Chapter 100 Gifts
Xu was aware of Yun Tianqing's gaze, and Fairy Haitang, who was wearing the Zixia Fairy mask, turned around and saw Yun Tianqing.He immediately took out a few five-baht coins to pay, and then walked over with the mask of Supreme Treasure.


Yun Tianqing took it and put on the Supreme Treasure's mask.The two of them were like ordinary mortals, wearing masks, walking through the streets and alleys, and unknowingly wandered to Qujiang Pond.

A number of lantern boats are dragging on the Qujiang River. From time to time, a talented person rises into the sky, and then composes a masterpiece, and then the oiran sings and spreads the lyrics to all directions. The onlookers applaud loudly from time to time. .

The two of them just watched quietly and listened quietly to the conversations of the people around them:

“I wonder which young man will pick the first word for New Year’s Eve this year?”

"I heard that the winner of this year's New Year's Eve speech competition will be favored by the Twelve Flower Immortals, and even receive treasures from the Immortals! This is eye-catching."

"I think it should be Li Taibai and Li Jiajia. When it comes to poetry, Li Jiajia is unparalleled! It's no lie that the poetry of Chang'an is overwhelming. The poems he wrote are bold and unrestrained, fresh and elegant, and the artistic conception is wonderful and extraordinary. At least he is well-deserved to be called the Poet Immortal! "

"No way. Could it be that even the older generation of great Confucians can't suppress that Li Taibai in terms of poetry?"

"How do you think Mr. Li's name as the Immortal of Poetry came from? It was a series of poem battles with eighteen Hanlin Academy scholars in Chang'an, without losing any of them. In the end, everyone was convinced and respected Mr. Li as the Immortal of Poetry!"

The people eating melons nearby talked about Li Bai, and their words were full of praise.

"Who is Li Bai?"

Fairy Haitang turned around and asked curiously. She didn't care much about poetry.

"Li Bai? He is probably the most immortal poet of all time. Wenquxingjun from Heaven comes down to earth. You have to compete with him to know if you can beat him in poetry."

Yun Tianqing said with a smile, because Li Bai was responsible for reviewing and selecting poems submitted from all over the Tang Dynasty and deciding which poems were eligible to be selected into the "Record of Poems and Poems of the Years".As a result, many people were unconvinced by Li Bai, thinking that he did not have the ability to review the works of other poets.At that time, Yun Tianqing was in retreat for nirvana, so he didn't know about the matter and naturally couldn't give any advice on how to deal with it.

And Li Bai was also young and vigorous. Although he was usually modest, he still had many shortcomings.But when someone pointed his nose at him and scolded him for his shallow knowledge, limited talent, and lack of culture, he also became angry.

So he set up an arena directly at the entrance of the Imperial College, and asked the Imperial College officials to compete in poetry competitions by name!Yes, most of the people who scolded him were scholars from the Imperial College.

At first, everyone thought it was a joke.However, three days later, Li Bai's poetry arena was still blocked in front of the gate of the Imperial College. The faces of all the students in the Imperial College were already ugly, because none of their students could beat Li Bai in poetry.Seven days later, the faces of all the masters in the Imperial College were very ugly, because they personally competed with Li Bai in poetry, and in the end, no one could beat Li Bai in poetry.

In the end, even Fang Zhixing, one of the three great scholars in the Imperial Academy, lost in person!
Now the Imperial Academy really couldn't stand it. At the same time, after hearing about this incident, the great scholars from other private academies in Chang'an couldn't help but come over to see what was going on. By the way, they could see if they could surpass Li Bai in terms of poetry. Maybe this would help him. Can he abduct this Confucian and Taoist genius back to his academy.

After all, because the Imperial College held the title of the highest academic institution in the Tang Dynasty, many Confucian and Taoist students only regarded the Imperial College and not other academies.

This makes other academies very sad. Although Confucianism and Taoism are one family, they are also divided into various branches. If you have more students from your branch, then naturally there will be fewer students from my branch.It's a very simple truth, so they all planned to take the opportunity to come over and suppress the Imperial College, and at the same time make their own academy famous.

