Things have developed to this point. Before this, many preparations have been made and many prices have been paid. He will never allow the Journey to the West to fail, so naturally he has to stop the Jade Emperor Haotian from taking action.

While speaking, he immediately signaled to the Taoist Zhunti to contact Kong Xuan again.

"Kong Xuan, if you can suppress Sun Wukong, you will get a great fortune!" The Taoist Zhunti spoke again to Kong Xuan in the mirror.

In his words, he had put away his condescending attitude and instead analyzed the pros and cons for Kong Xuan.

In the current situation, perhaps only if Kong Xuan gets certain benefits can Kong Que take action to suppress Sun Wukong.

After the establishment of Mahayana Buddhism, Western religions were split.

He and his senior brother Jie Yin had long regarded Kong Xuan, the Buddha of Mahayana Buddhism, as a thorn in their eyes and a thorn in their flesh, and they wished to get rid of him as soon as possible.

But in the current situation, even if he was a saint, he could not control it. He could only put away his previous attitude and persuade them with kind words.

In his opinion, since he had persuaded Kong Xuan in such a humble manner and informed Kong Xuan of the pros and cons of the matter, Kong Que would definitely agree to it.

However, after hearing the words of the Taoist Zhunti, the Buddha-like Kong Xuan remained calm, and did not even raise his eyelids, and did not take the Taoist Zhunti's words to heart at all.

"If there really is some good fortune, will it be my turn?" Kong Xuan closed his eyes and ignored the Taoist Zhunti.

Just as he said, given the relationship between Mahayana Buddhism and Western religions, if there is any benefit, would Western religion give it to him?

The leader Yang An had already explained everything to him and told him that he could take action to suppress Sun Wukong.

But if they want him to take action, the Heavenly Court and the Western Church will definitely have to pay a price.

The so-called fate mentioned by the Taoist Zhunti wanted him to help. The Taoist Zhunti really had a good idea.

Long before, Yang An had already thought of a countermeasure for him.

Only when the Heavenly Court and the Western Religion make a commitment and give up real benefits, will he take action to suppress Sun Wukong.

Otherwise, no matter how wonderful the Taoist Zhunti's words were and how tempting the conditions he promised were, he would not agree to them.

In the current situation, even if it is delayed any further, it will be the Heavenly Court that suffers the loss, so he is not anxious at all.

Moreover, the Jade Emperor Haotian cherishes his wings very much, and he would never accept such a loss of the immortals and gods in heaven.

As long as he could delay a little longer, he was sure that the Western Church would not dare to refuse even the most unacceptable conditions he offered.

Seeing Kong Xuan's attitude of not caring about the matter, Jade Emperor Haotian looked distressed and the anger in his heart was almost uncontrollable.

If things drag on like this, the gods in heaven who are fighting against Sun Wukong will be put in complete danger, and may even all die at the hands of Sun Wukong.

As for the Western Taoists Zhunti and Jie Yin, they were once again stunned where they were. They had never expected Kong Xuan to answer like this or to have such an attitude.

Especially the Taoist Zhunti who contacted Kong Xuan. As one of the only six saints in the world, he had already explained the pros and cons of this matter to Kong Xuan in such a humble manner, but still did not let Kong Xuan take action.

In his opinion, suppressing Sun Wukong was a great fortune, and it was an even greater good thing for Kong Xuan. Kong Xuan had no reason to refuse.

At this point, he has already realized that Kong Xuan must have been well prepared for this.

The fortune brought by suppressing Sun Wukong would not satisfy Kong Xuan at all. The benefits and fortune Kong Xuan wanted were far more than they imagined.

But in this situation, they don't want to give up their interests again at all. If they continue to give up their interests.

So even if the Journey to the West is carried out smoothly, after the catastrophe of the Journey to the West is over, the rise of Western religions will inevitably be very limited.

But seeing Kong Xuan who had his eyes closed in meditation the whole time, the Taoists Zhunti and Jie Yin had no other suitable methods. The two masters looked at each other and once again fell into a decision.

At the same time, Sun Wukong, whose cultivation had already been consolidated, did not stop his actions because of the thoughts of the Taoists Zhunti and Jie Yin.

He frantically activated the "Beginningless Sutra", and the six secret realms in his body operated frantically, continuously providing him with terrifying power.

Sun Wukong attacked repeatedly and threw out fists continuously. Even though the six gods in heaven used all kinds of methods, they were no match for Sun Wukong.

After several punches, two more Golden Immortal Peak Five Elders were annihilated and died under Sun Wukong's punches. After Sun Wukong's multiple attacks, two Golden Immortal Peak Four Imperial Guardians and three Golden Immortal Peak Five Elders had already died.

And now, Sun Wukong's target is once again set on Emperor Gou Chen, one of the Four Imperial Gods.

This time, he wanted to fight to his heart's content and make all the Daluo Jinxian and Jinxian in the Heavenly Palace disappear.

Watching the two Five Elders fall again and seeing Sun Wukong turning his gaze towards Emperor Gou Chen, Jade Emperor Haotian could no longer hold back his anger.

"What are you waiting for? You really want to make us have no one to use in heaven!
Since you guys won’t take action, then I, the Lord of Heaven, will take action!” Jade Emperor Haotian shouted.

Seeing several powerful men from Heaven fall, his heart was bleeding.

That was the savings of the Heavenly Palace over the years, the fortune that the Heavenly Palace had accumulated with great difficulty. But now, because of the delay of the Western religion and the failure of the Western religion's plan, it fell in vain at the hands of Sun Wukong.

At this point, how could he care about the plan of Journey to the West, the future promises of Western religions, or the threats of Western religions?

