Chapter 10 Movie Peripherals
The screening of "Westward Journey: The Marriage of the Monkey King" has ended, but the audience of more than [-] people was silent at the moment. Only the low sobs accompanied the ending song of "The Love of a Lifetime".

It wasn't until Yun Tianqing came out that everyone seemed to suddenly react and spray at Yun Tianqing.

"Why? Why do you treat the Supreme Treasure like this? Why don't you let him live peacefully with Bai Jingjing and Fairy Zixia? Why does he bring a diamond circle to get scriptures? !!"

"The Supreme Treasure obviously doesn't want to wear the diamond ring, so why must he wear the diamond ring? If he doesn't want to be the Monkey King, the Monkey King, why can't he just be the Supreme Treasure of the Five Mountains?!!"

"Give me Zixia Fairy back! Ooooh, my Zixia Fairy died so miserably!"

"I request that the ending be changed to one where the Supreme Treasure and Fairy Zixia are together!"

"That's right, the ending must be changed, to the ending where Supreme Treasure and Bai Jingjing are together!"

"No, Supreme Treasure must be with Fairy Zixia!"

"Fart, the Supreme Treasure must be with Bai Jingjing!"

"Don't say anything, Supreme Treasure, Fairy Zixia and Bai Jingjing are together!"

The crowd was so excited that Yun Tianqing was almost drowned out by the combined voices of more than [-] viewers.

"Quiet, quiet!" Thanks to the powerful amplification instrument made by Baigongmen, Yun Tianqing really couldn't suppress the voices of more than [-] people.

"Everyone, please listen to what I have to say. First of all, the first and second parts of "Westward Journey" have been completed. It is impossible to change the ending by changing the ending. After all, I didn't take the photos, they were just shown in Qimeng Pavilion."

"I will also tell the director about your love for "Westward Journey". What is a director? Oh, he is the person who filmed "Westward Journey". Maybe the director will make a different one after seeing your love. The ending will reward everyone. Of course, it is only possible. Whether or not it should be filmed or not depends on the director’s opinion, and this matter is not something I can control.”

"How to express your love depends on your performance. Currently, two-in-one photo slips of "Westward Journey" are available for sale. In addition to "Westward Journey" photo slips, there are also "Westward Journey" photo slips. The theme song is a single with jade slips, as well as a series of peripherals with the same style as the Supreme Treasure, such as the King Kong ring with the same style as the Supreme Treasure, the golden hoop stick with the same style with the Supreme Treasure, and so on.

In addition to the same model of the Supreme Treasure, there are also the same model of Zixia Fairy's silver wrist bell, purple green sword and other peripherals. If you like it, you can take a look and buy one or two as a souvenir for your collection.The quantity is limited, first come first served, while supplies last. If you want to buy more, you have to wait another month! "

While Yun Tianqing was introducing, the giant illusion screen in the void also displayed the pieces of "Westward Journey" photo peripherals.For example, the peripheral "King Kong Circle" named "King Kong Circle" was carefully customized and made by the Chenjiacun blacksmith whom Tang Sanzang met in the play. It is actually produced by the Baigongmen assembly line.

This "Vajra Circle" is really like the one worn by the Supreme Treasure in the photo. Once it feels that the owner is moved by the mortal mind, it will begin to shrink.It seems incredible, but this is the ancient times, and it is just a small operation.A formation that can identify the master's mood fluctuations is engraved on the imitation "King Kong Circle", and then coupled with a formation that automatically shrinks its size, a "King Kong Circle" of the same style as the Supreme Treasure is produced.

Of course, the "King Kong Circle" of the same model of the Supreme Treasure is far from the original version. For example, as long as the person wearing this "King Kong Circle" knows a few spells to block the mind's perception, then the "King Kong Circle" can block the identification of the owner. Formation perception of mood fluctuations.Moreover, the size that this diamond circle can shrink is also limited, and it will not shrink to death.

The most important thing is that it can be picked off, and the quality is not very good. Probably any ordinary practitioner can break it with bare hands.Generally speaking, it has all the functions that the "King Kong Circle" of the same model of Zhizunbao should have, but every function is far inferior to the original version.

Similarly, there is the "Purple Green Sword" of the same model as Zixia Fairy. As long as the person holding this "Purple Green Sword" strongly thinks about liking someone, then the other person can pull out this "Purple Green Sword". Sword".

To put it bluntly, whether it is the "King Kong Circle" of the same style as the Supreme Treasure, or the "Purple Green Sword" of the same style as Zixia Fairy, the same mental perception array is engraved on it. As long as you can identify and perceive strong like and love This kind of emotion will contract and relax.

From this aspect, the diamond circle and the purple-green sword are really two treasures that go well together.

"In addition to the "Westward Journey" series, we also have a newly launched legendary serial novel - "The Greatest Demon God in History", which will take you into the forest wilderness of the great demon who first became a god and then became a demon, overwhelming all his opponents. A legendary life!
And the same legendary serial novel - "Seeking the Demon", 3000 years before the demon, looking back on the mortal world, not as an immortal, but only for the fate of her palm!

Seeking is a way, it is destined to be tortuous and desolate; the devil is an attitude, it is destined to be cold and persistent; seeking the devil is a life in the dark night!And this is also Su Ming's life!
In addition to novels, we have also invited poets from all walks of life to contribute, and the final selection is "The Record of Poems and Poems of the Years", which contains various types of poems and prose handed down from ancient times for you to enjoy. "

In order to expand the influence of Qimeng Pavilion, Yun Tianqing not only launched the peripheral products of "Westward Journey" which has just been screened, but also serialized two carefully selected novels "The Greatest Demon in History" and "Seeking Demons", as well as " "The Poems of Time".

"The Greatest Demon God in History" is a novel that Yun Tianqing read early in his previous life. In the novel, Lin Huang determinedly became a god in the first half of his life, and became a demon without regret in the second half of his life.The kind of pure seeker in the book who hears the Tao in the morning and is ready to die at night should be very in line with the taste of ancient monks.

"Seeking the Demon" is also a novel that Yun Tianqing read early in his previous life. Su Ming's lingering sense of vicissitudes, sadness and fate in the novel must have touched the hearts of the monks in the ancient times.

The most important thing is that Yun Tianqing chose to publish these two novels in serial form.For no other reason than to intrigue readers.It is updated once a week, and each update contains twenty novel chapters.It is almost equivalent to saving up two updates every day in the previous life, and then saving enough for a week and then updating them all.

At the beginning, Yun Tianqing actually wanted to make a magic weapon that could enable online reading of novels and the like, but how should I put it?There are many ways to record the text and picture content of novels, but if you want to be able to see serialized and updated novels at the same time, you need a magic weapon similar to the son-mother magic weapon. When the novel on the mother magic weapon is updated, The novels on the sub-magic weapon are also updated simultaneously.

For this type of magic weapon, Yun Tianqing got a definite answer after consulting the reliable tool sect, ah, the Baigong sect. Although there were few, there were some.The problem is that there are very few such magic weapons and they are expensive to build. The most important thing is to achieve what Yun Tianqing wants, a multi-child magic weapon that supports hundreds of millions of users. Even Baigongmen, according to rumors, may be The sect that teaches Yun Zhongzi's orthodoxy cannot be established either.

So in the end, Yun Tianqing could only put it on hold for the time being and release the paper version first.

(End of this chapter)

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