Chapter 3
Chang'an Rumeng Poetry Club is a poetry club where female relatives of noble families in Chang'an are concentrated. Basically, the women in it are either rich or noble.Normally, a poetry meeting is held about once a month to half a month. Of course, it is called a poetry meeting, but in fact it is just a tea party among young girls. This time it happened to be another poetry meeting.

"Sister, Sister Shuwen, why are you distracted? Are you thinking about your lover?" In the pavilion of the poetry club, a woman smiled at another distracted woman, and the other women also looked over.

Cheng Shuwen came back to her senses and immediately said embarrassedly: "How can I have a sweetheart? My sister is making fun of me again.

"Oh, why is sister distracted?" Tang Ru, the woman who teased Cheng Shuwen at the beginning, continued, and several women next to her also cast curious eyes on Cheng Shuwen.

Seeing several sisters looking at her, Cheng Shuwen sheepishly took out a leaflet from her arms: "My sister received this on the street today. I was just thinking about it for a moment."

The girls gathered around and looked at the flyer in Cheng Shuwen's hand. One of them exclaimed, "I also received this today. The paintings on it are quite beautiful."

"Sister Chen also received it?" Cheng Shuwen looked at her little sister in surprise.

"Well, there are a lot of them on the street. If you just walk to a crowded place, you will see someone delivering these papers." Another woman also said.

"It seems quite interesting. How about we go take a look then?" Tang Ru suggested as she looked at the sisters.

"Okay, I happen to be quite bored recently."

Everyone agreed.

In the Imperial College, a group of distinguished disciples were either lazing around, holding their chins, or sitting on the table, looking arrogant and arrogant, but in fact they were also qualified to be arrogant.

Changsun Chong, Qin Huaiyu, Cheng Chusi, Cheng Chuliang, Cheng Chubi, Yuchi Baolin, Fang Yizhi, Du Gou, Li Yexu and other second-generation descendants of the top civil servants and generals of the Tang Dynasty all gathered here.Because of the Journey to the West, all second-generation noble children were warned by their parents not to cause trouble or go out.

Before the holy monk Tang Sanzang left Chang'an, these second-generation disciples left their homes at two o'clock every day. They were directly escorted by family soldiers and sent to the Imperial College in separate carriages. Then they came out of the Imperial College and were also taken directly to the mansion in carriages.Even the more cautious Xungui simply did not let his children go out, and directly kept the children in the house to study.

It's not that they are making a fuss, but in the previous extraordinary period, every beggar they met or kicked on the street might be the incarnation of some immortal god in the three realms.Once you accidentally offend the gods, it’s okay if you’re unlucky, but it’s worse if you harm your family!Therefore, whether it is for the safety of their children or the survival of their family, they will not let their children be exposed to such risks.

Forced to live as an ascetic for more than half a year, these noble disciples were almost driven crazy.Fortunately, the family ban was finally lifted after the holy monk Tang Sanzang left Beijing yesterday.

"It's almost suffocating me to death. If this lasts longer, I will really go crazy!" Cheng Chuliang looked like he had escaped from the disaster, but the previous days were indeed suffering for them.

"Fortunately, the holy monk is finally gone, and we don't have to tie our hands any more." Fang Yiai also breathed a sigh of relief. The past six months have not been easy for any of them. "Second brother, be careful what you say." Fang Yi glared at his brother. I wonder if the holy monk is not someone they can discuss? ! !
"Hey, let's not talk about the depressed things before. Have you had any fun recently? Or should we find some fun?" Cheng Chusi looked eager to try and cause trouble.

"Have fun? It seems that a new store is about to open in Xifang, Chang'an recently. It is said that there will be many novel and interesting things, and there will be a new projection on the opening day." Qin Huaiyu touched his chin and thought about the flyer he received today. content on.

"Is it the photo that was advertised as being related to the holy monk?" Li Yexu suddenly asked.

"Hey, have you received the flyer too?" Qin Huaiyu turned around and looked over with a surprised look on his face.Normally, Li Yexu wouldn't care about these things. It seemed that the other party was also suppressed.

But it’s normal. Most of them are teenagers in their teens. Being curious and active are normal things at this age.

Li Yexu didn't speak, but took out a leaflet from his arms.Everyone immediately gathered around and looked through the leaflet over and over.

"It looks interesting. In that case, let's go take a look in three days."

At the Chang'an Worship Hall of the Tang Dynasty, monks from various sects or free-spirited cultivators were also discussing the leaflets they had received.However, compared with other people of the Tang Dynasty, the faces of these monks were much more solemn.Just because of the word "Journey to the West" on the flyer. After all, this event is related to Tang Sanzang's journey to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures when Buddhism flourished. In general, isn't it a journey to the West? ! !
"Jin Chanzi has left Chang'an and embarked on the journey to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures. At this time, why is this person doing these things in Chang'an?"

Lin Qingwu looked at the flyer in her hand, feeling a little confused.It is said that the immortals and gods of the three realms who are interested in this journey to the west have already begun to plan and plan for the journey to the west.Even if he wants to settle in Chang'an, it should be done before Jin Chanzi leaves Chang'an.Will this happen again, will it still be useful?
"The matter of Journey to the West is not something we can interfere with, let alone anything we can interfere with. Since we have chosen to continue settling in Chang'an, we can just wait and see what happens."

Mu Yunxue's face was cautious. Those who could interfere, or dared to interfere in the Westward Journey, were all famous immortals and great supernatural powers in the three realms.Young monks like them who have just reached the Immortal Realm, let alone interfere, will probably be killed by the Vajra Arhat who appears when they are just about to get involved in the journey to the west.

However, since the other party chose to continue to settle in Chang'an, as members of the Tang Dynasty Worship Hall, they would naturally be able to see something as long as they continued to watch.

"It seems that even if Jin Chanzi leaves Chang'an, Chang'an still cannot calm down."

Ming Shijing raised his head and glanced in the direction of Qimeng Pavilion, and sighed softly.

On a street somewhere in Chang'an, an old man was lying on a rocking chair at the door. He was fanning his cattail leaf fan and muttering in a low voice: "Who is this old immortal plotting behind the scenes? Even the old man can't figure it out."

Similar discussions were held throughout Chang'an, and this leaflet was even sent to Li Shimin's desk in the Tai Chi Hall of the Imperial Palace.After all, even the Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty had to treat it with caution when it came to Jin Chanzi and Journey to the West.You must know that the last Shang Zhou, who was involved in this kind of dispute between Buddhism, Taoism and Great Religion, was already in disgrace, and the result was that he demoted the emperor to the emperor!
(End of this chapter)

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