However, the student did not turn him around, and instead he became Li Bai's stepping stone and achieved Li Bai's reputation.

In the end, even eight of the unparalleled Hanlin scholars in the Hanlin Academy came out and wanted to discuss things with Li Bai.But it was all in vain, one after another, all 18 great scholars lost to Li Bai in poetry!
At this point, other places in the Tang Dynasty dare not say it, but in Chang'an City, everyone is convinced of Li Bai's attainments in poetry!

This is why everyone thinks that tonight’s New Year’s Eve poem will begin with Li Bai.

Hearing Yun Tianqing's introduction to Li Bai, Fairy Haitang's eyes flickered and she didn't know what she was thinking.

At the same time, in the center of Qujiang, a brilliant brilliance suddenly rose into the sky and covered Chang'an.Wenquxing even generated visions, echoing each other from afar. The oirans on the 48 lantern boats sang Li Bai's latest masterpiece at the same time.

The first word for New Year’s Eve is almost a given!
Fairy Haitang suddenly asked: "What is the name of your previous poem?"

"What's the name of the brand?" Yun Tianqing didn't react for a moment.

"Suddenly looking back, that person is there, where the lights are dim."

Fairy Haitang's cheeks were slightly red, and she whispered the last words Yun Tianqing said before.

Although Yun Tianqing's chanting voice was very soft and the surroundings were very noisy, at that time the two were only ten steps away, and Fairy Haitang was a profound immortal, so there was no difference between Yun Tianqing and being chanting in Fairy Haitang's ears.

Yun Tianqing was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that Fairy Haitang was talking about the song "The Sapphire Case: Yuan Xi" that he had just recited.And looking at Fairy Haitang's face, it's obvious that she thought this poem was written for her.I really want to open my mouth to explain, but I really can’t.What's more important is that no one believes the explanation of this situation now. The New Year's Eve scene tonight is no different from the New Year's Eve scene that Xin Qiji saw at that time.

And the most important thing is, "Looking back suddenly, the person is there, in the dim light." This sentence fits perfectly with the previous scene where Yun Tianqing turned around and saw Fairy Begonia. If not for this, Yun Tianqing would not have thought of this poem.Now to say that it was not written for Fairy Haitang, or that it was someone else's poem, would really be a slap in Fairy Haitang's face.

Yun Tianqing could only say sorry to Xin Qiji from the bottom of his heart, and then looked at Fairy Haitang and said the name of Ci Pai:

""The Sapphire Case·New Year's Eve"."

After hearing Yun Tianqing's reply, Fairy Haitang immediately made a trumpet shape with her hands and shouted towards the flower boats in Qujiang River:

""The Sapphire Case·New Year's Eve"——Yun Tianqing
Dongfeng night puts flowers and trees.It blows down and the stars are like rain.BMW engraved cars on the road.The phoenix flute sounded, the jade pot turned light, and the fish and dragon danced overnight.

Moth snow willow golden strands.Laughter filled with dark fragrance.People look for him thousands of Baidu.Looking back suddenly, the man was there, in a dimly lit place. "

When Yun Tianqing recited the poem "The Blue Jade Case·Yuan Xiu" before, he did not include the title of the poem, and it was not considered a complete poem, so there was no literary phenomenon.

And now Fairy Haitang sang the song "The Sapphire Case·New Year's Eve" completely. In an instant, the literary stars in the sky shined brightly, and the boundless clear light poured down. Yun Tianqing's body rose into the sky, and the entire Flowers bloomed in Chang'an, 48 oirans sang in unison, countless scholars clapped their hands and applauded, and even monks took action to make the sky above Chang'an bloom with magnificent light.

This situation and scene were instantly spread to the five states in the Tang Dynasty through the synchronized light curtain above the palace, and the whole world celebrated together!
By the Qujiang Pool, Fairy Haitang looked at the light flowing in the sky, turned to look at Yun Tianqing and smiled sweetly:
"Consider this poem the gift you promised me!"

(End of this chapter)

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