If the current situation is not stopped, the Heavenly Palace will really become a decoration, and he, the Lord of Heaven, will really be left with no one to use his subordinates.

At this moment, he didn't care about any plan. He only had one thought in his mind, which was to kill Sun Wukong and let Sun Wukong pay for the lives of those immortals and gods in heaven.

While he was thinking, a terrifying aura burst out and surged in all directions.

In the present great world, saints are not allowed to enter, and Yang An, who is comparable to a saint, is also restricted in the Fire Cloud Cave.

In this situation, his strength is enough to be called the number one person in the prehistoric world.

If he wanted to, at the moment when the havoc in heaven began, he only needed a thought to turn Sun Wukong into ashes.

However, just when he was about to kill Sun Wukong, he found that his plan was interrupted by others again.

The Jade Emperor Haotian was furious. He knew who was trying to stop him, and turned to look at the Taoist Zhunti and the Taoist Jie Yin.

"Don't worry, Haotian. Junior Brother Zhunti and I will let Kong Xuan do it!" Taoist Jie Yin sighed.

If the Jade Emperor Haotian really takes action, then the Journey to the West will be completely impossible to carry out, and all previous plans will be left behind.

Things have come to this point, even if he is extremely reluctant, he has no choice but to make a decision.

He and his junior brother Zhunti had already made a plan in mind. As long as Kong Xuan's request was not too excessive, they would agree to Kong Xuan's request.

At the same time, Taoist Zhunti, who had already finished discussing with Brother Jie Yin, contacted Kong Xuan again.

"Kong Xuan, what do you want to do to suppress Sun Wukong!" said the Taoist Zhunti.

He and Brother Jie Yin both guessed Kong Xuan's purpose, which was simply to give up more interests in order to gain the West.

Although he was extremely reluctant in his heart, the initiative was now always in Kong Xuan's hands.

If Sun Wukong is allowed to continue killing like this, the losses of Heaven will inevitably increase further, and they will not be able to stop Jade Emperor Haotian.

Moreover, due to the huge losses incurred by the Heavenly Court, it is very likely that the Jade Emperor Haotian will be pushed to the opposite side of Western religion.

At this point, he and Senior Brother Jie Yin have made up their minds that as long as Kong Xuan's request is not excessive, they will agree to it.

After hearing the words of Taoist Zhunti, Kong Xuan, who had been meditating with his eyes closed, finally opened his eyes.

"This matter is simple. As long as the Journey to the West is under my control, I will naturally take action to suppress Sun Wukong!" Kong Xuan said.

This was the moment he had been waiting for. This was the plan he had prepared long ago, and it was the condition Yang An had already explained.

Everything that happened today was within Yang An's calculations. Long before, Yang An had told him that the two saints of the Western Church would ask him to take action.

When the Western Church takes the initiative to ask him to take action, he will put forward this condition.

He was originally a little skeptical as to whether the two saints of the Western religion would take the initiative to ask him for help and whether they would agree to his conditions.

After all, if the Journey to the West were to be controlled by Mahayana Buddhism, it would not be a good thing for Western religions.

But in the current situation, he knew that no matter how harsh the conditions were, the two saints of the Western religion would definitely compromise.

Otherwise, the Jade Emperor Haotian in Heaven would not let it go.

At this moment, he admired the leader Yang An even more. Although he was in the Fire Cloud Cave, he was able to make plans.

The two saints of Heaven and Western religion were fooled around, and everything that developed was within Yang An's expectations.

While thinking, Kong Xuan closed his eyes again without waiting for the Taoist Zhunti to answer.

After hearing Kong Xuan's words, Zhunti Taoist had only one thought in his mind, that is, it is absolutely impossible.

Kong Xuan's condition was to thoroughly undermine the foundation of Western religion and make it give up most of the fortune of this catastrophe.

According to their original plan, although the people who suppressed Sun Wukong were Ksitigarbha and Maitreya who had already entered Mahayana Buddhism, they were essentially disciples of Western religion.

Most of the gains from the future catastrophe will fall on the shoulders of Western religions.

And if Kong Xuan's conditions were agreed to, it would mean that the Journey to the West would be controlled by Kong Xuan, and most of the fortune in the future catastrophe would fall on the shoulders of Mahayana Buddhism.

Even if the Western Church gets a share of the profits, it is only a very small portion, not even as much as the Heavenly Palace after the deification.

They originally wanted to use this catastrophe to allow the West to achieve real prosperity, but if the result is like this, how can they accept it?
This is a complete division between Mahayana Buddhism and Western religions, and an action that truly shakes the foundation of Western religions.

He subconsciously wanted to refuse, but found that Brother Jie Yin, who also had a sad face, nodded silently.

The Taoist Jie Yin did not want to agree to Kong Xuan's conditions, but given the current situation, they had no choice but to agree to Kong Xuan.

If he refuses again, there will be no possibility of Sun Wukong being stopped, and Jade Emperor Haotian will definitely not agree.

They have delayed for too long, and too many gods and immortals in heaven have fallen at the hands of Sun Wukong. If the Jade Emperor Haotian cannot see a solution, there is no reason for him to agree to this matter.

What they need to do now is to stop the Jade Emperor Haotian from taking any action and ensure that the Journey to the West goes smoothly.

As for the future direction of Journey to the West and who will control it, we can only make plans in the future.

Moreover, they have other plans and there may be opportunities in the future.

Seeing the nod of the Jie Yin Taoist, Zhunti Taoist also understood that this was the only way to deal with today's matter. Then, he contacted Kong Xuan again. (End of this chapter)

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