Chapter 18: Qimeng Book Alliance

As Yun Tianqing said, Chang'an was the capital of the Tang Dynasty, and there were tens of millions of people in it. This did not include the people in surrounding counties and counties. If they were all included, the number would probably not exceed tens of millions!

And how vast was the territory of the Tang Dynasty?There are 360 ​​five states in the country. One state is divided into 24 counties, and one county is divided into [-] counties. The number of people in the entire Tang Dynasty can only be summed up in hundreds of millions. .Even if only one in a thousand, no, even one in ten thousand people of the Tang Dynasty is willing to buy it, it is enough to increase the wealth of everyone here by millions of times!
Yes, those here who can become shopkeepers are not fools. They have already guessed the meaning of Yun Tianqing's words.

"Pavilion Master Yun, you might as well make it clear. I think everyone wants to know the specific meaning of Pavilion Master Su." Shopkeeper Chen took a sip of tea and suppressed the startled thoughts.

"Yes, Pavilion Master Yun, you might as well say it clearly, everyone is here, and everyone who can bear it is willing to bear a little bit."

"Yes, Pavilion Master Yun, if you have any ideas, we can all work together to figure it out."

The shopkeepers below all said.

Yun Tianqing looked at the shopkeepers, what is initiative?Interests are the initiative. When it comes to specific actual interests, it still depends on who controls the interests.

"Qimengge has no intention of wasting time on publishing books. Qimenge has mastered excellent biographical novels and other high-quality novels that will be released in the future. Although all of you here are senior booksellers, you also have mastery of them. There are many sales channels, and even the five states of Datang 360 have branches of your bookshop.

But as long as you are unable to compete with my current and subsequent biographies that are not inferior to the current ones, then even if you jointly suppress it, as long as you can't stop the steady stream of readers, you can't stop the steady flow of wealth, and you can't stop the steady flow of wealth. I can't stop businessmen who want to cooperate with me.

In the end, the worst result is that I will tear off a piece of flesh from everyone here and tear a path; at best, I will probably stand side by side with you; if it is even better, I estimate that none of you here will be able to sit with me again. Two out of ten is too much. "

The faces of all the shopkeepers were ugly. Sometimes the truth is the most hurtful.

Yun Tianqing ignored the faces of the shopkeepers and continued:

"If you want to do what I just said, it's not difficult; you need money, and the more you print, the more money you will get; the day before yesterday, all the noble descendants of the second generation of the Tang Dynasty were guests of Qimeng Pavilion.

What is missing is time, but the last thing Qimeng Pavilion wants to waste is time.

So I have invited you all to come here today because I want to ask you;
Are you interested in the various biographical novels written by Qimengge?

Not interested in the market of Datang 360 Five Prefectures?

Are you not interested in the vast and boundless market outside Datang?
If you are interested in cooperation, we can continue to chat in detail; if not, the door is over there, please. "

After a while, no one got up.

"Can you please tell me the specific method of cooperation?" Shopkeeper Huang still took the lead. Although what Yun Tianqing said was very irritating, they were really interested.

Yun Tianqing smiled and said, "It's very simple. I set up the Qimeng Book Alliance, and all the shopkeepers will join us as sales agents. Everyone here will pay a certain fee to be able to sell Qimeng Pavilion's products as agents.

Mainly divided into two points: First, I will provide you with a copy of the biography that can be printed in a certain number of copies. The price of one copy is three cents, and ten copies are free, and so on. If you baptize a copy of "The Record of Poems and Poems of the Years" for five cents, you will get one for free if you baptize ten copies of it, and so on.But your pricing in Chang'an cannot exceed my current selling price, and the highest price sold in places other than Chang'an cannot exceed three times the current sales price offered by Qimeng Pavilion!
This price is already the lowest price I can give. Don't talk about bargaining anymore. I am also a half-book seller. I know how much profit I make from publishing. You can't hide it from me or everyone here. Dear shopkeepers.

Chang'an is very big, Tang Dynasty is very big, and the entire prehistoric world is very big. It can accommodate my Qimeng Pavilion, all the shopkeepers here, and even more shopkeepers.

You can discuss it slowly here. It's still early. I will come over in the afternoon to listen to the results of your discussion. "

After saying that, Yun Tianqing bowed and left, leaving the shopkeepers talking in the private room.

"Pavilion Master Yun is a bit overbearing." Shopkeeper Chen looked a little unhappy.

"Haha, is it someone's ability to be overbearing, or do you think what they just said is wrong?" Shopkeeper Huang said with a smile, as if he didn't care.

"Judging from what Master Yun Pavilion just said, he doesn't care how the novel sells, or even how much money he makes, he just cares about whether he can promote his novel.

If this is what he, no, or the authors behind him meant, then can we poach these authors?You know, we have far more channels than just one Qimeng Pavilion!If Qimeng Pavilion's novels were sold by any of us here, the sales volume would immediately increase seven to eight times, or even more! "

The shopkeeper of the bookstore, who was sitting under shopkeeper Chen, suggested.

"Haha, I wonder if Shopkeeper Chen has contacted any of the authors who submitted their manuscripts to Qimeng Pavilion?"

Shopkeeper Huang looked at Shopkeeper Chen opposite with a smile.

"You, Shopkeeper Huang, have done this kind of thing a lot, right? I just don't know how Shopkeeper Huang has gained?"

Compared to the smiling tiger like Shopkeeper Huang, Shopkeeper Chen began to miss the Pavilion Master Yun just now.Although Pavilion Master Yun's words are very direct and annoying, the advantage is that he is straightforward. Although it is difficult to bargain, it is also easy to trade.

"I'll be honest, I haven't thought of any way to break the situation, and I'm really interested in what Pavilion Master Yun said, so I'm ready to agree to Pavilion Master Yun's opinion. If you have any different opinions or ideas, just implement them yourself. Bar."

Inexplicably, shopkeeper Chen didn't want to continue chatting with everyone. His wife was still making soup at home and waiting for him. There was also his stupid son who was clamoring every day to become a god and suppress the world. He had to go back and suppress this unfilial son. Just fine.Therefore, shopkeeper Chen simply said his answer, then closed his eyes and said nothing.

Shopkeeper Huang's originally smiling eyes opened wide at this time, staring straight at Shopkeeper Chen who had his eyes closed to rest.

The shopkeepers below also had different opinions, some agreed, some disagreed, or were silent.

Shopkeeper Huang played with the two beads in his hand, his eyes flashed with thought, and finally he said: "I also agree with Pavilion Master Yun's plan."

With Chen and Huang, the two leading bookshop shopkeepers, making the final decision, although other bookshop shopkeepers below also had other ideas, they could not compete with this trend and agreed one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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