Chapter 1 The Curtain Opens
Outside Chang'an City, Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty led all the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty to personally escort Tang Sanzang ten miles outside the city before stopping. It can be said that they gave Tang Sanzang all the face, or that he gave all the face of the Buddhism behind Tang Sanzang!

Li Shimin held a glass of plain wine and looked at Tang Sanzang earnestly and said: "It has been a long time since I left, and the mountains are far away and the road is far away. My brother can enter this wine. I would rather love my hometown for a piece of soil than a foreign land with ten thousand taels of gold." .”

"Thank you, your majesty. Sanzang will definitely remember your majesty's teachings and do his best to retrieve the true scriptures from the Great Thunder Sound Temple in the West to save all sentient beings and promote our Tathagata Dharma." Although Tang Sanzang's words were soft, they carried the meaning of ten thousand deaths. Unrepentant determination.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for your return in Chang'an!"

On the southwest side of Chang'an City, close to the city wall, an unknown seven-story tower-like pavilion stands quietly in a corner.

On the top floor of the tower, a young man with a tall and slender figure, wearing a warm-colored jade pendant around his waist, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, with elegant features but an indifferent expression, stood on the edge of the window sill with his hands behind his hands, looking at the scene in the distance where Li Shimin bid farewell to Tang Sanzang. .

The tower is dozens of miles away from the place where Li Shimin bid farewell to Tang Sanzang. If he were an ordinary person in the young man's previous life, it would be difficult to see clearly even with a telescope. But the young man standing in front of the window now is not an ordinary person, and this world does not belong to him. previous life.

In fact, it is not only the young people who are watching this scene. In addition to the young people, there are immortals and gods in the three realms of heaven, the Great Thunder Sound Temple of the West, the earthly immortal world, and the underworld, observing the opening of this scene in their own way. .

It wasn't until he saw Tang Sanzang disappearing from sight and Li Shimin and his party began to return to Chang'an that the young man breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally gone." Yun Tianqing sighed softly, and his tense expression that had been tense for half a year finally relaxed a little.The Journey to the West is about to begin. In the past six months, countless immortals, gods, and supernatural beings have either descended to Chang'an in their incarnations, or cast their sights on Chang'an from thousands of miles away, hoping to see the beginning of the Journey to the West. .To put it bluntly during this period, any beggar you encounter while walking on the street may be the incarnation of some immortal god!
Especially when Yun Tianqing is still a time traveler, no one knows how much pressure he has been under in the past six months, let alone knowing that this world is not the same as the world in his memory, the pressure he has endured has become even greater. , and he has not even stepped out of this tower more than ten times in the past six months.

When he traveled to this world six months ago and discovered that he also had an auxiliary system, he once thought that he was about to reach the pinnacle of his life.Until he found out that the country he was in was called the Tang Dynasty, and when he heard the words Dongsheng Shenzhou, Xiniuhezhou, Nanfanbuzhou, and Beiju Luzhou, his heart froze.

And when he saw various formations shining in the sky above Chang'an City, countless magic formations were flowing and converging. There were various strange beasts pulling carts in Chang'an City. It seemed to him that a huge boulder of one or two hundred kilograms had been pulled by five or six years old. After the child threw it easily, his heart was completely cold!

This world is the ancient Tang Dynasty that he knows, with standard characters, places and events such as heaven, underworld, four continents, Li Shimin, Tang Sanzang, and Zhanjinghe Dragon King.

But this world is not the Tang Dynasty he knows. The Tang Dynasty in this world has 360 five states. Each state is divided into 24 counties, and each county is divided into [-] counties. Among them, there are The imperial capital of Chang'an is the most special, with only one capital city being the only state.Beyond the states, counties, and counties, there were vast, uninhabited areas that formed the boundaries of the Tang Empire.These territories together formed the vast Tang Empire, and such a huge Tang Empire only occupied about one-fifth of the entire Nanfang continent. The rest was made up of other small kingdoms and major cultivators. Occupied by the sect.

Comparable to the area of ​​the entire Nanfang continent, there are still three major continents: Dongsheng Shenzhou, Xiniu Hezhou, and Beiju Luzhou. Beyond the four major continents, they are surrounded by the vast four seas.These four continents and four seas together form the Earth Immortal Realm, one of the three realms in the center of the ancient world. The other two realms are the Heaven Realm and the Underworld where Heaven and Underworld are located.

Outside the three realms at the center of the prehistoric world, there are countless smaller and middle thousand worlds surrounding it.These large and small worlds and the three central realms of the prehistoric world together form this incomparably majestic prehistoric world!
In this ancient and vast world, there are six saints who live high in the sky and the chaotic sky, there is the heaven in the middle that monitors the three realms and the six realms, and there is the emperor who governs the world and leads the war!And it just so happens that the Journey to the West is approaching, and Buddhism and Taoism are competing!In such a stimulating environment, even if Yun Tianqing obtained the system, he felt like he was going to feel cold!It's not that he looks down on himself, but he really feels that even if he has the system, he may not be able to defeat the legendary saint in the future!
So during the six months since he traveled back in time, he didn't even dare to take the initiative. He concentrated on studying the functions of his system and making preparations silently.Apart from that, he neither wanted nor dared to do any unnecessary things.

Especially during the six months he spent quietly, he became even more certain of one thing: Journey to the West was just a game planned by the gods and Buddhas in the sky!
Do you really think that a Jinghe Dragon King can intimidate and hunt down Li Shimin?
Although the Dragon King of Jinghe River is powerful, he has reached the realm of true immortals in just a thousand years of cultivation. With the blessing of the Lord of Jinghe River, even Xuanxian can fight within the Jinghe River!
But so what, even the monsters in the Xuanxian Realm were captured and hunted by the Tang army in formation.

As for dragging Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty into the underworld to threaten him, I'm afraid it's not a joke!

Although after the Great Shang became a god, the Human Emperor was demoted to the Son of Heaven and lost the same status as the Emperor of Heaven.But within the Tang Dynasty, especially in the imperial capital of Chang'an, Li Shimin's national destiny dragon energy was added to him. Although his cultivation was restricted by the national destiny, the huge national destiny dragon energy was enough to suppress all immortals, gods, demons and monsters below those with great supernatural powers. !Even if someone with great supernatural powers took action against Li Shimin regardless of his appearance, the sages of the human race in the ancestral land of the human race and the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors in the Fire Cloud Cave were not vegetarians!

The fact that Li Shimin, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, was dragged down to the underworld for committing too many sins was just news released by Buddhism to confuse the common people, but Li Shimin acquiesced and did not refute it.If I really want to drag Li Shimin to visit the underworld, I'm afraid it won't be possible without the help of Yama from the Tenth Palace.And if Yama of the Tenth Palace takes action, the sages of the human race, the Three Sovereigns and the Five Emperors may also have to move and relax their muscles and bones.

The so-called Journey to the West is nothing more than an exchange of interests from beginning to end.

The West wants Buddhism to flourish;

The human race wants to increase their luck;

Heaven wants some of the merit;

(End of this chapter)

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